Reviews from

in the past

Very fun party game every once in a while; the longer you play, the more repetitive it gets. The online is also generally dead, likely due to the lack of updates. With the mobile version not even working anymore, I recommend playing on console if anything.

Very fun multiplayer game. This is absolutely meant for at least 3-4 players, but having three is kinda unfair when often certain levels will place two guys across one impossible gap and the other guy on the other side, giving them an advantage.

It's not quite as good as Duck Game or SpeedRunners, and while the number of levels and different layouts are impressive, the rounds go by so quickly that repetition and boredom will set in after the second full playthrough. If you're looking for a multiplayer party game to play to keep your games rotation fresh, you can't go wrong here. Just don't plan on playing it longer than an hour.

it's a game i want to love, but I can't really. too buggy

Very fun game, except there is not that much content. Its like one of those games you can buy for $2 on a steam sale- play with your friends one night for a short while and maybe play again based on how they are feeling.

At some point either the servers or the netcode hit the floor, and never got back up again

Fast-paced stickman battle where victory depends on randomness, perfect for killing time with a friend when you have nothing to do. There are not many maps here.

hella fun party game, the bugs and janky physics only add to the enjoyment

another game i really like ! i played it so much i feel pretty confident on me being good at it
good time kiIIer and just party game

se desse pra criar seus proprios mapas seria tão melhor

One of the best party games out there

fun game to play with friends

This game is way more fun than it has any right to be. My friends and I have yelled at each other over Discord for hours at a time because of Stick Fight.

There is something about this game that just brings out the beast within me. Normally, I am a relatively calm and relaxed person. However, once I pick up that controller and start playing the game, the beast awakens. All I know is bloodshed and killing. All I seek is the death of others. Even if it means my own death, all I seek is to kill. All good judgement and morals I have pass over me and I become blinded. The only way to tame the beast is to turn off the game. However, all I can think about in the moment is one thing: to kill.

Played around release and a couple times after that. Very fun little game, reminiscent of the halcyon days of flash.

An insanely fast m, buggy time. Super fun.

Brilliant little game, me and a friend picked it up in a bundle and laughed our asses off playing it!
very simple game, you play as a stickman, who practically throws itself around through different levels, picking up weapons or even just physically beating your opponent to death.
cycles through a range of different platforms, some of which with some unexpected surprises.
highly recommend as a chill game with friends, or if you've had a rough day and need some laughs!

funny because im good at it

the environment is your biggest enemy

This game knows exactly what it is, and it excels at it. Minus the occasional frustrating moment, and the bugs (which sometimes necessitate a complete restart), this game is wacky satisfying fun for everyone from hardcore pivot and Stickpage fans to just anyone wanting a fun party game with friends.