Reviews from

in the past

Got this for free as part of the "sorry" when PSN got hacked. Arcade style game with no real reason to continue playing after you've played it a couple times other than to beat your high score.

Endlessly replayable and completely addictive, this is probably the game with the most playtime on my PS3. The feeling of keeping a run going through multiple levels, phases, and boss fights helped get me through college. I can't recommend it enough if you're a fan of arcadey experiences.

Superb playability and tight controls, nice graphics and sound effects. Excellent work from Housemarque as usual. This game was just a bit too much of a bullet hell for me personally, and I was not good at it.

It doesn't quite hit Geometry Wars level of fun for me, but it's still quite good.

Fun arcade 3D asteroids type game. Was addicted to this one for a while after the ApocalyPS3

To be honest, I only remember this as the first PS3 game to get trophy support. Otherwise it's a pretty unremarkable twinstick shooter.

Housemarque started out... alright. Not too remarkable. They weren't at the top of my list until Resogun hit, and now especially after Returnal.

Stardust is a totally competent game, but its draw to me is mostly the spectacle and the high score chasing. The effects and stuff are nice, but they don't carry a game for me. High score chasing is definitely not my thing.

Overall, it's fun for a bit but it isn't anything special.

I downloaded this to see what trophies were all about. I never cared about a trophy ever again, but I certainly enjoyed Super Stardust HD.

Hey, it's that game Sony gave me on the house for letting my data get stolen.