Reviews from

in the past

An excellent minigame compilation and prequel to Feel the Magic, full of that "rabbit!" style.

A really fun and unique minigame collection! A great use of the DS' core featureset too. Ironically, a better showcase of the system's outlandish features than Nintendo themselves ever put out. Only really gets let down by some slightly wonky/weird control schemes here and there, and how long it can take to get back into a minigame sometimes after failing (minigames with different screen rotations add another few seconds onto how long it takes to retry).

Bonkers plot, ridiculous and addictive minigames all wrapped into a bizarre yet equally enticing package. Would highly recommend despite a few minor issues.

While Feel the Magic: XY/XX does have a cult following thanks to its wacky aesthetics and being a Nintendo DS launch, it seems The Rub Rabbits doesn’t get as much recognition as the original game. It’s a fantastic prequel, full of that whimsical rabbit charm from Sonic Team and fixes the rough spots that made the original a challenging experience. Now with holding the Nintendo DS sideways and upside down, your relationship with the handheld has never felt so close to comfort.

I adore both games in this series, and I wish they would have continued them on the Nintendo 3DS or mobile devices. SEGA tends to reference the series every single year, from songs appearing in music compilations, Rhythm Thief, merchandise and their own live concert. Rub truly is love ❤️

esto qué fue exactamente pt.2

Me gustaban los juegos de minijuegos

I always get the 2 games mixed.