Reviews from

in the past

Endless fun with friends, especially with the large amount of glitches that can happen because this game is completely unstable.

This is a difficult game to review because it is so simple. It's fun and has a lot of appeal as a couch multiplayer game. If you're interested I recommend getting some friends together and checking it out.

It has the same problems as a lot of these types of games drunken wrestlers slappy ball etc, it doesn't do enough and gets boring quickly not to mention the mods don't do much besides adding new maps. I do like the different weapons I think they are fun and each one are very different from the last but the game just doesn't do enough to warrant more than a few hours.

The law of video games is that if your voice raises by 100 decibels while playing it, it is guaranteed to be good. I would know, because this game makes me scream. It goes hard, but I don't have anything more detailed to say about it.

Pretty damn fun multiplayer game with friends, so chaotic and fast. It will guarantee you less friends in 20 rounds or less.

Some of the most fun I've had in this genre of chaotic couch multiplayer games. Weapon variety is tons of fun, and the levels are great.

feels pointless at times, no objectives, not many maps, not many special weapons, it just gets lackluster fast.

It's fine, but like many said, it gets repetitive quickly, although it does have Steam Workshop and stage editor, so there's that. Fun 30 or so minutes with friends or siblings otherwise.

Fun co-op novelty game that you and your friends will pick up for an hour before getting bored of the same levels. You can keep it fresh with custom workshop levels, but you really can only play so many rounds of this game before going like "aight, that's enough."

this game is so silly i played it with friends for HOURS its a fun silly game for friends

A NOTA PRA ESSE JOGO È 8.5 PORRA, jogo bom da porra, só não aumento a nota porque quase matei meu amigo(fora do jogo) tirando isso é muito bom

Está gracioso pero bugeadísimo también.

Super fun game to play with your friends. It's pretty simple but you can easily lose track of time

love beating the shit out of my friends in this game its very silly and chaotic and fun full of love

It's fun for a bit but there's not really any depth. Once you've seen the funny gimmicks you've seen it all

super duper fun with friends

fun but gets repetitive super quick.

i hate it i always get fucked (literally)

fajne żeby pograć max 30 min

fun with friends every now and then but needs more content, or at the very least more maps