Reviews from

in the past

This is more than likely shelved until i can get the Halo mod working. Only reason why I even picked it up in the first place.

okayish space rts. Can't wait for the sequel.

There is one reason this game entered the top echelon for me: the Star Wars: Requiem mod.

Probably difficult to get running at this point (possibly check out the wayback machine), but if you're looking for the purest form of Star Wars RTS, this game + mod is the one.

An extremely complex RTS complete with a large tech tree and lacking tutorial

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is an old title, the game originally came out in 2012, and if you look up any information on this game you’ll see a lot of old posts. This is a complex Real Time Strategy game where you’ll take over parts of the galaxy, fight against enemies, work to control precious resources, and defend against pirate raids. This is a very tactical-based game that is played out in real-time.

Sins of a Solar Empire though has a common problem with this genre. There’s a lot to take in. I don’t know if I could give a full review of this game without playing potentially a hundred hours or more. The issue I have is that I don’t want to play that long. So much of the game isn’t well explained in the tutorial, but more importantly, a lot of information has changed. Even the concepts of Starbases were added post-launch, and there’s a lot to understand. By the time I was done I had enough with a game I had played for four hours, I didn’t want to start another run to struggle with a different race.

Pick this up if you’re willing to devote an extreme amount of time to understanding and watching tutorial videos, reading a lot of internet pages and posts, and picking out what information is still valid in 2022 because things have changed over the years. This is also a ten-year-old title, which doesn’t exactly scream fresh.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

Coming back to review many years later. I cannot describe this game. It is absolutely a diamond in the rough. If you even THINK it looks interesting you should buy it and play it. It sits in a special place in my heart no matter how many more hours I may have in Stellaris.

Fantastic soft 4x that can even be enjoyed on harder difficulties. Really the best balance between reflex rts's like Starcraft and long 4x games like stellaris.

The modding scene is absolutely amazing and it is absurd how many hours you can get out of a title this cheap.

Great game but largely made irrelevant by Stellaris. There's a few things it does better but Stellaris is more complete and polished of a game. Sins goes from too easy to too hard too quick.

Even if you strip this beauty of all the brilliantly made mods, the base game is still brilliant, highly recommended

No campaign but still loads of fun when you get the hang of things.

Me watching my homie give the pirates 20 grand to kill me