Reviews from

in the past

DLC é coisa de PLEBEU comparado a forma de monetização desse jogo.

This game is a major part of my religion so you better not insult it.

Wow. The nostalgia this game gives me. I never completed any of the story modes but I spent ages playing in the sandbox.

Miss you Disney Infinity.

Hey, kids, you like Skylanders, then you'll love this it's just like it except it's not.

How much money did I waste on this garbage?

Cool maps of the University of monsters and Radiators Spri, but the missions are very stupid. As a sandbox, the game is also boring. But amazig OST.

Great figures - bad game.

also omg why was there a cars world like WHY

está bueno por media hora

fun game but gets extremely boring, figures felt like a waste of money at times

I loved this game and the series as a kid but i'll be damned if this wasn't the biggest waste of money in my entire life

Painful, painful video game for me. I played it at a very low time in my life and it makes me feel sad even today. Cursed media

It could get pretty boring but hey, I only had like 3 characters so I guess I can't talk too much.