Reviews from

in the past

It was actually kind of fun, back in the day.

You don't even get to play as the X-Men. You "create" your own character and forge your own destiny, but even that is half assed. You pick from 1 of 3 pre-made characters to play as. So you don't even really get to create your own character. Throughout the game you make choices that will help determine whether you join the X-Men or Magneto and the Brotherhood. The problem is that it doesn't matter at all. It doesn't change the game or the story. You still fight the same bosses at the same time regardless of which faction you pick. The story is completely boring and utterly toothless. There's one mini boss fight that switches from nightcrawler to toad depending on which side you pick, but it's simply just a re-skin. The environment is the same and the method for beating the mini boss is the same. It just reeks of laziness and lack of creativity. This game is also completely derivative of other properties. It's almost like it wanted to copy X-Men Legends and Marvel Ultimate Alliance without including any of the elements that made those games shine. A fully fledged RPG in the Marvel world would have been a blast. X-Men Legends 3 would have been a welcomed entry. Sadly this game is neither. There's also a moment where Magneto moves the golden gate bridge because ya know he did that in his last movie appearance prior to this game so that means he always has to do that from now on. There's a boss that's the exactly same thing as Titan Joker in appearance. This game is creatively bankrupt.

Besides it's awful scope and lack of creativity this game is terribly designed. The levels go on for far too long in the same bland and uninteresting environments. The graphics are crap. You button mash through the same 3 or 4 enemy types the entire game. The auto saves are not always placed in the most generous of locations. The text selection box sucks and you can't skip the boring dialog or the cut scenes. The combat isn't varied enough even though it works well and is fun enough to beat em up for a few hours. The powers are fun but again not enough variation. At least it's an easy enough platinum, it's not broken, buggy, or glitched. It got the usual suspects for voice acting so it sounds great. There's some neat ideas that just weren't fully fleshed out. at least the combat does work pretty well and the controls are adequately responsive. This game isn't bad enough for a completely negative review but it's not good enough for a solidly mediocre one either. It was just a huge missed opportunity and I'd love to know what happened with this game.

I found it okay despite not knowing any X-Men lore, I liked how you could pick a side.

this game was literally at 5 and below for $5 i copped and wanted to die

im the only 4.5 star review
game was alright

Eu já vim aqui esperando bomba. Mesmo assim, NADA poderia ter me preparado pra os gráficos de PS2 que eu vi nesse jogo de 2011 já na primeira cutscene. Os modelos 3D pareciam saídos do Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, também da Actvision... só que VTM:B é de 2004!!!

Ainda assim, eu sou jogador velho, forjado no Mega Drive e no PC rodando jogo na qualidade mínima, não seriam gráficos feios que iriam me afastar de um jogo, mas aí vem todo resto. Parecer um jogo antigo até na gameplay matou bastante X-Men: Destiny. Por exemplo, o jogo aparenta ter um morality system, o que é algo moderno, mas que no fim das contas não pareceu fazer diferença alguma (que nem um jogo velho). Tem três personagens que tem praticamente as mesmas falas, fazendo com que não faça diferença quem você escolhe (que nem jogo velho) e os inimigos e bosses vão se reciclando e reaparecendo com uma color palette levemente diferente (que nem jogo velho).

Sendo assim, julgando como um jogo velho deslocado do seu tempo, XMD é bom? A resposta é... não achei ruim. No quesito jogabilitade, se você julgar ele como um hack'n'slash de PS2, ele ainda vai te divertir bastante (pelo menos eu me diverti). No quesito história, o jogo infelizmente tem uma história que parece começar do meio e terminar do nada, e as aparições dos personagens clássicos dos X-Men não são nem de longe o melhor uso desses personagens que você vai achar por aí.

Depois de ver um vídeo do Matt McMuscles sobre o processo de criação e lançamento desse jogo tudo fica ainda mais triste por que fica claro que havia a intenção de fazer bem mais e melhor.

Ainda assim, 2 de 5 por causa das três ultimas Boss Battles que eu achei bem gostosas e o carisma do Grant, o protagonista com o qual eu joguei, que não é estelar mas é legal.

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i like how they gave you options to either help the X-Men or the Brotherhood but it doesn't even fucking matter because the story doesn't change on which team you help until the very end of the game so what's even the fucking point
combat is also really fuckin slow and repetitive which sucks because that's 95% OF THE GAME!!!!!!!!
and also the facial animations suck too, everyone is so lifeless and expressionless it's really eery

It's a fine beat-em-up but your choices really don't matter, despite that being the primary focus of the game. I go back to it every so often, but it's not something I'd consider the greatest ever made.

Duh duh duh duh duh, duh duh!
Duh duh duh duh duh, duh duh!
Duh duh duh duh duh, duh duh, DUH DUH!

I miss the X-Men 90s Cartoon.

its a great game. the missions are good length.. not to long nor its too short. the story is good, and I really enjoyed playing until the very end. it doesn't deserve the hate it gets but its a decent game.i finished this game in 1 day. I was never board of the game. the only problem I have is you cant play as wolverine or any other xmen and there isn't other games modes, there is just a story. I got this for $15 dollars and I was not disappointed. I would give this game a 8.5/10.

I remember this being pretty fun

RPG based on X-Men? What could possibly go wrong? Two words: Silicon Knights.

This game was so bad it was removed from store shelves.

That's not actually what happened, but it’s what I want to believe in.

esse jogo coloca varios elementos que eu gosto demais:
criar seu proprio personagem, melhoria nas habilidades e poderes, sistema de afinidade com os personagens e um sistema de batalha clássico muito bom, isso tudo no universo dos X-men. brabo

This game is okay, I don't think its like as bad as some people say it is but man does it lack hard. Options mean really nothing I think besides some couple scenes you get here and there that offer no real big change. I think the biggest issues come more from the fact I had to play this through the 'Wii' which means that certain aspects of the game were just gone.

6/10. It's okay.

Literally the only game I refunded, Ima take this opportunity to say that RPG systems aren't an objective good game design and could actively lamify your game to HELL. Yeah man I play an X-men game for it's create a character, like wtf?

I have some weird, random nostalgia tied to this one. This was the last game I ever bothered renting. I rented it from Red Box. Beyond that, it is good, mindless, button-mashing fun.