Reviews from

in the past

(hanzo, hebijo and yumi arcs clear. probably gonna go back and do free missions and grind for trophies) a game for big brains who like cute anime girls, fanservice, musou gameplay and subversion of expectations. rlly good story, all the arcs were unique (hebijo especially having an amazing last stage)

probably my fav musou ive ever played

Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal se trata de um remake do primeiro jogo da série originalmente lançada no 3DS, sendo classificado como um beat 'em up/hack and slash/musou´like, muito simplista a ponto de ser considerado jogo trash mas que conseguiu sua fama entre os adoradores do gênero junto com os verdadeiros homens de cultura.

Mas falando sério agora, simplicidade é a palavra chave pra esse game, o combate por exemplo mesmo contendo mais de 10 personagens jogáveis se mantém o mesmo, o jogador realiza umas 3 combinações de botões nos inimigos e já conclui aquele episódio e avança para o seguinte; fórmula que se repete até o final da aventura.

O roteiro do jogo é bem simples no geral, além de eventos bobos aqui e ali ele consegue soltar uns backgronds interessantes das heroínas; e o final por incrível que pareça consegue dar aquela emoçãozinha caso você se apegue a elas. Sua narrativa é dividida em duas partes e cada parte acompanha um grupo de personagens, onde você pode escolher por qual lado começar assim que inicia o jogo. A trilha sonora é um dos seus pontos mais altos, gostei bastante da maioria das faixas que foram apresentadas. A customização e o fan service é bem agradável como um todo, o jogador vai desbloqueando roupas e acessórios na loja conforme vai avançando na história e tem uma boa variação para as personagens.

Por fim, durante minhas 25 horas de complitude nesse remake, Senran Kagura me provou que ele é mais do que um joguinho pornográfico pra marmanjo de meia idade, apesar da sua simplicidade como mencionei diversas vezes acabei me divertindo bastante com o título, e pretendo ficar de olho na série daqui pra frente para novas sequências.

Ps: Yomi best girl

Things we need more of. Ninjas check.... Lady Ninjas check..... Big tit anime ninjas check..... Big tit anime ninjas with great back stories and a descent plot, check. Ok boys and girls i can safely say that this series is a 9 out of 10. why a 9? simple..... The Light BAR!!!!

me see Asuka and Homura tit, me play wit 1 hand

não esperava que esse jogo fosse tão divertido,puta merda,além disso oq eu realmente não esperava é que ele tive uma historia legitimamente legal,super recomendo,tem muito mais q fan service aqui

This is booba game so let me keep it short: Estival Versus has more of everything, hotter photos, cut-ins and creative finishers. But as the start of a wacky perverted franchise, this holds up even without those things. The plot is kinda basic as you may expect, but seeing the same story from both sides was a really nice touch. It overuses maps to hell and back but who cares, you're here to look up skirts and down blouses shut up :p

This was also my 69th Platinum lesgo I'm so funny and cool


What if we put out the exact same game as last time but with way less content and more grind

MAS o jogo é meio repetitivo

allround significantly more polished and coherent than BAYONETTA 3

This plays like what people who haven't played dynasty warriors think dynasty warriors plays like
Which is to say the combat is pretty boring but the dress-up mode is pretty good so it doesn't really matter

This game is as silly as it is fun. The story isnt anything fancy, what left a lasting impression on me was the gameplay itself, I loved the hard difficulty, and furthermore frantic mode. Each stage felt tense and i felt challenged. I had bought what i thought was a silly game and it certainly delivered.

Nothing particularly special here. Some of the characters are charming, though of course your mileage will vary, and the mechanics are competent enough, but it doesn't have that spark of brilliance to raise it above its contemporaries.

I have no clue what the plot is because I skipped everything but the actual gameplay is genuinely pretty fun if you look past the anime tiddies but lets be fair thats what you're here for isnt it

great reimagining of burst on the 3ds

Great game, Plays similar to EV, but with the story structure of older games like SV.
You can make Tan Waifus! 10/10

-I prefer Estival versus simply because there is more levels with mobs, while Burst focuses more on fighting other Characters.

I love this game and this series. This is the first game in a long time I've gotten all the achievements for. I picked this up on Steam when it came out in 2019, played the Hanzo story and some of the Hebijo, but then wound up taking a 3 year break from it all somehow (time flies). But I'm really glad I came back to finish the Hebijo side and grab all the cheevos. I had such a blast doing it.

Yozakura still is, and always will be, best girl.

I was surprised by just how much fun I had with this game.
It's just really unfortunate about the completely-expected-for-the-genre fatphobia and fetishizing of minors.

It's a simple story, but it still manages to be quite captivating and there's something here besides fanservice. There were things that bothered me, but the characters and the game are so fun that I didn't really care about most of them.

This was more fun than I was expecting; plenty of fun characters, and the combat was enjoyable, even if it was easy. Some characters aren't great gameplay wise and are kind of dull, like Mirai and Haruka but luckily they are in the minority. 

When it comes to the story and characters, I would call it pleasant. I enjoyed it for what it was, the evil shinobi definitely got the better story though. I wouldn't call the characters deep, but they are fun and that's all you really need for something like this. There is one character, however, that is completely awful; Hibari. What an awful character, which is made worse by her being so prominent in the good shinobi story.

This is probably my bar for Hack and Slash Games now, as in you should be at least as good as the booby ninja game. 

Hikage is best girl btw 

A remake of the original 3ds title that changes it to the style of the PlayStation games. Burst transitions to the 3d action from the Versus games well and is probably my favorite entry in the series gameplay wise. Also has an incredibly easy plat.

For some reason, this really connected with me.
I played the OG Burst first and thought it had surprisingly good writing for what it was, but the gameplay was ok.
This remake keeps the surprisingly good writing and adds a better and more refined version of Estival's gameplay, which makes this game really damn good.
Despite the look of the series, this game's writing is super good when it wants to be.
While the story is OK for the Hanzo side, and just good for the Hebijo side, the characters are so damn great, and dare I say, in some cases, even amazing.
Of course, some of them can have some uh, quirks that really suck (looking at you Katsuragi), but even with them, they have pretty good character arcs and relationships with their rivals and peers. The game can get dark when it wants to, and its shocking how its well handled.
The game play is hella fun at that. Its button mashy, but having to block and parry, as well as the 10 different styles to play, help keep the variety in the gameplay, plus chaining aerial raves to beat the shit out of enemies is hella fun. The adition of enemies telegraphing their attacks by the game showing where they're gonna hit, with the sheer amount of them, does help a lot with this, as now parrying becomes manageable with how many enemies there are at times.
Of course, it is a fanservice type game, so there's gonna be those types of scenes, and I fucking hate them when they happen. So I'd only recomend this game if you can stand that type of thing.
But overall, this game's fun, veyr fun.
Has a good enough story, really damn great characters, pretty fun gameplay loop, and it was a biig surprise as to how good it is.
And hell, it gave me my favorite character ever in Homura, so for that alone its special to me at least.
If you got morbid curiosity for the series, do try this game, its a fun time all things considered, with characters that are really good.

A bit basic and obviously perverted, but otherwise fairly decent. It's almost a rhythm game with how you can just press buttons at certain times and win because of how simple the combat is, but the effects and sounds will trigger the lizard part of your brain and make it at least somewhat compelling.

I do at the very least respect how much they built the game around the dress-up aspect; despite it probably being better if they just left the characters in their original gear, they did actually allow some fun to be added to the cutscenes by having them stay as whatever nonsense you dressed them up as, which made the scenes and small moments funnier even if it took the air out of some moments the game wanted to take seriously (well, as serious as it can get).

It's easy to recommend for the novelty and simplicity, but it's kind of in its own smaller category of spectacle fighters compared to the ones with depth people love.

unironically my favourite thing about this game was the gameplay

A solid entry into the series and chronologically you can start here. It certainly feels just as good if not slightly better than estival estus which had solid controls and the graphics are A1. Story/content wise its pretty damn long. hanzo and hebiji have 5 chapters each of a decent length campaign. Back to back it can feel a tad fatiguing. The gessen dlc isn have bad either and adds a few missions with the ice queen herself.
Def one of the most funest games in the series with estival vestus and peach beach splash. What are you waiting for. We all know you wanna play it already. Just needs english VA.