Reviews from

in the past

I did enjoy myself playing this, but the resolution was a bit of a mess. One character was an especially big offender of the ending being a mess, but there were a slew of goofy or half-assed plot points as well. True End was hokey and way too melodramatic with that music. And of course, the technical issues (clipping, stiff animations, weak English VO overall), but I get the game was budget.

Disappointing end to a great VN series.

didnt finish, confusing for the sake of it, boring, ugly and with terrible acting

While a lackluster ending to the Zero Escape franchise, this game is a fun ride for those willing to look past the plot connections and take it as a cheesy SAW-like game with competent puzzles, fun characters and a budget that seemed to have been only looked at once the game was out for a week

i fucking hate eric and his stupid fucking face fuck you eric

There are two constants in the world
and my motives, which are very complex

this game is so fucking bad please play all of it it's so funny

gave this the middle score because its simultaneously the best and worst game ever. the memes this game spawned are second to none

ZTD drops the ball that 999 and VLR set up before it. While SOME of its endings are great, some key plot points and lackluster presentation really undermine the Zero Escape Trilogy's finale.

I wish they'd been given more budget to work with, but the other games will always be there, and some of the fanservice will appeal to fans of the previous games if nothing else.

Goofy and not as good as the rest of the series but still worth a look.

The long awaited third chapter to the Zero Escape series, which for a long time almost didn’t exist if it wasn’t for the continuous support of a devoted and invested fanbase. Zero Time Dilemma is many things: it’s the overarching conclusion to a cult sci-fi thriller series, it’s an attempt to square every thread left unwind during the previous games, it is an experiment of how far will people passively accept faux-science in lieu of common sense; it’s a thriller devoid of real suspense, a conspiracy story where the conspirators never show up, a sci-fi with so much fiction and so little science, a character driven drama where the characters are almost non-existent and lack any sort of humanity and coherent development. Zero Time Dilemma is many things, hardly any of them is good, well developed or new to the general audience.

The story itself won’t require many spoilers as it is more of a giant meme than a serious narrative by this point. Uchikoshi Koutarou came back and decided to strip everything that made previous game enjoyable and memorable – the style, the characters, the mystery, the sci-fi implications – and instead decided to bring everything the players had previously know from the series to a climax consisting solely of SNAILS, of ANCIENT ALIENS and COMPLEX MOTIVES.

Characters still are probably the worst offenders of this game, even more so than the dumbed down puzzles and idiotic narrative: new characters are either disconnected completely from the plot or have one very specific role that is either fix the holes in the narrative or being a hole in the narrative; old characters are unrecognizable from their former selves and probably fit into the story even worse than their new counterparts. You would’ve loved to see some of your favourite come back with their wits and humour to spice things up and get their deserved good ending? Too bad, instead everyone is now a massive unlikeable c-nt and they will gladly leave the centre stage to some lame bugger, like the kid with Yoko Taro’s mask or Carlos.

The graphics are also at their lowest ever. The rigid models in Virtue’s Last Reward were an offense to the eye but at least they stayed put and pretended to be sprites, now instead someone woke up and decided to try a full-fledged cinematographic approach by adding camera movements and panning over the models, probably just to show off their immense ugliness. The facial expressions are more comically rigid than ever, movements just robotically stiff and there is an impossible amount of time lost between unskippable idle animations during replays.

More often than not the game actively punishes you for thinking ahead about the possible solutions, as the most predictable and inconsequential answers will almost always be the correct ones, leaving one without the feeling of reward for actively solving the mystery but more like an accomplice to the huge joke that is the storytelling in this game.

Do you feel the unsurmountable urge to complete each and everything you ever begin, have a fetish for train wrecks and C O M P L E X M O T I V E S, or generally like to enjoy your own anger? By all mean, this game was made with you in mind as the target audience.

Very underrated. I know this has many flaws. The visuals sucks and people tend to be tilted because of the ending, but I think the ending is perfect.

que puta mierda ni me lo termine

honestly this is a terrible game and even worse ZE game, but it has moments of brilliance. without saying too much, the reveal for sigma and phi in this game had me repeatedly shouting "WHAT THE FUCK.... DUDE NO FUCKING WAY WHAT THE FUCK". it's a shame that it butchers junpei and akane and introduces the most useless characters in any adventure game ever in the form of mira and eric, but you take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have my opening statement.

as a successor to vlr this fails on nearly every front but damn is this shit funny. jarvis pull up the junpei walking out of the casino room gif

This final chapter brings the beloved trilogy to a gratifying end. Incredibly complex plot, great puzzles, and all this in full 3D.

doesn't deliver all of what it was promised to, and the puzzles are designed by monkeys, but it's still incredibly entertaining despite those faults

"Zero Time Dillema is the best I've ever played"- Ghandi

Too complex motives and snails

Snail is an anagram for Slain :^)

If two men were on the moon and there was a single, solitary snail, would life simply be unfair or what?

After the build up of the two previous games and the insanity of VLR's ending, it feels hard to blame ZTD for not being able to neatly wrap up the series in a satisfying way but even considering all that...this game is still a big disappointment.

Lemme start with the good. Character designs are fantastic. The key art for this game is awesome. The stuff with the alien Phi's parents is great. There's some pretty cool puzzle rooms, like the pantry and the alien transporter room.

Now with the stuff I don't like. Characters keep forgetting what they did after the end of each puzzle so there's no real character advancement until the very end. Akane acts like an idiot in this game which goes against her character in the first two games. The animations look...really bad. I understand this game existing in the first place is a miracle Eric is one of the worst video-game character ever. And the ending! Oh my god! I can't believe the ending for this entire series is a bad guy being like "i did it all so you would be motivated!" and then they all go off into the sunset being like "yeah! i'm motivated! let's save the world!" and that's it. It's terrible! As well as the note about Mira post-game! Also, the fact that so many threads were left untouched from VLR's ending is so disappointing because it makes that whole ending feel totally pointless now. Like not even going into the indeitity of Kyle? Come on now.

Whatever, this game has some moments in it and it's not all terrible but in the end it's a complete let down.

That dog listens to Playboi Carti.

Still has a lot of the zero escape heart, but zero follow through.

As far as I'm concerned the trilogy never got it's third installment