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in the past

A fun little spot-the-difference game with 3D visuals. Every diorama is gorgeous, and some of them are pretty detailed. The audio is calming.

The solutions tend to be a little samey after awhile. Lots of size differences/slight misplacements/slight miscolorations. They tend to do it with a very similar range of objects, too. Doesn't stop them from being hard to spot, but it would be nice if they mixed it up more. That's only a minor issue, though.

I beat the game 100% in about 6 hours. Was a nice, very calming distraction tool for brief sessions over a few days.

This is a deceptively hard game despite it's simple premise.
There are 100 levels which breaks down as 10 worlds each with it's own theme with 5 differences per level. Whether it's a size, colour, placement or other difference nothing feels overused or too obvious and just enough challenge to keep it engaging for days not hours.
The only slight gripe is that there is no kind of hint button and for maybe 3 levels I just randomly clicked madly until it finally found the last difference, but 3 out of 100 levels isn't bad and I could have googled it, but a hint button would have been nice just for a nudge in the right direction.

It is a 3D spot the difference game with no unique mechanics. The environments are low-poly but can be fun and the music is very soothing and out of the way. Camera control is a bit stiff and it can be hard to focus it on areas that you want to look at when you are zoomed in.

A fun game if you like spot the difference puzzles but not really anything special about it beyond that.

Hyper Three Studio ha creado un juego magnífico para llevar en el portátil, para los ratos de sofá y mantita (pronto tendrá versión de Switch), para ratitos de desconexión, y como pasatiempo. Ideal para jugar con peques o con un amigo, para buscar diferencias juntos. Un juego en el que el tiempo pasa y no te das cuenta.

Viajar por esas pequeñas islas buscando diferencias da una satisfacción enorme. Y es que, aunque cliquemos por error donde no es, NO PASA ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA, no hay penalización ni perdida de puntos o estrellas. En Tiny Lands se busca la paz, no la frustración. Si te atascas en un nivel, pasa a otro y ya volverás o quédate un rato escuchando su musiquita y sus sonidos ambientales, el juego no te va a exigir nada más, excepto que disfrutes.
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very soothing and chill find the difference game. I'm a sucker for these and this had tons of levels, a lot of which have genuine challenge. My only complaint is that some of the differences were so miniscule it was bordering on impossible without just left clicking a bunch on the screen. But yeah I played this a ton and completed the many levels so that should tell you the quality of this one. 3.5 ★