Reviews from

in the past

Das zweite Prügelspiel in Zusammenarbeit mit Twillight Frontier.
In nahezu allen Belangen eine deutliche Besserung zu IaMP + einigen Erweiterungen durch das Wetter-System.
Einzig die unchronologische, nicht ganz zusammen passende Handlung stört mich schon etwas (auch wenn Leute mir weiß machen wollen, dass alles zusammen passt und sich nicht widerspricht).
Wer projektil-lastige Prügelspiele mag, wird hier seinen Spaß haben.

Correction, this game is really fucking cool

When I reviewed IaMP it was a shitpost so now I intend to be a bit more in-depth.

This is the second Touhou fighting game and it is pretty rad. It looks the same but the mechanics have been overhauled so that it plays much more nicely. It relies on a flight mechanic to let you "dodge" bullets by just passing through them and is very projectile focused, with two of the three buttons being for magic shooting.

There's two things I find interesting here when compared to similar games. One close relative to this is Senko no Ronde, a completely different take on the idea of a shooter fighting game that's based mainly on the shooter mechanics. That game is also cool but I really love the chance for these characters to be viewed up close and lovingly animated. This is a really nice game to look at, though the backgrounds are a lot of corny CG. That also rules but in a different way.

Second: this game introduced the ability to customize your character with a "deck" of spell cards that have various effects you can invoke in a fight. In some ways this feels ahead of its time with similar ideas being played with in the more mainstream fighting game space. Netherealm has been doing a lot of it for example. All the usual pros and cons of the concept are here and I didn't spend a whole lot of time with it just clearing the story.

Speaking of which, this is a fun game to play single player, much better than IaMP. The campaigns are shorter, usually only having six fights. Most of your time will not be spent fighting your opponents as if you were playing the vs mode, but rather defeating their special spell card attack patterns. It makes the game feel more touhou plus it's a bit more fun that the slog of fighting games vs the AI. There's a lot of repetition involved in beating every single story mode but it can be done quick and breezy.

The story is a lot more involved this time too. The inciting incident involves a scarlet mist coming out of everyone that changes the weather according to their personality. This has nothing to do with Remelia Scarlet's red mist from Touhou 6, or the fog in IaMP or any of the other weird weather plotlines, and it's mostly just set dressing for the real story which is about folklore surrounding earthquakes. Even though the first few story modes you have available are similar, it actually develops and moves forward as you unlock more of them, until it ends with everyone just hanging out and having a party. The final boss' deal of being a spoiled girl who became a celestial being on a technicality and is just kind of an asshole is very good, and the writing is very charming. There's no particular point to any of it, just a rumination on various folklore and having fun with the characters.

I have not gotten too deep into the other fighting games before now, so I'm looking forward to that in the future, but this one, along with the expansion pack that is touhou 12.3, has apparently been modded to add rollback netcode so I feel pretty confident that I can recommend checking it out for a touhou or fighting game fan. It's at LEAST interesting.

You can shoot rainbow-lasers of the size of the screen at people!


pretty sure i saw a creppypasta of this game when i was a teenager, about a shadow version of reimu or smt

eu fico MUITO feliz em dizer que esse spin-off de luta de Touhou é bom. o anterior só me atraiu pelas artes bonitinhas, mas esse aqui tem mais substância e os devs fizeram o sistema de spell cards funcionar muito bem dentro das lutas. ouvi dizer que o próximo é melhor ainda, o que me deixa empolgada!

jogar com a Youmu me lembra de quando eu fui main da Bridget em Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus (as duas tem um objeto controlável que pode ser usado em um ataque dependendo de onde ele está posicionado). talvez eu vire main dela se a Aya ou a Yuyuko não forem tão legais de controlar.

a Aya aparece nesse jogo.

ZUN's esteemed cast of characters and a deck-based skill system create a rich and unique fighter, with surprising technical depth. Experimentation is highly encouraged by design.

oh god weather RNG please stop coming at the worst possible moments

Touhou fighting game rating: 6/10

I just love this game and think it has one of the greatest OSTs of any game ever.

Amazing fighting game but I would recommend 12.3 more since you can unlock the roster in that game from this one.

Sizable improvement over IaMP. I do kind of wish these games were more intuitive, because on average I much prefer the look and feel of these games to the mainline ones. Usually if I want a shmup I'll be looking for something else, probably something older so I can just savescum through it if things aren't going my way lmfao.

Too lazy to figure out online play for this, if there is any. I doubt it'd work well either way since I illegally downloaded it. Is it even in any digital stores anymore?

Better gameplay compared to IaMP, not to mention I can play as Aya