Reviews from

in the past

i bought this game for the box. nothing else

greatest scam of the century, 20 song cd with half sound effects
a book of (actually) never before seen behind the scenes stuff
and a snes rom on a disc

Just a SNES game on a Wii disc. Not worth seeking out unless you're a huge Mario fan or want the art book and soundtrack CD too.

This is just the original SNES release of Super Mario All Stars on a Wii disc. Nothing is changed. It does not include Super Mario World. It is still the first 4 Super Mario games though.

Maybe it was foolish to expect more from a game celebrating 25 years of Mario as a kid, but a simple rom of some old SNES games was not enough to make me play for more than maybe an hour.

I always thought the argument that this was a bad/lazy release was pretty short-sighted. When I got this as a kid it was one of my first exposures to the original NES 2D Mario games, and I loved looking through the booklet that came with it. Just because there's not a ton of crazy behind the scenes stuff or extra content doesn't make this a bad collection. Maybe it's just a way to introduce a younger audience to these classic games--or rather, this classic compilation.

Yeah yeah I know the NES games were available individually on the Wii Shop Channel for less, but some of you ancient Nintendo nerds who were adults at the time of the Wii forget that some people (me) didn't have access to Wifi at the time. So getting this $30 Wii game version with a small bonus crash course in Mario history was perfect for me as a kid.

Sometimes you gotta remember that a simple collection like this can be the gateway into spawning new fans. Sure, more content isn't a bad thing, but this amount is just fine too.

Happy belated 25th Anniversary Mario.

Nintendo straight up copy-pasted a SNES ROM into a Wii disc. And charged 30 bucks for the fanciness. 3 stars only because the content is still of 3/4 legendary platforms and the fanciness is indeed nice.

Good game collection, I feel like they really could've "remastered" it instead of just a direct port

Mario all stars is a good game, but the fact that is was repackaged as a full Wii game when its literately just a ROM you could emulate in 5 minutes on your PC is pretty bad

All-Stars itself is a 5/5, no questions asked, but as a $30 Wii game? Nah. The physical extras are neat in theory, but the CD is pretty lame, since a big chunk of it is 1-second sound effects, and the art booklet feels like a tease more than anything else. Wii Remote compatibility is nice, I guess, but c'mon.

People really called 3D All-Stars lazy when this game literally exists

In truth, I only ever asked for this game so that I could enjoy the booklet and music CD, not so much for Super Mario All-Stars itself. While I have played All-Stars to completion, I did not do so on this release, and have since sold the game (but kept the bonus goodies for myself).

When it comes to ports, it doesn't get much funnier than this.

Enjoy your $30 limited edition SNES ROM that doesn't even include Super Mario World like the later version.
It was a dick move not to put this on the virtual console.