Reviews from

in the past

Shooter com foco no multiplayer em um tempo que os jogos estavam conhecendo o gênero e aprendendo como trabalhar com ele... essa não foi uma das formas, além de ter envelhecido mto mal

Nota: 3/10 (★☆) - Muito ruim

Similar collection of games like Combat, but with more of a focus on single-player content. A set of shooting gallery games with several different variants.

You can shoot diagonally.

i was going to say this was probably the coolest shit if u were an 8 year old boy in 1977, but that is also when Star Wars came out

Like with Combat, this game is also a pretty good time when you have friends. You can take out planes and ships, along with shooting in a shooting gallery and bombing stuff in multiple game modes. It's a nice difference, rather than fighting each other, you fight to see who can get the most points. Combat is probably more fun, but this title also holds up well.

Game #126

Feels like a rougher version of combat combat but can still somewhat be enjoyable the only issue I really have with it is that it's kind of hard to control the trajectory of the missle launch.
Also nobody seems to be mentioning it coma and probably because they want to act like it's not a clear Thing that you'll notice when you look at the launcher's. But they clearly look fallic, like... weiners or pps. It doesn't help that player 2 on one of the levels has a pure pink color, which just makes it even more obvious.

Playing this on Atari 50 was enjoyable but difficult to control, but I liked it, but still its a bit rough. Wouldn't really play this with a friend that much

In a similar vein to "Combat" with the variety of modes, this one actually has single player play for starters. The jist of the game itself is shooting upwards or downwards at obstacles and enemies with the 27 games again being variations and multiplayer modes of said concept. Not much to say here honestly, feels like just another flavor of "Combat".

Outro jogado pela Curiosidade Histórica(tm), então nada de nota. Esse foi um dos 9 games de lançamento do Atari VCS, então achei que deveria cumprir meu deve gamer e jogá-lo. Apesar de que "jogado" não faz jus ao game, já que experimentei sozinho o que é bem explicitamente uma experiência para se aproveitar disputando com alguém.

Shoot ships and planes by aiming and pressing the button to shoot. Like "Combat" this is another game really meant for people with friends, but I don't have any so I'll review it as a single player and just use my imagination to think how it would be with someone else.

... I guess it would be similar, but probably a little more exciting.

2 - Average: Just another game in a world with far too many

Air-Sea Battle is another example of what I talked about in Sky Diver's blurb. The single player isn’t even worth mentioning, but as a competitive game its a relative blast.

You control either an anti-aircraft gun, a bomber, a submarine, or a ship depending on the game mode, or I guess a clown murdering gun if you are playing the shooting gallery variant, and are tasked with shooting down enemies quicker than your opponent can while avoiding the obstacles that try and prevent your missiles from hitting their target. It gives you the option to either have missiles that you guide manually or ones that just follow the initial trajectory which adds more strategy than you’d expect, I promise.

You might remember Canyon Bomber and Human Cannoball - both games with lightly similar mechanics to some of Air-Sea Battle’s gameplay - faltered there by having limited replay value. The Ship vs Bomber two player variant is specifically the stand out, and to this point was probably the most involved two player game on the console.

Air-Sea Battle 1977 | Atari
emulador Pc

1-interacción: 4
2-mundo/apartado artístico: 4
3-concepto: 5
4-puesta en escena: 5
5-narración: -
6-sonido/apartado sonoro: 5
7-jugabilidad: 4.5
8-historia: -
9-duración/ritmo: 6
10-impacto: 6



52.5 promedio

Played (with a friend) as part of Atari 50.

Dull even with a friend. Just a bunch of different kinds of shooting galleries with really weak and unsatisfying shooting.

These early 2600 games listing "27 DIFFERENT VIDEO GAMES!!" on their boxes is very funny, and even still this is one of the only games where there being more than 1 video game is even vaguely true lol

Still frustrating even when playing single player in a supposedly multiplayer game.

One of the only games my grandparents had for the 2600 we kept at Smoky Lake. Played a ton of hours of it. So many game modes!

An improvement over Combat that also has single player modes, but still ultimately pretty basic.

Pew pew!

Do you like tanks and planes and shooting things, like any little boy who grew up socialized in the 80's? Well, this Atari game has all that and some sweet graphics and sounds.

I mean, look at that business. Multiple modes and fantastic sounds made this game a pleasure to play. It's not complex, so you won't be playing it for hours, but it will keep you going for a bit. Just shoot some things and revel in the simulated violence of modern warfare and target shooting and life.

Pew pew!

Review from

one of the best 2600 launch titles! this game is best played with a friend, with each player controlling a turret and firing at various boats, planes, and military vehicles. it can get pretty frantic, but i feel like dividing the visuals into clear rows and placing the player on a fixed segment of the screen makes it easy to understand what's going on. there's a real wealth of alternate gameplay modes here, too - you can play as a ship, firing at planes flying above you, as a plane dropping bombs on the ships below, etc. atlantis and missile command would later improve on what air-sea battle is doing here, but for the time it was released, this is really fun.