Reviews from

in the past

Actually had some potential but wastes it all in boring gameplay.

this is a really odd game, everything about it's mechanics are well thought out and with nuance, it's a stealth based game with inventory management where you must depend on making as little noise as possible, guns are basically dinner bells who are useful only when you decided to exit a level, zombies can actually kill you fast once they overwhelm you, you must keep in mind of your resources and what to do around levels to have the best profit possible and consider future possibilities while also having optional side objectives to consider

the issue stems than this game is half baked, actually, not even half baked, it's raw, it's so raw, i wouldn't even dare to call it finished, it feels like an alpha who just barely got enough QA to make sure there's no collision issues

the combat is easily exploitable and you can just stun lock single zombies until they die, you can also use a shove to also stun lock them and stop their attack animations, even if you get grab, there's another easy mechanic where all you need to do is move a circle into the right spot to free yourself from the grab

all of these issues stem from the fact than they forgot to add a stamina meter to your attacks, but only add it when you decide to sprint

the story also had great potential since the Dixon Brothers are the best addition the series had, but they don't do anything with it either outside making callbacks to the show, Merle being there for just 25% of the game while Daryl just do chores for other characters or just drives around, while all the other survivors can be sum up as "Wikia Article"

the exploration will lose it's charm once you realized almost all the maps are more simpler than you were initially led to, sometimes even as small as a single street or section on certain levels

y'know how with DMC2 is an infamous game for being develop in less than 5 months?

this is what would have happend if the director wouldn't have even a bit of talent that Itsuno had, because i can tell this game didn't even had a year in development and it only came out this soon to catch on the popularity of Telltale's version of The Walking Dead

i feel for Terminal Reality, they didn't deserved to get screwed

Those asset flip games that Jim Sterling plays are better than this shit

This game could have been so much better. But instead, we have this buggy mess of a "game".

Look, I've played this way too much and getting all the achievements was a bitch due to the optional survivors who show up randomly and require so much restarting the game that I was furious by the last one... but I kinda enjoy this janky shit?? Survival Instinct endeavors to make slow zombies who require headshots to kill scary, and it does so until you figure out how awful the AI, resource management, and, you know, everything else in the game is. Maybe if the game was given another year or two to refine its core gameplay and remove the survival road crap, the game could be something better. What is here today is awful and still endearing to me despite this. Except that horde mode one gets for pre-ordering the game. That mode is the definition of worthless.

Es más divertido cortarme las venas con una cuchara que jugar esta porquería.

Buenas ideas pero misma calidad que las temporadas actuales de la misma serie

The optional survivors achievement is.....................

I'm just glad it didn't have online achievements at least.

I take back everything I said about TWD this game suckedddddddddddddd

je préfère pas en parler, c'est trop honteux.

So much promise and so little reward, but at least the game came out in the golden age of the show. For that it gets my love, but not my respect.

i remember being hyped asf for this game because the main guy uses a crossbow, using bows in video games was the hip thing at the time, for some reason

Really bad but I finished it, that's got to count for something right?

I don't even like walking dead

I think this may be the first game I've ever experienced that is literally unplayable. It's a broken, buggy, mess of a game that would constantly glitch, crash, and load infinitely. I knew it was going to be bad, but I've been playing a lot of bad games recently and I have a weird love affair with bad games but holy shit this was the worst thing ever. This is the first game I haven't been able to finish in years from it being so bad. The last time was a few summers ago when I had to quit on Hellboy Science of Evil. Congratulations walking dead survival instinct. I've found a new game to put in my top 5 worst of all time.

i am TWO trophies away from the platinum and i will have it - even if it kills me

Daryl gets his own game made with the change from a random guy they stopped on the streets pocket, you ever wondered what Daryl and Meryl were up to before they met the gang? No? Oh.

This was an absolute stinker of a game. I don't know how you get handed such a slam dunk of an IP and produce this of all things.

Believe me, don't listen to what other people have to say about this game. It is not a shameless cash grab, it is a beautiful goldmine of a video game. And this time, this is not nostalgia purely talking solo.

It's definitely one of the games ever made

This review contains spoilers

This Walking dead game has great things in it, but problems that make people hate it. The Story is that Daryl's father gets killed in the beginning of the Apocalypse and Daryl has to travel through it to find a place to evacuate from, this is an interesting story and can work depending for how well it's done, although the ending is terrible. The Characters Daryl and Merle are great as always, the survivors you meet up with are good considering there isn't much time for them to do anything. The Graphics are bad, but they are not distracting, and it doesn't take away from the fun of the game, the environment doesn't look that bad, the atmosphere is holds it up a bit more. The Gameplay has you explore locations for supplies, killing Walkers and find and help survivors to get them to join you, and choosing where which paths to take on your journey that might lead to other places to scavenge from, but it could have been better, like scavenging fuel doesn't matter since if you run you, you just stop and scavenge a level that has more, it's also disappointing that your survivors can't join you in missions in any way, and leaving most survivors behind like that is upsetting and feels like they should have found a way around that for more survivors joining you somehow. The Controls for moving around are fine, using weapons is good despite a bit of stiffness, but there is this game breaking trick you can do, where you can be caught by a bunch of Walkers and stab them all in the head to kill them all, IT'S TOO OVERPOWERED and ruins the combat. The AI on Walkers is not good, sometimes they will move weirdly so it's not the best, but I didn't have any "they won't come after me" AI that other people's games had. The Side missions to collecting stuff are the same levels but flipped or at other entrances, this is lazy and could have had more effort, and the collectables suck, not worth any time, especially in a game where you already collect things. Getting perks though is great for replaying the game, since you can start off with multiple weapons or other perks to make the experience more action packed. Overall, this game is bad, but not as bad everyone thinks, as this game is fun and still works as a survival horror game but is only held back by broken gameplay.

My moms boyfriend and I completed this

One of the worst games I’ve ever played as it actually gave me a headache with how unpolished and broken looking it was. Interesting ideas in route planning, but in practice, it doesn’t have much depth as resource management is not really that important here and the levels and environments are so bland it doesn’t even make the game fun to travel through. Awful performance with ugly and stuttering graphics / character animations + environments so lifeless and barren that the game honestly looks unfinished. Poor level design leads to a lack of direction and motivation. Obviously no thought or effort was put into this game and is shows (you can still see a mouse cursor that the devs forgot to delete on the screen when The Walking Dead tv intro plays at the start of the game like they were screen recording a window😂)

Why did I finish this game in its entirety? What was wrong with me? Was I so desperate to play a new game?

REALLY buggy! Look, the story is okay, It's just showing Daryl's and Merle's past, but the fighting mechanic is not that great, It has a lot of bugs and It crashes sometimes, at least on pc