Reviews from

in the past

A murder mystery narrative with an unreliable narrator and memory loss that also has well integrated gameplay triggers and tough but reasonable puzzles strewn in. You can play entirely with your mouse on PC, and though there is one part that's not intuitive in Chapter 7 (you need to double click instead of dragging), the rest was easy enough to follow along and navigate with. A little short of a game, but overall a nice little experience.

I backed Unmemory on Kickstarter because it looked like it was going to be a totally different and genuine experience, and I was not mistaken. This is a text-based game, yes, but it goes way beyond just that.

The story is nothing new (amnesic guy can't remember past events and tries to uncover the truth) but it is implemented through some really clever gameplay approaches. During each of the game's chapters, you will have to carefully read the ongoing text while also interacting with some visual elements and puzzles that will in turn unlock new texts, making you go back and forth in search for clues that will allow you to progress further into the protagonist's memories. Every section plays differently, with new kinds of interactions, puzzles and reactions to your input, keeping the game always fresh.

To enhance its heavy focus on storytelling, the game keeps distractions to a minimum and every audio or visual effect that is shown has a key role in both the story and the puzzle solving, thus making the experience very dynamic and organic, as you will be looking for hints and solutions in more ways than just reading texts. In that regard, you should really keep a notebook near you so you can take some notes and make some drawings, since that will really help you with some of the puzzles you'll come across. This made me be even more invested in the experience as I really felt like I was investigating everything and solving the mysteries all by myself.

To me, Unmemory was an incredibly fun to play game and it felt unique from start to finish. I hope this game starts being noticed in the near future, the creators really deserve it.

Unmemory es el juego perfecto para llevar en el bolsillo. Es una novela inmersiva ambientada en los 90, un thriller que nos tendrá en vilo durante sus 8 capítulos.
Nos encontramos ante un juego en el que tendremos que jugar con nuestro dispositivo y nuestra propia memoria. Anotando en un cuaderno mil puzles y combinaciones (pocos juegos me han hecho anotar tanto), escuchando atentamente a lo que nos dicen, (auriculares más que recomendados).
Es un libro-juego en el que interaccionaremos con todo o prácticamente todo lo que salga en pantalla. Es un juego altamente recomendado si os gustó Memento o Matrix, si os chiflan los juegos de rol y os encantan los libro juegos de “juega tu aventura”. Unmemory es un gran entretenimiento de bolsillo.