Reviews from

in the past

This isn't a game. I understand it's very memetic and has a lot of funny stuff, but it isn't a game. You literally do nothing 95% of the time, with very few exceptions. I'd compare it to the Sims, as they would technically be in the same genre. At least in the Sims, you can control what your characters do. You don't do that here. You just nudge them into directions when they ask for your advice. It's something that I just cannot spend more than 5 minutes on before putting it away for 3 years. It's just not a video game.

The only thing of note is one day I turned on my 3DS and found that 2 of my characters were getting divorced and I find that utterly hilarious.

guess what my best friend's favorite food was

you can't. it was tap water

Wacky but delightful and unique experience that feels like something only Nintendo could make. A remake refining some of the mechanics and making the overall package feel more substantial would do wonders

a fun experience even if it was a bit limited on what you could do with your mii's. that one dream sequence where the mii's drive in a dark forest is still somewhat eerie to me to this day

Amazing game! Very addicting and fun!

This is an extremely fun game, and I can't take anything away for what it does have. That being said there could be more options for relationships

This game is fucking stupid I hate it so much. 10/10.


sequel now sequel now!!!! only complaint is that there isnt enough content to keep me interested after so many hours of playing this game and seeing the same weird cutscenes and thoughts my islanders have.

the best game on the nintendo 3ds no exceptions

tomodachi life i miss you.........

funny as fuck i wish it was on the switch

Such fond memories with this thing. Still holding out on a Switch version.

Meme (so screenshot and musical video of caricatured friends and acquaintances) smorgasbord. "¿Sabías que... las vacas marrones dan leche con chocolate?"

I wish it wasn't as repetitive as it is, but I still really loved seeing my Miis come to life and interact with one another in this humorous little game despite that. It's one of those games I always go back to playing on occasion.

What the hell why did finn the human fuck my mom

It’s great fun for the first couple of hours. However, after a while, it’s going to be extremely repetitive, and boring.

Overall, it’s decent, it just gets really boring after a while. 7/10, 3.5/5

Super fun game! But, I did get bored after a while and I haven’t really played it recently. In fact, I haven’t really played it in over a year. But other than me being bored of it, I really like the creative aspect of basically doing whatever you want!

very fun for a week! then never fun again

this game saved a couple summers of my life holy shit

I’ve wasted so much time playing this game and I regret nothing.

This is the fucking game ever.

I can't explain why this game is so good there's just a bunch of random funny shit to do with your funny guys. The musicals are rad I think.

Think of it like the Sims but with that really weird and fun Nintendo charm.
I enjoyed my time with it, but it doesn't take too long before you've seen everything the game has to offer and things get repetitive fast.
Idk if I can recommend it in 2021 when the switch remaster is probably happening any day now.

i really miss playing this. they could give it the miitopia treatment on switch and i'd buy it again

the game that made me fall in love with Miis as a concept after going "oh yeah, these guys sure do exist" when I first played Wii Sports in 2009. it's genuinely silly and fun to watch your various Miis hang out and I've had far more fun with this game than any Animal Crossing or The Sims game ever created. my only complaint is that the clothing is extremely limited, especially when compared to how it was handled in Miitomo. that and gay people are banned on the island. please have a Switch sequel that fixes these things and gives us the Miitopia Mii Maker functionality I beg of you