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Em meio a um universo, crença e linha cronológica "estabelecidos", AC Rogue veio para virar a chave e nos colocar sob uma nova perspectiva na pele de um Templário.

Lançado simultaneamente com AC Unity como uma forma de nos despedirmos da 7ª geração de consoles, Rogue tem seu principal motivo de ter ficado tão ofuscado. Toda a atenção, publicidade e críticas foram direcionadas para o Unity. Muito se deve em as pessoas estarem curiosas sobre tal game de nova geração, já outros fatores mais voltados com o desastre que foi o Unity e, por consequência, considerarem que o Rogue viria da farinha do mesmo saco.
Ainda bem que não foi assim.

Acompanhamos a estória de Shay Patrick Cormac com seus 21 anos (parece que tem 30) até um acontecimento relevante em um país no final do jogo. Quem jogou ou acompanhou alguma série do game sabe do que estou falando.
Ele é alguém complicado, muito arrogante e que consegue arranjar confusão/briga facilmente. Em uma dessas ele acabou encontrando um homem que mais tarde viria a ser seu melhor amigo, Liam O'Brien. O mesmo faz parte da Ordem dos Assassinos, e na esperança de tentar salvar Shay de uma vida sem propósito Liam o apresenta para Achilles. E, sem mais delongas, a jornada de Shay começa de fato.
Após alguns anos na Ordem, Shay se mostrou extremamente talentoso, um prodígio. Mesmo fazendo tais missões em nome dos Assassinos, o jovem acreditava que existiam outras maneiras de os problemas serem resolvidos que não envolvessem assassinatos e violência. Apesar de ser arrogante, como mencionei antes, o personagem porta muito carisma e um forte senso de liberdade.

Em uma certa missão somos enviados até Lisboa em busca de um artefato, mas o que o destino reservava para Shay o deixaria traumatizado. A verdadeira virada de chave e clímax do jogo ocorrem em Lisboa. E tal clímax é baseado em um trágico evento histórico. Após voltar e confrontar Achilles, Shay rouba um manuscrito que continha informações de outros artefatos e, consequentemente, trai a Ordem.
Talvez pareça um pouco besta o que vou comentar, mas ver um personagem traumatizado por conta de algo que ele não sabia que iria acontecer o deixa mais humanizado. Você simpatiza com ele. Ele simplesmente não deixa pra lá e fala "mais um dia normal".
Ele pra mim é o melhor protagonista de AC que já pude presenciar/jogar. O mesmo carrega consigo um forte senso de justiça, carisma e, acima de tudo, uma humanidade. Por mais que tenha traído a Ordem e ido para os Templários, ele não necessariamente luta por eles, e sim pelo povo da forma mais eficiente que Shay puder.

Mas bem, depois de tanto eventos no jogo e Shay demonstrando remorso pelo que estava fazendo, temos uma frase no final da estória que pode ter duas interpretações:
"Uma guerra e uma revolução terminaram, e outra... está prestes a começar".
Como foi o último jogo de AC lançado para a 7ª geração de consoles, imagino que seja uma despedida indireta da saga para aquela geração.
E na que mais se encaixa é sobre outro evento histórico que não posso dar detalhes.
Shay é um personagem sensacional (sim, estou bajulando um personagem 3D), ele começa como um jovem arrogante e brincalhão para mais tarde se tornar um homem com seus princípios mais do que estabelecidos. Ele fica mais sábio, seu caráter amadurece e seu humanidade evolui.

Agora com relação as mecânicas do jogo... cara, é igual ao AC Black Flag com mínimas mudanças. Que preguiça, hein, Ubisoft?
Não estou me referindo que seja ruim, só poderiam terem feito algo diferente. Não tem tanta inovação "NOSSA!" de um jogo pro outro. O que salvou mesmo foi sua estória. Aliás, parabéns ao roteirista.

Hoje em dia é possível notar mais fãs desse jogo surgindo ao longo do tempo, mesmo que em seu lançamento simultâneo com Unity (misericórdia Ubisoft) ele tenha sido MEGA desvalorizado, hoje ele conta com uma fan base muito enraizada com pessoas entendendo os valores morais de Shay e adorando.
Só mais uma coisa... Shay estava certo.

mais ac black flag porém com uma história nn tão legal, mas eu gostei que o final desse jogo encaixa com o começo do Unity

Se esse jogo fosse maior, entraria no top 3 da saga facilmente

uma platina conquistada com gosto.

Solid game, had more potential

Ambientado no século XVIII, Rogue conta a história de Shay Cormac, um assassino que deixa a irmandande após divergências e torna-se um Templário.

Narrativa e trilha sonora impecáveis com ótimos personagens e uma boa jogabilidade.

Not a big fan of sailing in these games and the repeated use of the ship just irks me to the point I don't want to play it ha.

A suprisingly good time, better than Black Flags in my opinion with better missions, story and main character. Well worth a play through of someone who wants a quick AC game

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Good game but the main man was a rebel

I like the idea of a twist on the traditional Assassin's Creed story that has you playing as a templar instead of an assassin. It's a shame the game itself is so incredibly mediocre.

eu só queria mais protagonistas templários, o único que temos é um dos meus favoritos, a história dele é bem dahora e eu curto muito as motivações dele, acho que foi até bom o jogo ser curto que deu pra contar bem o que queria com o Shay, mas tirando o protagonista o resto é tudo bem ok, o mapa não é tão enorme quanto no Black Flag mas ainda tem um pouquinho de charme nas partes de gelo e tipo eu não curti tanto as batalhas navais e pilotar o navio nesse jogo, não sei se tem alguma canção nova no navio mas todas as que eu escutei tinham no Black Flag e o jogo é pequeno mas não deu vontade nenhuma de continuar jogando após a história, deu uma enjoada forte, talvez um dia eu volte pra explorar as ilhas que eu não fui

For me, the best of the Americas Assassins Creed Saga. I prefer the North Atlantic setting to the Caribbean and the quality of life improvements create a much smoother experience.

It’s short, but allows a much tighter and more focused story. It’s really good despite being bound by the events of four other games.

this game is like fast food. you know it won't be the most amazing thing ever; but if you're in the right mood then it might just hit the spot. if you have a craving for the older AC games then this isn't a bad one to play through.

El penúltimo de mis Assassin's Creed pendientes. Había escuchado y leído maravillas acerca de este título y, la verdad, que tampoco me ha parecido nada excepcional.

Jugablemente sigue la línea de Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, ya con las batallas navales incluídas pero con un mucho peor desarrollo del mapa, no dan ganas de explorar.

Sin duda, el punto más fuerte y distintivo es el argumental. Sin hacer spoilers, solo decir que es el único título de este estilo en toda la saga, pero no le da solo con este apartado para colarse en el top de la saga.

I used to think this game was underrated, but it's honestly pretty shit. Packed to the brim with generic dialogue and an undeveloped plot. At the time, it was interesting to explore this world solely as a Templar, but this affect has worn off on replay. After replaying, it feels so unfinished, rushed and overall completely devoid of life. I cannot remember how many times Shay had to say "I make my own luck." Bravo, Ubisoft... such a unique character trait that I have never seen before, and now you're milking it to the max. Very uninteresting character in the end, and the present day story isn't any better and honestly really cringe. Can't stand any of the present day characters and it feels very generically "haha the truth will out" BS; so, did not enjoy that at all.

I don't know what's up with AC games after Black Flag using the same engine but not allowing you to sprint properly, but it's very annoying. Definitely feels like a poor man's Black Flag, something that should have been a DLC, but not sure what to. In that respect, it would have been a pretty decent DLC.

Not sure where this "under appreciated" status came from; I assume mostly from people who played this once years ago and haven't really come back to it, but it is so undeserved. This game is perfectly rated in the series and understandably is not talked about because of how painfully mediocre it really is.

Curto, chato e uma reciclagem bem bosta MEEEESMO do Black Flag. Demorei 6 anos pra terminar esse ai pra ter uma ideia de quanto é enjoativo. Devo ter facilmente ter tentado finalizar umas 8 vezes dês do PS3.

Sobre a gameplay, é a única parte boa, afinal, é tudo vindo do black flag. A história tinha potencial mais pra um livro. Gostei MT não :P

Aproveitando a fama e o hype do AC black flag, o AC Rogue trás uma das historias mais interessantes da saga, com a mesma gameplay de sucesso com navios e combate.

(Review from Jun 2020) I’m really surprised, I had to give this game a second chance cause I just wasn’t feeling it at first. I have some mixed feelings on the game as a whole, but generally I liked my time with it. The story is really rough, although there are moments that shine really well and bring the rest of the series together. The gameplay in the North Atlantic parts was amazing, I really wish that was the whole game.

Fun game but wish it was longer. Shay had potential to be one of the most interesting characters in the series but he was not given enough time to develop and everything about him leaving the Brotherhood and joining the Templars felt rushed. The combat felt great and the environments were all fairly interesting and I liked the final mission linking this to Unity. Get this on sale and you'll have a fun time.

i wont say that this game is overhated i just feel like its ignored. its the last true assassins creed imo (doesnt mean that its the last good game of the franchise, far from it). this game is a bit short, but it doesnt bother me. this game is basically a reskin of black flag, but it doesnt bother me. the only thing that bother me is for the length of the story there are too much modern day portions. other than that if you liked black flag youll probably like this game. the story is also one of the best of the franchise imo

Gameplay reciclada do IV, mas a história realmente muito boa, a dublagem excelente deixou o enredo mais envolvente. Ótimo jogo

Much of Rogue is a reskin of Black Flag, including the sailing gameplay, which is still good, but not as fun the 2nd time around. The main draw is tied to the protagonist, Shay Cormac, who finds himself alienated from the Assassins and defects to the Templar Order, becoming a ruthless Assassin hunter. This adds a new dynamic to gameplay as you can be ambushed by Assassins sent to kill Shay, or you can use your training to ambush them in turn. The story mainly serves to bridge the gap between Black Flag and III so some fun characters from both get to show up and have a last moment in the spotlight. Rather than a larger overworld like in Black Flag, the world is split into New York, the northern seas around North America and the inner Riverlands on the American coasts; the first is a traditional free-running city, and the 2nd is more akin to Black Flag's sailing, while the riverlands are an awkward blend of both - that is a fine descriptor of Rogue in general. It's without a doubt a good entry, but a bit of an awkward interstitial one.

𝒾 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓂𝓎 𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝓁𝓊𝒸𝓀

pros: copy and paste fo black flag

cons: copy and paste of black flag

it was really cool playing as a templar and seeing their side. I liked that fact that the assassins weren't completely evil even tho they made it seem like so.
it got pretty repetitive coming from black flag but the extra things were nice
it had small changes that i liked and disliked.
i like the fact that the game was short because if it was longer it would've dragged out and got really boring because its a black flag ''copy''.
there was waaay to much side content for this small game. the game is literally 50% side content.

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Biggest missed opportunity in Assassins Creed

Assassins Creed: Rogue is a direct sequel to Black Flag and even though this is more of a spin off it sort of wraps up the Kenway saga as a whole. The in-animus story of Rogue is a sequel to black flag but a prequel to 3 but the present-day story is a sequel to black flag (I know confusing) gameplay wise it is also a sequel to black flag only building on the gameplay preset from 4. This all sounds great on paper but its honestly not that great of a game, I’ll explain

Gameplay: The gameplay plays out almost identically to black flag, the game is filled with naval combat and has 2 major Naval maps with loads of islands and river stops in Canada and northern USA and it has a big New York map similar to the one in AC3. It plays very smooth and only expands on that smoothness from Black Flag. The human combat is almost identical to Black flag with a few extra moves and instead of having a sleep dart straw you have a sleep gun/ grenade launcher. So, a lot of this game is reskinned black flag almost like a giant DLC which isn't crazy bad, it’s still fun to play.

Graphics/ Voice Acting/ Music: The graphics are only slightly better than black flag obviously this remaster improves that even more, but the voice acting isn't amazing. Some people’s voices feel like they don't fit the characters that they are and the music in this game is ok with the main theme once again being a remix of Ezio's family. We get a few new sea shanties but none that I'm too crazy about.

Story/ Some Spoilers: Honestly the story of this game is where it hurts the most so I'm going to have to spoil some stuff to explain why, if you really want to know nothing skip this part of the review.
Okay so, Rogue takes place some many years before the events of 3 we play as a young assassin who is part of the colonial brotherhood under a younger achilleas, Adewale is also in this game for some reason. The young Assassins you play as is Shay Cormack and he decides to go rogue and join the Templars when the Assassins send him on a mission to get an artifact in Spain and it causes a catastrophic earth quack that kills thousands of people. So, this is where this game gets dumb, instead of portraying a different side of the conflict this game kinda just makes the assassins evil for no reason. The Assassins use orange mercenaries that also behave like assassins sometimes and have flags all over the colonies and Canada with full strongholds for some reason and this feels ridiculous for a few reasons. One, because since when did Assassins use evil mercenaries and two, because well aren't they are supposed to be a secret organization? wouldn't it be recorded in history books if they were a huge organization with mercs everywhere and loads of people would have seen them and the flags? Also, I couldn't tell you for the life of me why this whole earth quack thing turns Shay bad and motivates him to murder his friends like Anakin Skywalker. I mean I know the reason, but it just doesn't feel compelling enough or realistic. This game is also only 6 SEQUENCES LONG, how many was the last few games like 12-14? This game is crazy short, and you'll end up beating the story and being left with a boat load of side content to do which is mostly just collecting stuff. Ultimately, they should have made this a full length game and either fleshed out Shay more or made this game about Haythem and why he's bad or hell, make it a 2 story game, 6 sequences for Haythem and 6 for Shay, This story is a hugely missed opportunity and doesn't really compel anything well about the other side of the conflict at all and why I should vote Templar and not Assassin. For the only Templar game its weak and should have had way more time put into it. The out of animus modern day story also sucks and is more cringe than the new new Saints Row reboot.

This game could have been one of the best ones and but it’s an average experience, also they released this game at the same time as Unity, if that doesn't tell you how confident Ubisoft is in this game then idk what will. The coolest part of this game is at the very end and how it connects to Unity but honestly the connection hurts unity a lot more than it helps it considering that plot thread gets dropped in that game. Anyways 6.5/10 from me.

Apesar de eu adorar esse título, a única coisa que o sustenta é a estória.

I've been sitting on this game FOREVER and I kinda regret playing it and definitely going for the plat... 40 hours I won't get back.

Vermutlich das schwächste Main Line AC Game. Die Story und die Figuren sind vegessenswürdig und der einzige Clou ist, dass man dieses Mal jemanden von der anderen Seite spielt. Das Gameplay ist wie gewohnt und hebt sich nicht sonderlich ab. Kann man immer noch ganz gut wegspielen, aber für mich klar der Tiefpunkt der Reihe.

Apenas habrá mejorado respecto al III y Black Flag; casi parece un copia y pega, pero por lo menos no hila mal con el siguiente juego y cubre incógnitas de los susodichos.

Black Flag is one of my favorite games of all time and sadly this is a weak spinoff. Its short to the detriment of the story despite a really interesting premise. The Abstergo segments are slow and plodding and don't really add anything new to the lore. The trophy list is also quite poor with several trophies just being a nonsense grind because the world is so much smaller than Black Flag that they just wont happen naturally.
In short: its just ok

Great game It was really interesting flipping everything on its head and playing as the "enemy" the templars