Reviews from

in the past

I like pokemon mostly because I grew up with it but this game is genuinely really good

vastly improves on the flaws of the prior gen 5 titles while maintaining the same strengths. could be seen as top tier pokemon to some

All I remember is Magnemite hard carrying because Electric/Steel shit on most of the gyms.

Just as good as B/W, and better in some aspects.

I got bored of it (maybe it's unfair to say that since I was a child last time I played but like I'm pretty sure I'm not playing this one again)

Disappointing follow-up to the best Pokemon game of the DS era.

The fact that I can't rate this game a zero is upsetting. This is the third worst Pokemon game I have ever played. I'm often told that Pokemon isn't an RPG, and I'm sorry little Timmy, but you're a god damned idiot. This game is an RPG, and is by far the dumbest Pokemon plot ever conceived, which is saying a lot when you consider this franchise is developed both by and for literal fetuses, like myself. The fact that it feels like I am a side character in a plot about a Sasuke rip-off voiced by Goku trying to find his sister's stolen cat from a fascist para-military organization is absolutely ridiculous. Why am I even going to the gyms, what's the point, it's Hugh that takes center stage at every god damned opportunity and that's just really fucking obnoxious. I hate him, I hate his character, and I hate this plot. The gameplay is nothing new, it's fucking Pokemon, I don't get how the gameplay of this game is any better than BW1 which was pretty much the exact same in regards to combat. It's Pokemon, it's just unfortunate that I have an unhealthy obsession with this one's nonsensical plot, otherwise it'd be the most forgettable Pokemon game I've ever played.

Best Pokemon game. There's the great plot of the previous game continued in an interesting new direction while introducing the Pokémon World Tournament, which is my favorite post game content in the series. Iris is the best champion and the only time I've lost the champion battle in the series. My biggest complain is accessing hard/easy mode is so difficult but other than that it's near flawless.

I think it’s evident from the endless arguments in the Pokémon community that, for most people, their first Pokémon game is their favorite. I would say Pokemon White 2 technically was that for me (my brother and I played Pokémon Black together all the time but White 2 was the first Pokémon game I owned), and it remains my favorite vanilla Pokémon experience. Admittedly it’s story falls a little short of the bar set by Black and White, but White 2 has possibly the most vast array of post-game content next to Platinum. I always found completing the White Treehollow and locating Legendary Pokémon to be really enjoyable in White 2, and the PWT was a really cool way to call back to old gym leaders and elite 4 members. Combine a great main game, a great post-game, fantastic 2D presentation, and one of the best soundtracks Pokémon has to offer, and you’ll have Pokémon Black and White 2.

I love this game, sure the story may not be as good as the original black & white but it's bursting with charm, great music & visuals for the system, fixed the iffy gameplay quirks of the first game (like the linear world progression), jam PACKED with content during and post adventure it's about all I could ask for in a pokemon game and sadly in my opinion it's the last great game before the series sunk to mediocre, water-downed rpgs with the jump to 3D with X and Y but at least they went out with a bang and hopefully some day Gamefreak will as care much as the DS era of pokemon again and then I'll welcome back the series with open arms but until then.

Imagine Pokemon Black & White but better in every way imaginable.
That's Pokemon Black & White 2.

considered docking half a star for the name alone

Peak Pokemon. Take that however you please but I will not argue with anyone else on that matter

(this review is also applicable to Pokemon Black 2)

I feel that Black and White 1 had a more enjoyable story, but this game is chock full of more content. Gameplay wise, it's the best Pokemon has ever been.

Feels like a downgrade from White but idk why

Pokemon peaked here and will never return to glory like this again. You cannot change my mind.

I really have to wonder what you're after out of the franchise if this isn't one of your favourites. For me this hits every single note of what I want out of a JRPG and more specifically a Pokemon game. Incredible team variety, the level curve on challenge mode is the series best (just so annoying how it's accessed when you aren't playing on a ROM), enjoyable characters and a memorable region.

Arguably the best game in Pokémon series. Within the conservative context of a franchise like Pókemon, Black and White 2 keeps the narrative emphasis of its predecessor and decrease the chatty heavinnes of these. Even lossing the freshness of the firts Black and White completely new Pokédex, now travelling Teselia feels much more interesting than before. All of that come along with tiny/great details such as the best GYMs and Dungeons in the series or its charming art direction - especially its sound-.

Only a Pókemon game BTW. Keep Calm.

The best the series ever got and the best it ever will get, sadly.

Pokemon Black and White 2 really does show that Game Freak can just keeping adding on to Pokemon games, but still hold the same tired and true method of catching them all. While the story isn’t up to par with the 1st Black and White, the fact that they add more things than I can list on the top of my head says that they really did work hard to provide a new experience with the Unova region. And with that note, objectively, Pokemon has never been better.

Didn't really have time to sink into the postgame, but I probably would have liked it more if I did