Reviews from

in the past

i can't get enough of the pc-98 dithered artstyle and this game has some really gorgeous art. gameplay is great too but i did end up using a guide because these kind of games are a lot to take in.

Ultimate stats simulator god tier game.
You have 8 years to make the perfect daughter, then will get one of many possible endings.

Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my Daughter.

This game is utterly inexplicable. It's got an incredibly unfriendly front end where you kind of just bash your head against farming and church work until your daughter can do stuff consistently, is a bit gross and very "written in 1993" in places, has a certain stiffness to it, and you kind of lose steam at the end regardless of what route you take as you're just grinding out stats... but it's intoxicating being in the middle of it. Time melts away as every tiny, incremental bit of the game adds up, a massive list of options opening up more and more, finally unlocking themsleves as you puzzle together just how to get through the game. I'm not sure what I can say to the game's overall quality, but in spite of its age, the addictive nature of slow-burn building is just GOOD in this game. Its pace actively works to its advantage in making every small thing, every errant little discovery, that much more special. Not for everyone, but I think it's a game that should definitely be studied, at the very least!

I played this as part of a social experiment and I think I failed



All I got from this game is that I would make a terrible father.

my daughter is a war criminal, and in another world a con artist. i am a great father.

This game is very fun, I didnt realize I beat it in one sitting until I checked the time. My daughter ended up being a failed martial arts teacher.... Anyway, this game is basically your average "tamagotchi" game, where you raise your adopted daughter to the age of 18 and your choices influence how she turns out. It's really enjoyable and it has a banger OST for god knows what reason. I do wish you had more choices of influencing your daughters life, like choosing the man she'll marry and I wish the game was more clear about what choices do what. For a DOS game that released in the early 90's it's aged really well and If you have any interest in raising simulators this is a must play.