Reviews from

in the past

Played this game years ago when it was at the height of its peak. I went back and was disappointed to say that there were very few additions that impressed me, and it seemed to be an even bigger cash grab than before. A simple concept that could have been fun, but devs didn't give it enough love.

I don't remember much of the game, but I always used an exploit where I changed the clock on my phone, and the game said that my people disappeared due to time travel accidents

I have an addiction to this silly little phone game

The fact it doesn’t cram ads down your throat like most modern mobile games is enough to make me like it

Been playing this again. W game. +.5 a star.

I accidentally bought some lifetime membership thing for like $100 and when I called support, they refunded me and forgot to remove my membership, so I basically got to be a super player for free. It was still really boring though, so it goes to show that the real content wasn’t hidden behind a paywall, it just sucked to play at its core

I remember genuinely enjoying this game but I don't think it would hold up

One of the best games on the mobile market.

I look forward to waking up in the morning so I can check my Tiny Tower and talk to my gf about hers.

Update: accidentally deleted it when sleep deprived and lost all my progress. It was so fun while it lasted.

Update again: I couldn't leave my precious bitizens behind and now I'm having more fun than ever.

Update again: now I'm just bored.

My addiction returns… I have no respite…

Most mobile games I haven't rated above 3/5 bc well, they're mobile games. Only the best of the best are above that rating IMO. Tiny Tower was goated.