Reviews from

in the past

While having a very relatable and lovely little story, this game suffers from a lack of nuance with gameplay mechanics. Secrets are hard to find, hitboxes can suck, and while the level design is a majority of the time great and very fun, there are some levels that play out in a clunky manner and are sequenced poorly.

Final Rating: 3.6/5

too hard. i will try sometime later


One day I want to go back and finish this. My laptop died and I lost all of my data but I’ll never forget climbing that mountain for the first time, it’s really an incredible experience

Didn't know this was technically separate from the base game. But otherwise still a really fun chapter. It honestly feels like a different game with long long it is. I love the mechanics with the jellyfish and the pufferfish and introducing wavedashing as a mechanic was brutal.

9/10 adds so much fun to the game

I mean not really sure if this counts, but easily the best platforming level of all time. The colors, the music, and the end. Makes me shed a single (manly) tear.

im not gonna review this separate to celeste proper but holy shit this is the single best thing ive ever played. farewell is the perfect send-off to my favourite game ever

Beautiful and challenging, celeste at it's best

Vou contar esse celeste para ambos, mas enfim, esse é um jogo que tive um prazer enorme de platinar, é uma obra de arte NECESSÁRIA pra quem gosta de jogos

✔ Extremadamente dificil, demandante y desafiante.
ⓘ Originalmente iba a ser solo un pack de niveles extra.
╳ Debés jugarlo para apropiadamente terminar el juego.

just as lifechanging as the base game

não consegui terminar porque não vou nem a pau terminar o side B da fase 7 e 8, mas o que joguei foi maravilhoso

C'est probablement le meilleur DLC qui en plus est offert gratuitement, il est excellent à l'image du jeu.

"Farewell", le chapitre 9 de Celeste, offre des nouveaux niveaux et des nouvelles mécaniques comme le parapluie et diverses sauts spéciaux à réaliser avec toujours une bande-son magnifique et des décors en arrière-plan sublimes.
Dans ce chapitre, il y a de la difficulté, c'est le plus difficile du jeu et se termine en plusieurs heures (j'ai pris 6h et 1h pour la moonberry). Il y a des passages complexes pour lesquels il faut à la fois réfléchir et réussir tous les déplacements comme il se doit et cela prend du temps et aussi, on meurt beaucoup dans ce niveau.

J'ai fait ce chapitre peu après avoir fini le jeu principal et les récompenses que l'on peut acquérir et c'était pas facile d'en venir à bout mais pas impossible non plus.

De plus, l'histoire continue avec la mort de la grand-mère que Madeline essaye d'oublier mais elle ne le peut pas ; elle doit accepter sa disparition pour toujours, ce qui la pousse à la rechercher au plus haut, dans les cieux avec de beaux messages qui sont véhiculés à travers les dialogues.

Ce chapitre additionnel est aussi bon que le jeu original, il faut cependant avoir un peu de courage pour y arriver ; c'est largement faisable.

7h au total pour accomplir ce chapitre - temps personnel
Moyenne - 8h/9h

This might be the prettiest part of the game, and this is a really pretty game, but my fucking god its obnoxiously difficult beyond the point I can find it enjoyable. The jellyfish were cool though they shoulda just made a whole chapter about them.

Inching ever closer to 100% celeste

Amazing finale to an amazing game. Hard as hell but so much fun.

Entendo o propósito, mas textualmente acho desnecessário. Só não tenho a ousadia de chamar de medíocre, porque pra efeito de gameplay, ainda é um máximo, mas não curto muito como epílogo. O final do jogo base em si é mais gratificante.

Very fun chapter with an amazingly honest story, and an amazing OST. Genuine must play

Tremendo desafío, tremenda banda sonora, y la trama golpea como un camión. Simplemente hermoso, 10/10.

Beating 99.999999% of this without a guide is one of the greatest gaming achievements I've ever accomplished

The hardest part of this DLC was beating it and still identifying as male

i wavedashed and cried was peak

we did not fucking earn this game man

first game in a long time to make me feel anything. blending the feeling of tough gameplay and tough levels with the story theme of climbing the mountain is genius. games were invented so that people could feel this way.

I love this game, and I'm sure this is great. But there is no way in hell I will ever have the dexterity or coordination to finish this DLC.

One of the most satisfying finales in any game holy shit