Reviews from

in the past

one of the only emotional games

It's not Spore. I don't really know what it is either. But it kept me entertained for a couple of hours so it might be good? Who knows.

Another game that 12 year old me played as a substitute while he was pissing his pants with excitement at the notion of playing the actual Spore game.

It was a DS game, y'know? They were all good in a way. Because I could play them under the covers, way past my bedtime, as much as I wanted. And building little 2D creatures and roaming around the levels, and wringing every last little bit of entertainment out of the game that my imagination could afford me, was enough.

I don't really remember anything that actually happened in the game though, no...

kind of silly it's like oh you need to cross this bog. evolve real quick to have legs. ok put those away now

they tried to make 2D spore and kinda failed, why is there a story?

Played this on my DS as a kid because I didn't have a PC that could run actual Spore. It was... okay, I guess?

Not as good as the original game but still fun to pick up and play from time to time.

The aesthetic of this game was so good! And the gameplay was actually very strong too, even if the story was a bit wonky. Imo this deserves to be a cult classic.

kinda cute game that surprisingly had a story

Honestly better than it sounds. If you're not gonna play it, at the very least listen to the soundtrack, it's pretty good.

Limited creator but an overall fun game that has a nice short and contained story.

A good attempt, a bad result.

This never manages to fully entertain me :(

I was way too stupid to finish this as a kid and I think I got stuck really badly

I have owned this game almost as long as I've been playing games and for the life of me I can't remember anything that happens in it. I know the art style was a bit more pleasing to the eyes than the nightmare that is spore, but I suppose that isn't a high bar to pass, now is it?

obviously inferior to the actual spore but still not a bad game

É divertido mas enjoa rápido

I softlocked myself like 4 times as a kid. This game is neat but it's not very good in hindsight because of how linear it is when Spore is about creatively evolving.

Rating 7.1/10

Better than it has any right to be.

It's short but this game actually fucks

i will make a fucked up looking slug that will ruin your life

This game is...surprisingly fun

i remember it being quite endearing, although i never played the original spore