Reviews from

in the past

they should've gotten this team to make those nickelodeon games

As much as it saddens me i have to rate this game fairly low atleast for now
I'm a huge fan of the Karate Kid movies (other than KK4 or the remake with Smiths Kid) and love the Cobra Kai Series.
it's a shame this game has come out in the state it has considering the first Cobra Kai game was really alot of fun and good to play

This one though... Graphically it's okay, nothing great from a fighter but that's not the main focus although they could of atleast made the characters actually look like their actors and not some sort of strange clone that came out the wrong end of the bowels.
The main issue with this game is the frame rates, sometimes it's okay and stable in small fights but other wise it's very, very wild and just starting the next area or running around one place will cause the frames to jutter like crazy and when this happens during fights it can cause you to lose or get hit when doing an epic combo ruining the experience.

I do however like the option to recruit people you find throughout the levels who are characters from the Cobra Kai series, they can be recruited as fighters and some as staff but some of the staff and recruitments don't make alot of sense depending on what dojo you go in as. These recruitments can be seen at the dojo inbetween levels sparring and training and the staff are where you can get upgrades and buy things.

There's levels from the series throughout the map but once you've played them you won't get anything new as other Dojo's play the same levels just with different recruits which gets a bit repetitive.
The combat is smooth and fun when the frames are stable and you know the combo's you can do, Square, Square and hold square seems to be the go to mostly for me anyway.

Another main issue if you're a trophy hunter is quite a few of the trophies for this game are bugged and won't unlock no matter how much or hard you try so the platinum isn't obtainable at the moment, i really hope this'll be fixed soon though as i'd have the platinum for this already.

There is also a Tournament mode where you can pick any character in the game and go through rounds & rounds of enemies until you reach the final and win, there are some trophies tied to this mode which you can get and doing the story unlocks secret characters you can play as such as Terry Silver.

There's also a survival mode and a Cobra classics mode which is a fight in the school & another level which are somewhat more difficult than the main levels or campaign but doable for sure.

So far unless it gets a patch fixing many things (which i don't see happening) i can't recommend this game even though i love the series and the first game.
There's even copy and pasted stuff like enemies and objects from the first game so i'm honestly not sure how this one ended up so messed up when all they had to do was build off the first Cobra Kai game.

It's really disappointing.

So far, it lags so much and there are so many bugs that - is unplayable, the gameplay seems to be very monotonous, although Sam Larusso fights cool. It`s sad, i am fan of Cobra Kai.

This game is not any good, although I kind of like the atmosphere, the graphics and the sounds. But the controls are not spot on, and the camera angle is really really bad, and that's what kill it for me.

Va tan mal que es hasta admirable.

Bonus points for the honestly impressive amount of playable characters and fanservice. The actual game is awful tho.