Reviews from

in the past

Wow, I really wasn't expecting to like this one as much as I did. I was expecting full on unforgiving trash, but I actually got a decent game here.

Thrilla's Surfari was a game I remember playing at a friend's house back in the day along with TMNT III: Manhattan Project, and for the life of me I just couldn't remember the damn name of it to find a rom and play it again. It eluded me for quite a while, but I eventually did track it down again and man is it weird. You're a skateboard riding gorilla named Thrilla out to save his human girlfriend from some mask wearing tribesman who wants to sacrifice her I guess, I dunno why it has to be her so I'm just gonna assume this guy just has a death grudge against Thrilla.

When you first boot this game up you're probably going to feel like it's excruciatingly hard. The action is fast-paced and it can be easy to fall into pits or wipe out from smacking into logs kinda similar to Rollergames on the same system. The thing that helps here is collecting the coconuts for chances at getting more 1ups in the endstage bonuses with you trying to find the ball in the rotating coconuts. If you get good at these you can really rack up extra dudes. There's also bananas that give you permanent health bonuses, which honestly feel mandatory to make some of the later stages and bosses more manageable. There's an infinite lives code too if you really want to go that route.

Which speaking of, the bosses in this game? Freak the crap out of me somehow, I dunno what it is but something about them just really upsets me, maybe it's the crude way they're drawn combined with how gigantic they are. I kinda like it. This game's messy artstyle somehow makes it more endearing to me along with the dumb surfer lingo in the cutscenes.

The major downsides to this game is that the last some stages are pretty underwhelming and the difficulty curve is just completely whack. Stage 4-2 is probably the biggest spike in difficulty I've seen in a while, meanwhile 7-1 has so much dead air that it probably wouldn't look out of place in the first two sets of stages if it wasn't full of lava instead of water. The entirety of 7-1 through 7-4 is also just surfing, nothing to mix it up like the game normally does. Those edgeguarding fucking scorpions in 6-4 can also eat my ass.

Fun game, a flawed but fun game. I would say it's perhaps... a Thrilla ride? I'm sorry.

It beggars belief that Surf Designs got a sequel, but it somehow happened and they somehow ended up making yet another good skateboarding game in the vein of Excitebike offset again by a clunkier surfing game and shark riding segments that seem oddly similar to a series of ape-related country games. Makes you wonder if this serves as inspiration for Mr. Kong's later antics.