Reviews from

in the past

Along with Club Penguin, probably the best web based game ever released. Had so much fun with all the islands, the stories for each were captivating (Even if child me had to look up a walkthrough sometimes lol) and it was just a ton of fun. My favorite islands was the superhero island and the astro knights island. I played this at home and at school because it was the only game unblocked in the school library lol.

advertising to children, in a fun way

All the boys would pull up during computer lab

Thanks to the spy island, I now always look at the first letter of each line in long messages, just on the off chance there something hidden there.

shark tooth island is still the best island

in the steam version, i found out how to access debug rooms and gave myself the most chaotic look.

The best game to play when you're nine years old with a browser and a hankering for adventure

I was a god at that skydiving challenge minigame

Another fun childhood game!!! :D

i think we take for granted the impact poptropica has had on society, each day goes by and we forget poptropica. but we should be thanking poptropica for what it has done. 5 stars.

This game went hard back in elementary school. The strat was to help carry in the recess equipment so you could be first in the classroom and make a mad dash for the classroom computers.

Miss the old islands

wasting tiem after school and having products advertised to my child brain as integrated in game content moment

don't talk to me if you never finished Spy Island

This review is for the browser version.


this was the dopest shit of all time i played this at primary school with duc and hy and i felt like a boss when i came the next day with all the medals i got from watching tutorials.

if there is any game at all thats emblematic of my past inability to focus on and beat a game in my youth its this game
i think quite literally every time i tried to play this game i created a new account, picked a random level, walked around and tried to talk/interact with random people/things, then closed the browser tab and did something else
and ive probably done this like a dozen times
ive NEVER beaten a poptropica level and i likely never will because last i checked there are now ads basically everywhere they could possibly fit ads and i dont like that!

Thank you Jeff Kinney for giving me the gift of fun in the computer lab!

The most fun thing to play in the computer lab while ignoring assignments. How far it has fallen.

I would always just make a character and then be like ok I'm done

I played this game a lot as a kid. I remember loving the shrinking Island, the art thief Island, the superhero Island, the spy Island, the medieval island, and much more. I haven't played it ever since the virus hunter island came out.

magical and wonderful and incredible and other fun good words

Top 3 games to play in computer class in Grade School

Great way to spend indoor recess. Some islands were so hard though. Last time I checked some of my favorite classic islands arenā€™t in the game anymore, so thatā€™s a shame. Can you believe the same guy who wrote Diary of a Wimpy Kid created this game?