Reviews from

in the past

Qualquer fã de 999 que passar de VLR vivo e for pra isso tem 90% chance de morrer de derrame cerebral até o fim dessa "aventura" ou seja lá como de queria chamar a tentativa de narrativa aqui feita

A defenda qualquer merda exceto o final disso aqui

you will enjoy this game if you treat it as a comedy

no uchikoshi stop you already killed it

The move from the visual novel format to a terribly animated low-budget 3D cinematic experience turned out to be a terribly unnapealing choice specially due to the lack of motion capture.

However, the escape rooms are the best in the series and the plot was still the mindblowing type of stuff you'd expect from the last game on this trilogy. An extremely satisfying conclusion to one of my favourite franchises of all time.

Awesome ride, stupid twist, kinda unsatisfying ending. Would recommend

this is the worst game i've EVER played. horrible end to an otherwise amazing series. just don't play it. just pretend its a duology.

La conclusión de la trilogía ZE es una entrega que, debiendo responder las dudas que construyo VLR, prefirió sabotear todo ignorando conceptos y dilemas de entregas pasadas y en varios casos simplificándolos sin motivos, con un cast que peca de irritante y estúpidos en su mayoría, una cantidad considerable de contradicciones respecto a anteriores entregas con elementos que no cuadran mientras se omiten otros y los puzzles más aburridos y sosos de la saga.

Zero Time Dilemma es una conclusión nefasta alrededor de una gimmick interesante ejecutada pobremente con un final no solo insatisfactorio, sino que abre más preguntas que se sienten como excusas para no responder otras.

Nota aparte las cinemáticas están tan mal hechas que varias escenas acaban siendo comedia involuntaria.

It is nearly inarguable that this is worse than Virtue's Last Reward as far as many aspects are concerned. However, it is also inarguable that this is way funnier than VLR and I probably had more fun going through this. My reasoning is very complex.

the game is a mess, an absolute travesty in places, is visually unappealing and clunky in almost every way, and yet I can't say it's bad at all, not even in a "so bad it's good" way, it sincerely tries to continue the story of what was a commercial failure in the Zero Escape series for the dedicated fanbase, and while it is most certainly even MORE just out there and bananas than either of the previous games, it's just so fun to play, I still recommend it.

A messy ending but a suitable one.
70% fanservice.
Awkward evolution of the storytelling causes most of the game to be pausable cutscenes.
Models finally stand on their own merits in cutscenes but all their wrists look broken.
Still a massively unique game, but unlike VLR only worth playing if you've completed the others.

+ Addition endings are vastly different
+ Actually feels like a game
+ Excellent use of atmosphere
~ Fragments keep you guessing / give you an experience
~ You have to redo certain puzzles / easy to not figure out
- Cursor is too small; easy to miss puzzles
- Default options are not optimal

Hoo boy. I love bad games because I get to drop any attempt at writing a good review.

So I really love the Zero Escape series. Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors is in my top 10, and its sequel Virtue’s Last Reward was also pretty enjoyable. The great characters and interesting atmosphere got me enthusiastic for visual novels in general, and they’ve served as a constant source of creative inspiration. Then, this game comes along. It’s not even like it’s a straight-up horrible game, you still have some interesting decisions to make and a couple nice bits of drama, but it’s... all wrong. The best I can do is to have you picture what it would be like if your favorite video game series got shelved for years, then had a chance with one last game to wrap up the franchise for good. The developers then decided that with such a low budget, it would be best to make it a porn parody of the rest of the series. Everyone could have some laughs, some characters could bang, and the plot could be wrapped up all at once in a way that didn’t set fan expectations too high. That’s pretty much exactly what this game feels like. Old characters are brought back in an ultra-flanderized form, the animations are laughably bad, the story is full of holes, and the amount of nonsensical melodrama makes it feel like a critique of the worst parts of the previous entries. There were multiple points where I just sat there, laughing in total shock of what the hell I was looking at. I laughed enough that I could almost recommend the game to fans of the series for that alone, but I can’t in good conscious tell anyone that they would enjoy this game.

It's got that Zero Escape feel for sure and I believe this is not that crap game people make it out to be but this is a very, very disappointing conclusion to the Zero Escape franchise.

The highs were really high but man this was just not a satisfying conclusion

"Is Uchikoshi A Hack" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate,

i'm just gonna pretend i didn't play this at all but huge congrats for being the 2nd game in existence to have phi zero escape

Could have been really amazing, but it just isn't. There is so much good stuff here-- there are some genuinely dope characters and moments of good writing here and there, the atmosphere is far better than VLR, and the gameplay is generally super solid-- but it falls flat on its face in the overarching story department.
"I have the ability to mind hack."
Fuck Delta

Look, it's not, strictly speaking, great (or really even good for that matter) but Zero Escape is a high-floor sort of franchise for me and the game, while mostly worse than the previous entries, (unintentionally?) brings the sense of dumb genre campiness that the first two games played around with into the forefront and I can't get too mad at it for that. but yeah you can probably skip it

The simplest way to describe this is a mess. What could've been a fantastic end to an amazing trilogy ends with a whimper and a lot of whys
The core idea of the gameplay set up, with it's flow chart and decision game is excellent but the story and characters they tried to fit into this framework just did not match. Add on top of that some bs explanations for stuff and it all starts crumbling down.
It's still has its moments though and the pacing is very good in this one, just be expecting to roll your eyes and shake your head through parts of it


Decent. Disappointed in the final entry of the trilogy. I didn't liked the formula, nor how the cast was handled, specially the characters from previous entries. The main villains reveal was kinda there, and the villain itself didn't live up to the expectations. It isn't an horrible game, I loved the graphics and puzzles, but compared to the first two, this one was the black sheep of the trilogy.

Zero's motives are complex, y'know

Played on PS5

It is exceptionally hard to top Virtue. I didn’t expect this one to. The art direction is very 2013 with Telltale vibes so it has not aged well... a game in 2016 with 2013 graphics is very off putting. Once you get past that, the puzzles, story and characters (f*** Eric though) are absolutely worth it.

Some puzzles were a little much and I hate cursor movement on console games.

All in all, as a game, it’s pretty solid 4/5 but however, considering it an end to a solid franchise, it’s very meh. Again, it is hard to top Virtue. I doubt I’ll play a point and click adventure game better than Virtue for many years. I felt the impact of the end wasn’t as strong as I was hoping.

Anyways though, ignore the predated graphics. You’ll get use to it. It’s worth playing if you’re invested in the franchise.

Really lacking end of trilogy. They made changes to the formula and presentation, but most of them were for the worse. Very disappointing narrative speaking