Reviews from

in the past

This game is fun I like its visuals and game play true to the Ace Combat games it was inspired by

An arcade combat flight simulator very similar to the Ace Combat series but made by significantly less people for less money while still managing to be as good as those games and selling for half the cost. It looks great, the stages are varied, you have a good variety of planes with two seaters even given you another person with you who chimes in with the regular chatter. It controls well, tends to have a better cockpit view than the Ace Combat games if that is your proffered playmode. Has a pretty strong soundtrack, entertaining allies, gameplay modifiers to turn on in the campaign, and a separate mode where you choose missions while being able to hire ally pilots to fight with you

Problems tend to be the same thing any game in this genre suffers from. Fights against aces are just terrible as they do impossible nonsense maneuvers while constantly firing at you while still being no real threat on the lower difficulties. Larger planes and naval units with multiple areas to target need to destroy every weapon hardpoint they have before you can blow them up. Exclusive to this game is that there are no saves or checkpoints in missions, which is really no issue on the easier settings but it is pretty annoying when some in game event happens that prevent you from being able to see and then starts back up with you having no way to avoid crashing. The conquest mode where you can hire some allies is a nice idea but pretty barebones and your ally units are the usual unimpressive teammates you get in these games but with no personality. The ending to the campaign is also pretty ridiculous and mechanically dull.

Even if it wasn't being sold for such a low price, I'd still highly recommend it for fans of arcade combat flight sims. The problems are rarely issues, and I suppose matter less depending on your loadout and plane and are outweighed by the positives. And that's if they don't continue development in a way that further improves the game.

Having no VR headset I don't know how well that option works.


its basically another ace combat

the story is kinda bad mostly because being a mercenary who doesnt care about the war really doesnt make you have any feelings about it, and the biggest thing ace combat stories (except 3) had going for them is keeping you excited about doing whatevers next

the game looks and sounds great and moves like ace combat 4/5/0, which is great too but not really anything new.
really the new cool thing this game has going for it is a replacement of the flares you get with the last few fighter jets that lets you do crazy twists, but for some reason its locked most of the game (its crazy op but come on make smarter missiles)

the over the clouds battle with a lot of other fighters is a great mission tho (and could be better if you didnt have 500 allies)
but i guess ac zero already did that? whatever its a fun game :)

Surprisingly great for a fanmade Ace Combat. If I didn't know the title and someone told me it was an actual Ace Combat game I'd believe it right away. The gameplay and visuals are practically the same as Ace Combat 7, but with some minor differences like guns being a tad more effective in Wingman. The soundtrack is weaker than the average AC OST but there's still some standout tracks and it's fitting across the board. The story and dialogue do a solid job of emulating AC's endearingly cheesy writing and ability to make the player feel like a bigshot. The indie scope of the project caused it to not have any actual cutscenes but there are still plenty of cool moments that happen mid-mission, particularly with the final boss fight. I do have some small gripes with the presentation, namely the screen getting way too cluttered in certain missions and bossfights because of all the explosions, post-processing effects and railguns going on as well as several typos in the subtitles and voice lines that don't match said subtitles either. I have mixed feelings on the developer's decision to not include checkpoints because while it does make the missions more intense and promote more careful play, the game crashed multiple times for me and I had to restart missions from scratch which was really annoying. My final thought on it would be that while the game was clearly made with a lot of love for AC and it does a fantastic job of emulating the series, it ends up not really having much of it's own identity. It's certainly enjoyable as an Ace Combat game, it's just a shame they didn't use its nature as a distinct IP to try more original ideas.

Un digno sucesor de Ace Combat que le da mil vueltas a la basura que fue Skies Unknown... aunque a costa de un poco de retroceso.

Como fanático de la franquicia, puedo decir con total seguridad que Project Wingman es un tributo bastante fiel a la filosofía de diseño y la estética general de los juegos de Ace Combat: su técnica narrativa, sus tropos y el estilo argumental, su tono, su atmosfera, su banda sonora (la cual, como todo Ace Combat, es putas increíble:, sus mecánicas, su bucle jugable, su diseño de niveles, sus set pieces, etc. Todo está en armonía con lo que fue establecido inicialmente en Shattered Skies... y de allí es donde parte la mayoría de problemas.

Pero empezando por lo positivo: las ametralladoras finalmente son armas completamente útiles y confiables gracias a que la retícula compensa ligera pero notablemente la desviación provocada por tu movimiento, permitiéndote acertar al blanco aun cuando no lo parece; la variación de escenarios es consistente durante toda la campaña, haciendo que cada misión se sienta diferente y ofreciendo un ritmo satisfactorio; la dificultad y la curva de progresión sobre esta superan a la franquicia en la que se inspira, este es el juego de aviones que más me ha costado y se sintió totalmente justo de inicio a fin, esto es debido a un pulido de la IA enemiga, de los controles de los aviones (sintiéndose más naturales y realistas en peso, fisicas, velocidad y movimiento) y de los niveles, se nota bastante que los desarrolladores estudiaron fuertemente las mecánicas y niveles de los múltiples juegos en la franquicia para construir este juego, y ese nivel de atención al detalle, otorga una experiencia de acción increíblemente solida.

Ahora, por lo negativo: cuando dije que "retrocede un poco" es porque Project Wingman piensa en ser más una secuela de los juegos de PS2 que de los subsiguientes a estos, lo que termina eliminando la capacidad de pulir y liberar el potencial que estos juegos tenían, es decir, aquí no tienes el High-G Turn, los Stall Maneuvers, los comando de aliados, el sistema de misiones dinámicas, el allied support, o siquiera algo tan simple como el estabilizador de la nave hecho con los bumpers, el juego simplemente retrocede en el tiempo para ofrecernos un juego más tradicional, que termina perdiendo en ambición frente a los muy interesantes avances hechos en la franquicia a través de su historia; el dinero obtenido con las misiones solo puede ser usado para comprar naves... y ya, anteriormente este se podía usar para comprar sub-armas (o partes en las entregas más actuales), pero aquí prefirieron darte todas de una al comprar un avión, dándole menos uso a tus ganancias en el combate y eliminando la progresión y customización que este apartado agregaba, además de hacerte cuestionar el funcionamiento de esta economía de guerra; la variación de enemigos es poca y su diseño no es muy inspirado, es decir, aviones con múltiples partes rompibles y railguns son lo más "alocado" que puede ofrecer la campaña (a pesar que estos son cosas que ya vimos), y es algo decepcionante cuando recuerdas los submarinos nucleares, aviones con láseres, estructuras gigantes por las que manejar, o demás bizarradas que existían en Strangereal, cosa que evidentemente este juego trataba de recrear utilizando el lore que se estaban armando con el cordium y el universo alterno de la tierra, esto no es Joint Assault o Assault Horizon, auténticamente trataba de utilizar su sci-fi para igualar a AC, pero nunca fue todo el camino.

Y por ultimo tenemos a la historia, definitivamente es mejor que el absoluto desastre incoherente y nocivo de AC7, pero sigue teniendo problemas. El hacer que tu equipo sea un grupo de mercenarios fue, como siempre, una buena elección para desarrollar el conflicto geopolítico de fondo sin construir un melodrama de guerra (como lo fue la basura de Unsung War); tratando un conflicto de independencia causado después de un cataclismo es un planteamiento interesante, pero no siento que se haya aprovechado el concepto del todo, debido a que el elemento más singular de la trama, el cordium y su repercusión sobre la tecnología de guerra no fue del todo aprovechada, solo hay como 2 o 3 ocasiones en donde este sale a relucir (que son los momentos donde resulta intrigante seguir la trama), y una de ellas es en el enfrentamiento climático el cual trata de imitar fallidamente a Zero, con un antagonista menos carismático e interesante que Pixy: Crimson 1 es básico para el rival que te querian construir, claro, su presencia es notoria, pero no sabemos mucho sobre él, y su obsesión por Monarch va en contradicción con sus ambiciones, especialmente considerando su acto final (y el dialogo que se tira... fucking KEK), lo puedes explicar como que el tipo se está volviendo loco, pero eso solo denota lo poco interesante y caracterizado que está el personaje. Pero gracias a Dios, la trama no es el foco de la experiencia a diferencia de Zero o Electrosphere, puesto que generalmente es usada para dar contexto a los niveles, ademas que su progresión es muy pausada sintiéndose como un regreso a Ace Combat 2 o Shattered Skies, de igual manera ni tienes cinemáticas in-game que hagan énfasis en sucesos o en la presentación de los villanos, por lo que la posición de la historia en el paquete se vuelve evidente: es para darle contexto a tus acciones y dotar de estilo e identidad a la obra.

Project Wingman es bueno, su pulido mecánico de lo establecido en los AC de PS2 no se lo va a quitar nadie, además que los niveles y la progresión de su campaña construyen una experiencia más que satisfactoria, pero si sufre de una historia algo insípida que no llega a la altísima calidad de Belkan War o la simple brillantez de Shattered Skies, y de no poseer la ambición por superar a sus inspiraciones, decidiendo vivir simplemente como un tributo de estos. Pero bueno, prefiero por mucho un juego que retrocede para pulir su objeto de estudio y satisfacer a los fans de este, a uno que en su ambición, retrocede bastante y le escupe a la cara a una de las mejores franquicias de acción en el medio. Project Wingman es el verdadero Ace Combat 7... o bueno, mejor dicho, el verdadero Ace Combat 5.

People told this game was like Ace Combat but what they actually meant is this game is Ace Combat: Project Wingman and its sick. Its like a mixture of Ace Combat 4 and Zero with a little pinch of 7.

Standing alone from Ace Combat this game is amazing in its own right, insane plot, an amazing soundtrack composed Jose Pavil, and my beloved AOA Limiter. Doing 180s in the air to hunt down aces is exhilarating.

I can’t help but feel that I wasn’t paid enough for single-handedly winning a war.

The labour of a tiny team is visible, yet it is really amazing given what they have to offer. In many aspects, I believe it rivals or perhaps surpasses Ace Combat, due to factors such as customisation and more 'humanity' being brought to the game, with more emotions and feelings being displayed. The voice acting, as well as the banter, keep the game alive, and I was never truly taken out of it. The gameplay is enjoyable and uncomplicated, albeit the end goal is to destroy a target, and to tail enemies till their demise. When you play this game, there are no timers or limits; only failure stares you in the face. You have to start over from the beginning of the mission if you do, due to no checkpoints, which may be annoying given how long certain missions can be. This wasn't an issue for me because I've played a lot of similar games before, and there were just a few issues, but none worth nit-picking at.

I really enjoyed Project Wingman, and will be revisiting it in the far future. Absolutely loved it.

A love letter to Ace Combat that even excels and exceeds it. The best jet combat ever made, a great and epic AC Zero-like story, great missions with one of the best ever featured in one of these types of games, it's an flawless package and one that is criminally underappreciated. AoA is such a simple yet crazy mechanic that it's almost hard to go back to Ace Combat without it. Your co-pilot whilst driving two seater planes is also very endearing and I think she was a great addition that gives a bit of extra flair to each mission, but it is a little bit of a shame that 2 seaters arent the best. The game is best played with AoA on all planes & the Prez on all planes mods, just so you can get the full experience no matter what plane you prefer to fly. Simply excellent, no other words.

it's a good game, not as good as ace combat 7 but with the vr support it's really nice, definetly worth playing if you have a vr kit

Very often games made by fans or these that are 'supposed to fill out the void after 'x' not being available on 'y' system' turn out to either be duds or miss the mark. That said, I'm happy to report that PW gets Ace Combat, and was pretty awesome.

PW's more similar to older AC games, 4/5/0, while being focused the most on 0, and was not afraid to change some finer mechanics to make it just enough distinct from AC games, but still allowing long-time fans to feel just like home.
I was iffy at first because PW doesn't have checkpoints, and some missions tend to be a bit on the longer side, but it led to tenser moments a few times. On the other hand most my deaths were caused by me ramming an enemy on accident, than being shot down, lol.

Liked that airplanes have more than one special weapon in PW compared to AC games. More dakka is always neat.

The missions available in campaign are very enjoyable, and give the player plenty baddies to shoot at. The first half of the campaign is pretty tame, but around the 10th/11th mission things get wild fast. The game has been repeatedly putting a big grin on my face during the second half.

Loved that special enemies/bosses have their own healthbars, it makes the dogfights more hype than it should. :D

PW looks and sounds really, and while it doesn't match AC7 in these regards, it doesn't matter that much tbh. I find the comparison to be unfair against PW - its dev team was much smaller, and they still did a great job.

Glad PW exists and I don't see it as a competinion to AC, I see it as a "long-lost brother", an equal. There's no point in antagonising one against another even if I made several comparisons above. I'm hoping/looking foward to a sequel, so that AC/PW fans will be dining well with TWO series of great games, and not just one.

Despite no prior Ace Combat experience, I REALLY enjoyed this game

My one main gripe really is that the game doesn't do a good job of teaching you how to play it, although I expect most are expected to have previous AC experience before hopping into this game. It's especially annoying that this is the case when the game is really punishing if you fuck up, setting you back 15 - 20 minutes of gameplay

the only game that has capture the same feel and satisfaction as Ace Combat, while also delivering its own interesting lore and banter, it takes a lot from AC6 in terms of scale and full fledge war-like scenarios, but without its plot to pull it down

not enough Prez tho


An indie game inspired by AC and it does some of the ace combat parts better than the AC itself.
Another power fantasy where you are a fuckign madman flying jet shooting everthing with your 300 missiles(not counting special missile): other jets, ground targets, ships, fucking flying big ass planes(BIG BIG), while the story is as crazy as it gets: wars, nukes, anime dialogues. Insane shit

So, gameplay:
Kinda like AC but with some improvements:
1) Special weapon system. Yeap, that's good. You can usually have 2 ATA special weapons, but on some vehicles in addition you can have ATG weapons. This system rocks and I wanna see that again. Also seeing your F16 with such a big payload is a dream.
2) Railguns. Railguns everywhere. Honestly a really cool weapon. You can't dodge it with your typical strategy(flares or just circles) so you have to look forward and just evade them. Thankfully they are fair, so they usually shoot in front of you and it has a visible beam where it's gonna shoot before actually shooting. Really cool weapon to fight against
3) Flares. I would say the main difference with AC. In AC you usually evade missile by performing high G turns. While you also have to do it here, there is just too many missile and the only way you can avoid them is by using flares. You have infinite amount of them, just a 6 sec cooldown. This, however, changes a lot core gameplay, cuz your main strategy now is timing your flares. Which is not bad, and a nice change, just to keep in mind.
4) Boss battles. They are fucking tough. Hot damn, there are two bosses that kicked my ass(final one and two railgun tanks). My wrist was hurting after I finished the game, cuz pressing flares so many times while performing a turn is just crazy. Never experienced that, great shit.

While it's not as pretty as AC(technically speaking), the art direction makes up for it. First of all, just general missions look great with some unique architecture and interesting environments. And then, in the last missions, without spoiling, it's ORANGE everywhere. Visuals are gorgeous, but I think there are too many clouds and some day missions would be welcome

Story is my main laydown. It's fun and interesting, with all the typical AC anime insanity. But.... The way that story is presented is pretty much AC7. Which is: briefings and dialogues in missions. Don't get me wrong, IK that it is how it is for all AC games, but I just don't like it that much. I don't get the story, it's hard for me to follow and connect pieces, missions dialogues are hard to follow and so on and so forth. I have this problem in AC as well, and it's my main problem there, and I wish it was something different here, but nope. Well I'm not a hardcore AC fan, so I guess it's more me problem

Anyway, great game, tough as balls tho

An Ace Combat clone that I don't want to play because there are no checkpoints in missions. Sorry, but I'm not made of time.

I thought that aerial combat games aren't good enough, I was wrong

el sucesor espiritual de ace combat zero, hasta la música esta al mismo nivel super infravalorado

play 2 missions thought it was too easy, so I cranked it up to hard
big mistake

Game has alot of flaws, but for a spiritual successor to a game franchise that ended up soft rebooting anyway, PW is a very competent game. I like the game over all, the story is good, the character's are fun, missions are mostly good, and dispute the jank boss battles are fun.

My main gripe is that the game guilt trips the player for their action, but then proceeds to offer no choice. The ending is fine, I get it; nothing comes from war, but that is the point Ace Combat 0 brought in a way more subtle way, making the lack of choice matter less cause you did not get guilted for your actions as heavily, plus you had small choices in what you did.

If I'd have to add anything, I think the game should have had choices that could lead to a few different outcomes

I keep reinstalling this game every few months to play the final mission because it's so damn good.

this shit looks and feels like a AAA game, but it was made by only 3 people, love letter to the ace combat franchise and the plot gets as fucked as an AC game too (you can tell the dev's favorite game is zero btw)

Better than Ace Combat Zero

Holy nuclear genocide, hell of a ending there. Just enough to make it stand out from its Ace Combat inspirations.

Maybe it's because I've never played any other flying sims or Ace Combat games before, but I really liked this one. For an indie game, I'd say it is extremely polished, and the gameplay is quite fun. The setting and the story is also...interesting, to say the least. My only complaint is its lack of checkpoints during missions, though it's not much of an issue. Anyways, great game, give it a try.

its like ace combat but with more shmup bullshit

Ace Combat but everyone nukes each other and themselves

If you've ever played Ace Combat and thought that it needed twice the amount of missiles, then this is the game for you. Because of that and its complete lack of checkpoints, the game relies way more on long-range engagement and using flares to lose missiles than Ace Combat does, but I kind of prefer that over the dogfights and high-g turns of AC, even though that's entirely a matter of personal taste. The ost is also amazing. Showdown might just be my favorite song in a video game.

va muy duro, tiene cosillas distintas al ace combat pero esta muy muy bien, eso si de la historia no me entere ni media

The closest we will get to Ace Combat 8 for now. Only fly 2 seater planes or else you won't have your cute tomboy wizzo.