Reviews from

in the past

One of the best collection of jackbox mini games in a while. There’s usually a couple of duds in the collection but I really loved every one of them in this one.

Another great pack, even if outshined by 7 in a couple ways.
I also wanna mention the all of the accessibility features in this one specifically, many new elements are life-savers sometimes!

I’ve had 5 different people tell me that they think the Job Job water dispenser can get it


job job pops off but the rest ehhhh. we didn't even try that overly complicated drawing one, cba

These are all generally pretty good, Job Job is best but takes a sec to really understand how to make it good for everyone, but as usual all are better if you're playing with people you vibe well with. Drawful animate is probably best if you're playing with people you don't know well.

Job Job singlehandedly carries the entire pack to a 5/5

everything is so painfully forgettable here other than Job Job and Job Job is genuinely the best Jackbox game ever so 3/5 i guess. i would say it’s worth buying just for Job Job alone lol

update: i changed it to 2.5 cus i genuinely remember nothing other than job job from here

i am literally the poll mine crow in case you were wondering

Sadly an okay pack :( Job Job is fun though! :3

Solid entry in the series. A few of the games are bangers (Job Job being the clear stand out), rest are okay.

Not that many games that I liked, my friends enjoyed them though.

Job Job: Truly one of Jackbox's greatest of all time, the idea feels so old school for them yet still so refined and perfect, as well as endlessly replayable. I will say that going in blind on that first game is just an inch funnier than subsequent playthroughs where you know what happens

Drawful Animate: It's Drawful, but with two drawings at a time instead of one. It's fun but it doesn't open up that much over everything Drawful 1 and 2 had to offer, especially when your friends aren't big on drawing party games and now you have to draw two pictures at a time instead of one.

The Wheel Of Enormous Proportions: Probably the worst of the bunch, but still fun. The trivia aspect is a lot more fun and engaging than the random game show/chance aspect.

Weapons Drawn: One of two in the pack that withdraws most of the comedy in favor of a more intense competitive game. It's initially kind of confusing and gives way to the ability to essentially cheat, but once everyone gets in on it, super fun.

The Poll Mine: The other of the two more competitive ones, and I prefer this one, despite the fact I suck so hard at it. There's a really cool personal element of trying to understand your friends, in a similar way to something like Role Models, even though it's a lot more understated here.

this is one of the biggest fall offs of quality in party history, let alone from my friend jack.

It's only really worth it for Job Job, even the second best Drawful Animate is just Drawful but more complex, and honestly to it's detriment.

m-m-m-m-mid. only kinda interesting game here is the murder one and that was a pretty big letdown too.

job job is one of my personal favourites, but like many of the other games it's only really funny if you get to play with a creative group

Sadly, I haven't gotten to play this enough compared to the others in the series. It's fun from what I've played, but I really need to play more of it.

One ov the most (but not the most) unhinged ways to create a Resume I've witnessed

One of my friends is Sucking the wheel of enormous proportions off I swear

This is a jackbox pack, so if you've never played any of the series before, don't worry you will definitely enjoy this game. Knowing the standard of quality that are shown throughout the other packs though, this ends up being one of the weaker ones in the series. Overall it's not awful but maybe check out other packs first.