Reviews from

in the past

I should rate this lower but Farewell, My Turnabout is just TOO good. Best case in all of PW free. Besides that, I've got a soft spot for Turnabout Big Top, mainly for how bad I felt for the true culprit. No, I don't care about the tears.

I still absolutely hated the logic behind some of the courtroom puzzles of Reunion, and Turnabout. And I can't even remember anything of worth regarding The Lost Turnabout.

this doesn't compare to the original for me, but it's still very special. the new characters are great. like many others, though, i find turnabout big top to be absolute torture to play through. that's pretty much the only downfall. other than that, i absolutely love this game.

I think this game is a little underrated, I think both case 2 and 3 are quite good, and obviously case 4 is amazing. Franziska is one of my absolute favorite prosecutors too.

objectively the worst in the series with two very infamous and straining cases. the writing isn't as up to par as it is with the others but the continuity of the main and side character storylines makes it worth it to soldier on.

a necessary evil to enhance later games

Fransizka is a cool character that debuted in a game with only one good case. At least that case was good!

franziska good the last case good moe curls kino swag based everything else sucks

case 2-4 is by far the best case in the series but man there sure isn't a whole lot else to it huh. 2-2 is fine. 2-1 is bleh. 2-3 is horrific. still gets 4 stars

Turnabout big top vs farewell my turnabout

"Hold on... I'm gonna consult myself, OK?"

You know, thinking about it, this game absolutely does have the strongest thematic through line in the original Ace Attorney trilogy. I'll just say that "Justice for All" is an interesting subtitle in light of that... with that said, oof, this game's rough in some places. The new main cast members are genuinely pretty good, but it also has the dubious honor of containing Turnabout Big Top, the one that was somehow actually improved in the anime that otherwise didn't do the game that much justice. On the other hand, Case Four rules incredibly hard and I love it. So yeah, despite everything, this game's great.

Not as good as the first one. Only one case was fun.

2-4 is the saving grace of this game and makes this a 4 star

I don't view this as a step down from the first game in the series, but rather nothing really advances from here. While I love the new cast members, the cases in this game just aren't too interesting to me, even in the finale case. I just wish the game had more going on. It feels like it was playing a bit safe before going wild in the next game.

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the big top case was incredible you just dont know anything about the circus

Justice for All is one half a bad continuous slog, a quarter decent legitimately ok story writing, and a last quarter that's just entirely amazing. It's a mixed sequel to the first game to say the least, it keeps most of the charm of the first game although a considerably weaker soundtrack at the same time. It keeps up character writing and introduces a couple mainstay characters that are fine and then one really irritating and excruciatingly underwritten character that takes up way too much screentime.

The casewriting is pretty much the same, with two cases that are bad with trash characters and a complete waste of time both in a writing sense and a structural sense, but also contains easily the best case I've read so far from this series by a very very significant margin that not only characterizes the personalities of the people involved but also has such an excellent motive, logical reasoning for how the case happened, and fantastic thematic storytelling. Had it not been for the rest of the game, I honestly would have called AA2 really good. Unfortunately the poor sides of the game manage to be lower than the first game and it's hard to look at this game as a cohesive whole.

That being said, it did manage to keep my attention and interest a little bit more than the first game, and I think the highs equalize with the lows to where I can say AA2 is still alright and worth reading alongside the first, maybe even a pinch more. It's a sidestep forward instead of a genuinely competent sequel, but I had my fun where I could. (6.5/10)

A game stabilized by its "pretty good" second case, and saved by its utterly phenomenal finale. An atrocious tutorial case, a deeply irritating third case, and a now-unimpressive overall runtime cannot sink Justice for All, because it goes out on what is quite possibly the highest note the franchise has ever seen. Truly, an AA game is made or broken on the back of its final case, and JFA got made.

Not a scratch on 1 or 3 but the highs are very high.

a game that screams to be called slightly above average

So good if only for the final case. Just wow. The characters are advanced in meaningful ways and Pearl and Franziska and great additions. Great games

has one good case but it's also one of the best cases in the series and carries the entire game. wild

Features some lengthy cases that are pretty meh, but also case 4 is pretty great.

are yall ever gonna be ready for the fact that this is the best game in the series? i legitimately don't want to bother explaining why because it'd evolve into an essay and i want to leverage my clout instead. all i'll say is that 2-4 does not happen in a vacuum, and there's a reason that it's widely considered the best case in the series. the narrative builds up to it and has thematic consistency that makes its payoff work. believe me when i say that this game is the peak of the series.

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moe is so cool

one really, really good case

and the rest are kinda yeah.

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la mecanica de los psicocandandos me gusto mucho y me gusto ese twist del final pero es un tanto olvidable comparado con el primero y los que le siguieron

The sequel to one of the most iconic games is quite controversial - but I maintain that it is worthy. Justice For All is a solid sequel that builds the world and the themes from the original game. What is justice? What happens when good people, do bad things? What is the role of an attorney? Justice For All soundly tackles those questions. While it does have a few misses - Turnabout Big Top is infamous for being garbage - Justice For All is no slouch, and a fantastic sequel.

The circus ain’t that bad

My Favourite of the Trilogy with a few standout cases. More dud cases than other titles but the winning cases REALLY win.