Reviews from

in the past

What was here was brilliant, just not enough of it. Majority of issues, including content, resolved by the sequel.

being multiplayer only really hurt this but the great gameplay redeems it

Pretty good but a lack of single-player content and the existence of Titanfall 2 puts this into the memory pits.

A pretty good introduction to the franchise. It got pretty innovative with it's campaign/multiplayer hybrid, but It didn't land all too well. The core of this game is the movement and the titans, and boy does it do it well. No reason to get this today since pretty much the entire player base moved to Titanfall 2, and since this is a multiplayer only game, makes it a pointless buy. It was still a good time though, and certainly got me invested into the series.

The only plus I give this against TF2 is that I could exclusively make all my mechs have a Japanese voiced AI

Every game wanted to be this game

bot crisis worse than team fortress 2

I remember almost beating the 10 chapter "campaign" in this, only to get a server disconnect. Every time after that, matchmaking never put me in a lobby with anyone playing the end of the game.

What a dumb idea that was.

Gameplay divertida porém falta muito conteúdo

Mejor que un cod y encima con mechas

Um dos jogos que mais me prendeu, fiz grandes amizades nele.

Great gameplay held back by lack of content.

Only thing this was missing was a campaign.

Klasse Multiplayer Shooter mit frischen Mechaniken und einem Bewegungssystem, welches die Gefechte deutlich dynamische als zum Beispiel in CoD macht. Zusätzlich fühlt sich aber auch das Gunplay fantastisch an und viele der Maps sind sehr gut designt.
Dazu kommt dann noch der Kampf mit, gegen und in Titanen. Das bringt eine zusätzliche Ebene in die ohnehin schon starken Gefechte. Als Titan fühlt man sich zwar mächtig, aber als Pilot hat man trotzdem nicht das Gefühl vollkommen aufgeschmissen zu sein wenn einem ein Titan begegnet. Diese Balance zwischen Titan- und Pilotgameplay gelingt wirklich sehr gut.
Zusätzlich ist auch der Standard-Spielmodus eine erfrischende Abwechslung zum klassischen Team-Deathmatch, denn hier spawnen auch KI-Einheiten, welche die Schlachtfelder belebter machen und nicht so guten Spielern auch eine Möglichkeit bieten sich am Erfolg des Teams zu beteiligen.

Insgesamt ist Titanfall für mich einfach das bessere CoD.

Even without a campaign this game is fire, the matches are really fast paced and dynamic. The sequel improved everything this game had.

Played on Andy's Xbox One at Uni.

Played this the day it came out at an internet cafe for a few hours. Had a BLAST. After those few hours went "Oh...this is it?" and never ever considered playing it again

An experiment that cannot survive its own landing.

Man I was so excited for this, felt like it wasn't so fleshed and was so excited for two.
Edit: only having multiplayer was a major disappointment as I just wanted more of the game. Getting the campaign in two was massive

Trying to weave a story into multiplayer matches was a really botched idea. Thankfully the sequel makes up for it.

Campaign gets me every time.... The gameplay is succinct, the community is great (usually), the storyline is genuine and enjoyable, and it overall has that 'hidden gem' feel of a lot of mid 2000s/2010s games. Only shame is that it's availability is going downhill.

haha I bought a game I can never play

provavelmente o fps que me prendeu mais tempo parabens

o 2 é o jogo oficial, esse é beta.

Played this game again way past its prime yet to my surprise maintain a player base on Xbox and the gameplay holds up!

It's hard to truely judge this title without putting the sequel up in comparison. What I can say though it that when this game first came out I was truly shocked with the quality if showcased in environments, gameplay, and audio. Titanfall 1 continues to be a grim reminder of a series that may never get the light of day as Apex legends at this time of writing takes all development attention and Titanfall 1's servers are nearing their closure.

Fun to get some matches in on the Series X before the shutdown and a weirdly nostalgic time that brings me back to the launch Xbox One days where we really did not know what to expect.

With the Series X a year into it's cycle it's fitting to give Titanfall that last hoorah for a franchise that really needs to comeback.

Very fun FPS multiplayer online shooter, only thing is the story mode can't really be called a story mode, because it was just a story mixed with multiplayer, in the same vained as... Jesus Evolved.

Still this game was really cool with its parkcore elements along with fighting with giant mechs. Sadly this game is dead due to titan fall 2, so I recommend playing Titan fall 2 😁👍

Always had so much fun with this