Reviews from

in the past

No multiplayer, é um joguinho bem OK, dá pra se divertir bem legal, mas é bem curtinho. Agora, no modo single player, você percebe o porquê de Zelda ter história - ele vira um jogo capado, meio sem objetivo e bem chatinho.

It's honestly really bland and not fun at all, but I won't deny I had a good time playing this with friends in 7th grade

Really neat enhanced port of Four Swords.

A fun arcadey romp that's fun in single-player, but a complete blast when played with friends. Thanks to the ability to play wirelessly, this is the definitive way to play the game... Or it would be since Nintendo doesn't want you to play it anymore.

The weird rng level design and general amount of jank never sat well with me.

Hard to play with friends when this was a limited download only release on a now dead eshop but decently fun alone. For a free Zelda game it's good but wouldn't pay for this considering you could play the actual version on Gamecube instead

No ex un Zelda Zelda, pero está bastante entretenido. El mayor problema es que aunque técnicamente no te obliga a jugar multijugador, está muy limitado para un jugador. Jugarlo siendo verdaderamente 3 o 4 tiene que estar bien.

Four Swords tweaked the Zelda format towards level-based, action-oriented co-op gameplay, and thus abandoned the series' main strength.

Played the game on single player. I need friends.

Incredibly short with not much substance, but hey, what can you expect from a free game?

I imagine this would have been funner with friends, but I never played co-op. It's still a very solid and fun game and does some neat things visually.

SLAPPED with the boys, hella good DSiWare title. 7.5/10

I sneezed and the game was done WTF

Uma proposta muito bacana que infelizmente depende totalmente de coop local pra funcionar, o que não é lá muito fácil de se conseguir.

Como single, é apenas um arremedo cru de um Zelda, desprovido de enredo e totalmente focado nas mecânicas, o que não impede de se divertir, mesmo sendo um produto inferior ao restante da franquia.

i had friends when i played this its good

As one would expect, it's fun with friends! Unfortunately, as a limited release it was not the easiest thing to get to play with anyone. The gameplay's not too terribly interesting, but just cooperating with (or screwing around with) friends in this game feels very natural.

it's fun but sad that i can only play it alone

a game that only works with 4 people who all brought their 3ds and all bought this game is a hard game to play when the only person you have to play with is your brother

Don't play this alone. The experience is genuinely the worst I've had with a zelda game.

Me and my old best friends used to play this every time we got together... We beat the whoooole game.

Playing this by yourself is a recipe for disaster. But it was free!

A pesar de ser un juego bonus para el port de link o the past en GBA, es refrescante y bien estructurado una pena que los requerimientos dé hardware (4 consolas) sea su mayor problema.

Zerei com meus primos, cada um um link, foi uma experiência de local play foda demais, se n uma das melhores q tive

Short but enjoyable. Expecially with friends.

Extremely fun with friends, not much else to say

Super fun time with a friend! I wish it weren't quite so grindy and I wish the levels were broken up just a bit more, but it's easy to recommend this to fans of the series.