Reviews from

in the past

This one was OK. Summer-uniforms are the main theme here, and despite the fact they very clearly could have just reused the cityscape locale from volume 3 they instead just made a fake outdoor location in a studio so that's something. Instead of the rehashed beach locale being the second option they reused the school locale for a PE uniform type beat. sure. Because I have pretty much seen all that there is to see in terms of what the idols can do I spent most of my time here just taking pictures of the randomly generated bubble particles instead of the idols, so take what you will with that info. There's also a whole bonus idol in Ai from Dearly Stars included, which is honestly kinda refreshing so yea.

More in-depth review of Gravure for You! as a whole

Holy crap Lois, they finally added something new to Gravure for You!

Vol. 8 starts strong with the adorable yet basic casual outfits with an alternative mode with glasses for glasses freaks (not me), and somewhat a copypaste of Vol.2 with a school swimsuit but adorable nonetheless.
But the main feature of this volume is the addition of Ai Hidaka from Idolmaster: Dearly Stars (876Pro) with only one outfit unfortunately, the swimsuit outfit but hey, it's better than nothing.

Anime-wise, it's honestly a disappointment. Episode 18 focuses on Ritsuko and about how she's still good as an Idol though this episode leads nowhere as if nothing happened.
Episode 19 focuses on Takane and the bad guys doing a misinformation war leading to episode 20, honestly quite boring just like the previous one.
And finally, Episode 20 which is just about Chiaya being sad about her backstory and everything being resolved at the end as if nothing happened, was boring, to say the least.

Overall a disappointing selection of episodes, ever since the timeskip happened the show went downhill.

But again, for 10$ it does the job as a Gravure game.

ALGUIEN PUEDE AYUDAR A UN LOKO ENAMORADOOOO???? Estoy perdido x una chica tan hermosaaaaa....pero no me animo a acercarme a ella, no se si esta comprometida o que... la vi varias veces en el Backloggd. Alguien me puede ayudar a ubicarla???? ALGUIEN X FAVOOORR!!!! NO DEJO DE PENSAR EN ELLA HACE DOS SEMANAS...