Reviews from

in the past

It is hard to explain just how deep this game really is. I had it as a young ween and played it a LOT. Problem is as a young sprout I barely made any progress. Realised it was on PS3 as well, picked it up in 2019 and had the time of my LIFE.

STUPIDLY deep, open world, silly but exciting world design, wonderful zany characters. A real fucking gem. Exception to play in a group

Nothing has ever come close to competing with this gem from 2003. Can someone please make more quirky open world racing games???

this is the greatest game ever made

i played this a TON as a child but i never got very far into it. playing it recently has made me realise how deep and charming it really is! very nostalgic and so fun :)


ha ha ha ha....huhhh...

I'll go now.

loved the open world and charming little towns as a kid and playing it again as an adult has made me realise just how deep this game goes. it has been so fun getting to know all the different characters, completing all the little side missions, finding all the collectibles, expanding My City, upgrading my parts, and competing in all the races. ive never played a game like this: a racing open world rpg uhh OH MY GOD its amazing. idek if id be able to find another copy if mine got lost or destroyed.

I'm pretty sure I played this for 100 hours as a kid and am only just now learning you're supposed to do racing in it

This pretty much Racing RPG pilled me.

Inspiring open world, charming little graphics, beautifully mistranslated dialogue, and some pretty good racing and RPG progression. Someone's really gotta do an unsanctioned spiritual successor, a la jetbomb cyberfunk, planet coaster, etc

It's an open world RPG racer with an early 2000's aesthetic. I wish there were more localized Choro Q games. They have a charm that I haven't seen in other games.

This was essentially my first ever video-game so I got to give it 10/10. But in all seriousness, this game's a lot of fun.