Reviews from

in the past

if you disconnect from the internet for half a second it erases your game.

This is areally solid Party Pack, almost if not all the games are really fun to play with friends and with the exception of Drawful: Animate a lot of them have cool concepts that give for tons of laughter.

My favorite one is Job Job.

the job job water cooler is kinda hot

shout out to that wheel game for being one of the most boring fucking things i've ever played on god

writing complete bullshit in job job and drawing yourself a little foul moving avatar in drawful animate are both funny as fuck. poll mine and weapons drawn are both slow but pretty entertaining games, and wheel is probably the weakest but still entertaining. solid pack, feels like a better version of pack 6 in many ways (job job is like joke boat but good, weapons drawn is a more interesting push the button)

Job Job is the best jackbox game ever, literally nothing has beaten this, it's the perfect party game. The others are also there.

As everyone else has said, Job Job is the big highlight here, but honestly it feels like the only really great game here. Poll Mines is pretty good, I especially like how it splits the group into teams, more Jackbox games should do that. But the other three feel almost completely disposable, this is easily one of the weakest entries. But Job Job is good enough that the pack is still worth it for real Jackbox fiends like me and my friend group.

I always love these party packs. This is one of the weaker ones imo. Job Job is a good time.

Poll Mine is the most harrowing Jackbox experience since the one with the aliens

slightly above-average lineup of games. poll mine + job job are the best in this pack

Not as good as Jackbox 7, but still has some insanely fun games and moments. JobJob is easily the breakout game of the pack and had already delivered some amazing moments for my friends and I. The Poll Mine is also a really fun cooperative vs. game about predicting rankings and can get pretty intense at times. Weapons Drawn is also insanely simple, but deceptively fun as a mystery drawing game. Sadly the big wet fart of the collection has to be The Enormous Wheel. The games questions are the most obscure curation of questions I've ever seen in any of these party packs. On top of that it's also very not fun to answer them as each question gives you what seems to be an average of 15-20 answers which feels just downright miserable. Definitely needing more tweaking and question overhaul to be more fun. Still definitely worth picking it up for the other games in the pack alone though.

Job Job is the best game in this pack and possibly all of Jackbox history.

Pretty good pass overall but nothing super interesting I would want to go back to constantly like in other packs. Weapons Drawn is the best by far and I enjoyed Job Job and Poll Mine a bit. Not a big trivia guy so Wheel isn't my favorite and also Drawful Animated is just okay. Not the best pack but decent overall.

Solid Pack for me. Not as great as last year's PP7 or the all time personal goat PP3, but I think there's something here for a wide variety of groups.

Job Job is my current favorite. Wheel is my least, but would not call it an outright bad game (especially compared to the various stinkers in the older ones). The latest drawful is also really creative and intuitive even as someone who has never drawn an animated doodle before.

Played with friends and tbh not as much fun as other Jackbox games

Job Job > The Poll Mine > The Wheel of Enormous Proportions > Weapons Drawn > Drawful Animate

pretty fun party pack, poll mine was my favorite, job job and the big wheel were also pretty fun, alot of them were great and more "atmospheric" I guess, which I think is great, but makes games like drawful animate kinda not fit in, which is probably my least favorite game of the pack

**Full video review:

We are now on the eighth iteration and seeing as how 7 was easily one of the best, this one had a lot to live up to.

Drawful Animate
Drawful Animate has some good ideas – create a simple two-frame animation and pit it against a bunch of possible answers – but the underlying “animate” mechanic just falls flat. A lot of the time, the phrase given can be demonstrated in just one drawing, no animation required.

That and a lot of the prompts are just boring or use super obscure language that even I needed to google to make sure I knew what I was drawing. It can be fun at times with the right group, but honestly, you’re probably better off just playing Gartic Phone, which has a much better animation game mode. This one just felt like Drawful with an unnecessary extra step – a waste of a game for a new Party Pack.

The Wheel of Enormous Proportions
You’re basically tasked with solving trivia and spinning a wheel in hopes that your score can get up to 20k. Problem here is that both the trivia and wheel spinning are just straight RNG. It does not even matter if you know the trivia or not, a lot of the time you can simply put in whatever answers and get enough points to spin the wheel and even if you are not spinning it yourself – another player is spinning it with the chance of getting you points.

And once you do get to that 20k points, you’re given ANOTHER wheel to spin to determine the winner amongst ALL players with 20k points. The game is effectively RNG layered on top of more RNG and the trivia stuff feels underutilized as a result. It was really disappointing as a fan of trivia games and even though I do like myself some RNG, this one just doesn’t cut it.

Job Job
As if to balance out the two duds so far, Job Job comes out of nowhere and cements itself as not only the best game of the pack, but one of the best games in ANY Jackbox Party Pack. The game revolves around answering questions about a potential job and using other players’ own words to compose entirely new sentences. The result is often chaotic, deadpan, or just straight-up hilarious. Depending on the group, the prompts can bring out some really interesting answers to work with and the fact that you can pull words from the questions themselves is a cool bonus too.

It’s simple concepts like these that Jackbox Party Packs really excel at and it’s perhaps the most accessible in the pack too, anybody can hop in and understand what to do without needing a big tutorial beforehand. It is for this game alone that I will likely keep the Party Pack installed for.

The Poll Mine
This one is a step up in complexity, but it’s got a really neat concept. You play in teams and your goal is basically to guess the group consensus on certain questions and rank the different answers provided.

The team focus adds this entire new layer to the gme, as you want to discuss with your team what the right answer may be, but doing so in a way that doesn’t give enough info away to the other team to use if your team gets it wrong – as the other team picks up right where you left off. It’s a neat tug-of-war concept that’s only aided by its absolutely absurd prompts, like “what is a smell you only want to sniff once and never again”. Easily the second-best game in the pack.

Weapons Drawn
On one hand, the concept is really neat. You have to draw “weapons” but must include a letter from your name so that when you kill a target, other players can attempt to deduce who the murderer was. On the other hand though, that is just one aspect of this game and there are a couple other layers that elevate it beyond the simplicity one would usually expect from a Party Pack title.

In a way, this kinda defeats the spirit of the series, as it is not one you can just pop open during a party without expecting at least a few players to be confused and ruin the gameplay for the others. Once you get over that hurdle, it can be fun, but it takes a bit to get there and it doesn’t help that games last a long time. I’d place it as my third favorite in the pack, but I can’t say it’s one I’ll be returning to much.

Party Pack 8 is a bit of a letdown following the release of the excellent Party Pack 7. The overall pack is less consistent, has only one real standout, and is perhaps the weakest in the series yet (I have played from 4 onwards). Job Job may have carried it a bit, but that is likely the only game in the pack that will be getting plays from my group in the future, even if Poll Mine and Weapons Drawn aren’t all that bad.

best to worst,
1. job job - everyone agrees it's the best one. it is, by far. it's a game that facilitates "be funny" really well
2. poll mine - it's alright, although you're really kind of at mercy of the prompts. if you get one no one in the group cares about then that round is just gonna be mostly guesswork.
3. weapons drawn - it's a little confusing but it can be fun if only for the dumb shit you name the guests. definitely a game that would probably suck if you got good at it though. as for social deduction games i still think push the button is better
4. drawful animate - some of the worst prompts so far, especially since none of the ones i got when i played took advantage of the extra frame. no real reason to play this one if you've already played a drawful game, and the time periods feel just as short as when you had only 1 frame
5. wheel - lmao its literally random ass trivia but how you do on the trivia does not matter since the game is drowned in so much rng whoever knows the most trivia only gets like a 10% greater chance to win

jackbox is one of those series where if you get the right ones you really do not need to get the rest, save from missing out on a couple many games are roughly recycled from pack to pack. this is definitely one i'd wait until you can get really cheap but that doesn't mean it's a bad game, just not worth how damn much jackbox games go for these days. like no matter how good job job is it is NOT worth 30 bucks lmao. there are better social deduction games in previous packs, there are better drawing games in previous packs, and there are astronomically better trivia games in previous packs. this one doesn't even have an improv game, and if patently stupid and talking points are any indication those are like, the best ones

A fairly well-rounded entry for the Jackbox series, but nothing particularly stands out this time, either (except maybe Job Job)

+Poll Mine (4) - Statistics / Guessing team-based game where you try to figure out how other players ranked lists of prompts. My personal favorite of the pack.

+Job Job (4
) - Writing game where you use individual words from other peoples' answers to answer prompts. Arguably the best entry.

+Drawful Animated (3) - Drawful, but with twice the amount of work. Not for everyone. Intimidating for people who hate drawing.

+Weapons Drawn (3
) - Drawing / social deduction game. Players try to hide a letter from their name inside a drawing. Kind of a weird one, but works out for the most part.

+Wheel of Enormous Proportions (2*) - Trivia & Chance game. Feels too up to chance. There are much better JB trivia games. Worst entry in the pack.

Drawful Animate - It didn't feel like the animate aspect was used very well at all and it takes long as fuck for what it's worth, 2/5

Da Wheel - This one was okay I guess but I'd rather play a better trivia game where you don't spin a wheel for 5 minutes every round, or I'd rather just not play a trivia game, 2.5/5

Job Job - Genuinely amazing game, the word restriction leads to so many hilarious moments, easily the best one in the pack, 4.5/5

Poll Mine - This one just feels like doing a bunch of crapshoots and seeing who wins, literally had negative fun, 1.5/5

Weapons Drawn - Cool idea but lasts for way way too long, it's was pretty alright though, 3/5

Weapons Drawn is the only decent entry here, the rest of the games in the pack are pretty lame.

The Wheel of Enormous Proportions has to be one of Jackbox's biggest misfires yet, while Drawful Animate and Weapons Drawn are maybe some of the least enticing drawing games across all 8 party packs.

If it wasn't for Job Job, this was be a complete write-off. Well maybe that's a touch harsh on Poll Mine, I just wish it worked better with fewer players

Job Job is incredibly funny and Poll Mine is a type of game I really want to see more of in the future.

The murder game is fun, if a little dense, and often times you can get answers right but not for the right reasons.

The wheel game is slow and drawn out but not atrocious, and Drawful Animate is eclipsed completely by Gartic Phone and feels pointless by comparison.

Its a party pack game so your experience of it is only as good as the people you play it with. Would recommend for uni club game nights or wanting to get to know acquaintances.

probably the first jackbox where ive played all the games and enjoyed them to some degree. drawful animate is a great step forward for drawful as a game, and the prompts are so much better in this game and look like stuff people might actually type.
the wheel of enormous proportions is a lot more fun than i thought it would be. im terrible at trivia but the wheel mechanic gives it a fun twist, especially since winning is down to pure chance. i love games where winning is literally just down to pure chance, even if you can tip the odds in your favor.
job job is one of the best games jackbox has had in i dont even know how long. not my favorite, but it's top 3 material. i love games like this and Tee K.O. where you have to take what others have done and make your own thing out of it, and the fact you can use ANY word on screen that's not in a box to answer your questions is so fucking fun.
poll mine looked like a streamer game when i first saw gameplay of it but actually playing it shows me how wrong i was. i love jackbox games that make you work directly with others and discussing what everyone couldve picked is so fun even if im awful at predicting that kind of thing.
weapons drawn is the last game in this pack and its my least favorite, but it's still a good time. im partial to the drawing games and having to hide a letter in your drawing is so fun, but it can be really fucking cheap, especially if you get a lowercase L. you really have to look for the small details in this game, specifically with the outlines of letters, and finding those can feel very satisfying. the scoring system at the end is really weird though, i got the most correct guilty verdicts with first guesses by a good margin, but only did one murder (that i got away with) and still ended up in last. my friend basically got the opposite score and got first.
so overall i really liked this pack, i feel like the weakest aspect overall might be the aesthetic of the games. none of them looked that cool except poll mine, kind of, i feel like it could stand to be a bit more wet and creepy. i like how many references there are to previous jackbox games in job job, feels like a reward to people who pay attention to that kind of stuff. the music is also pretty mid but i dont go to jackbox for good music. that being said it wouldn't HURT to have some more memorable tracks.
so yea, big thumbs up from me, would recommend to most people with friends.

My friends make me play this with them and I want to kill myself.