Reviews from

in the past

one of those games that ive played that i dont remember anything about but apparently have 5 hours in? i think it was a build ur own battle robot kinda game but from what i remember it was mostly a "who could build the best cheese robot" sort of situation

they made it worse, not as simple as it used to be

a ridiculously fun arena shooter with lots of room for creativity, but once they began to stifle that creativity, the game lost everything special in my eyes.

was extremely fun in early access aaaaaand then they ruined it. look how they massacred my boy

Mathias Sebastiany Dal Ri

World of tanks peut aller se rhabiller.

Decent once upon a time, now very mediocre

oh i really loved playing this one back in the day

our dumb wee tanks

I remember building a "vehicle" that was just a chair, some helium balloons, and a railgun. Managed to make it into whatever the lowest power bracket was. I couldn't move away from the spawn point (well, besides upwards)... and I could only realistically fire once every 30 seconds or so, due to the extreme recoil vs my ultralight balloon chair.

On the other hand, anyone who could fit wheels or hoverjets on their craft at this tier couldn't possibly be also using a railgun, so... I was nearly invulnerable up there, pressed up against the skybox, even if I could hardly hit anyone either. It was probably the worst build I made in the game, but thoroughly entertaining.

I will definitely never play this game again since they removed the flight-simulator-styled control scheme for planes. I'm pretty sure there were a lot of other changes that made this game less than what I remember it being, but it was pretty neat once.

Era um jogo bem legal em seu lançamento, mas foi se desgastando conforme o tempo passava

I got banned for saying "I will eat your kids" shit game

such a fun game. we need a modern version

There was a time when I would've given this game an easy 4 stars, possibly higher. The creativity, chaos, and fun of Robocraft was through the roof in its prime. And then the devs sort of just... Sabotaged their game for no good reason. This is a good example of the inherent issues with online-only games. I'll explain:

When I first played Robocraft, the idea behind the game was simple. Two teams would have their own custom built tank/plane/monstrosity and duke it out. This formula was great, though there were no real objectives other than "fight to the death."

Eventually, they added some towers owned by each team that you'd have to destroy/capture to win the game. This was Robocraft's prime, in my opinion. The teams were made up of (and I'm going by memory here) roughly 10-20 people on each side. This allowed for a great deal of chaos and creativity as the developers added new types of weapons, armor, and gadgets for you to deck your machine out with.

Then, the devs began adding... Questionable mechanics. The way you bought gadgets and blocks for your machines shifted from a simple store (with free, earned currency and a section for cosmetics with bought currency) to a sort of loot box system where you'd have to play matches and get lucky if you wanted a specific gadget. Thankfully, I had most of the stuff I wanted when it happened, so I sort of shrugged it off but was still a bit disappointed for the newer players. Plus, on occasion there was a certain block or what-have-you that I couldn't easily attain.

There was also a pre-built store. A bunch of already crafted bots you could buy with real money to use in matches. This isn't that bad on the surface, but in practice it greatly reduced the amount of personalization you'd see on the battlefield.

But that was the little stuff. The big, huge, game-ruining update was the one that removed the objectives and lowered the teams to about 3 on each side for deathmatch, "competitive" style gameplay. The playerbase was already dropping steadily, but this change basically killed the game. It was such a moronic decision on all levels. Why not just add a new mode for people who want that instead of replacing the already working and great foundation? I suppose they were worried about splitting up the playerbase too much, but they just sort of drove everyone off instead.

Anyway, I don't normally make long-winded reviews but this game was very near and dear to my heart back in the day. All the cool robots people made (whether or not they were useful), the unlimited creative designs people came up with, all of that is gone now except for screenshots and old videos.

I literally only played this because my friends were playing it and I wasn't actually interested in it. I swear to god I remember playing it in middle school but I was long out of middle school by 2017 so who knows.

world of tanks but cubes, it is probably pay to win nowadays

The first game me and one of my friends played together.

Playing this 6 years ago, not gonna lie, I don't remember much.

Although, I do remember this being one of those build-your-own-vehicle-and-destroy type games.

While the premise is great, I'm just not a fan of such games usually.

3,0/10 - Replay Value
9,5/10 - Price
8,0/10 - Performance/Bugs
5,0/10 - Gameplay
4,5/10 - Playerbase

Score = 6,0/10

Was good, now bad. Good memories as a child :)

good idea but in actual play its hard to get your bot past the "brick with guns" stage and actually have it be practical

suprisingly fun and it was free!