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in the past

Absolutely nothing beats the sensation of recklessly climbing upscreen on 4/5ths meter to swipe a flashing bee before making The Transcendental Gear Shift from hunted to hunter, popping hyper and sliding back downscreen, at a glorious, delicious 6 frames per second as wave after wave of hyper wide shot completely vaporizes the next several seconds of carefully curated level design. The ability to completely subvert certain sections of stages and boss phases through DFK’s stupid overpowered hyper makes 1cc/1all/2all/etc. attempts double as deeply compelling resource management puzzles and snappy shmup gameplay gauntlets. CAVE cranking the knobs on player strength (hyper, strong autobomb, always max power, etc.) and enemy strength (laser wheels, laser wheels, laser wheels, etc.) works really well and makes DFK feel really unique both as a DoDonPachi release and as a shmup in general.

At last, it is time for you to die. Farewell.

This game was my entry into the arcade shmups territory. I love that it's lenient to beginners, pretty much like Mushi, but still has good challenge for more experienced players.
I'm not a score player tho, I sit on a level of survival player. Scoring is so confusing to me. Soundtrack is some of the best I've heard in a shmup game. It's in my top 5 of games with best soundtrack.

The laser wheel setpiece is eternal.

The hyper mode to cancel bullets is amazing and the patterns are unbelievably creative. The laser circles in Stage 5 sent me to hell and back but damn they are cool as shit. Banging soundtrack as is usual for CAVE

gözüm öyle böyle sikilmedi en az 2 numara arttı kesin amk

I mean come on, man. It's DDPR, it's a legend for a reason.

Music in black label is chief's kiss! Anything else is cool I guess, I kinda suck with shmups

Black label is definitely the better mode, it also might have the series's best music

Probably the easiest way to get into the series

trash at this but fun nonetheless

I fuck with the soundtrack a lot

I had a dream last night that one of the giant girlbosses from this game was just walking normally in a city, without destroying anything, just occasionally pointing at random people really close and saying "YOU'RE SO SO SMALL!", then laughing her ass off.

I got DDP Resurrection because I watched a review for a switch release of DDP DOJ, and then bought the wrong game. This game feels so WILD, you're pushed to be super aggressive, something the generous auto-bomb system seems to hint at... in the few stages I tried to learn (just 1-1 and 1-2) it felt like you had to be really preventative, like quickly managing all the escalating risks that would fly onto the screen - on top of the actual bullet avoidance. Being able to hyper your way out of a situation or to play it safe felt really cool.

I appreciate all the thought that goes into the design, the subtle ways in which bullet patterns escalate and build on each other, the fun of learning stages and then pulling the whole thing off in the end.

Of all things, shmups remind me the most of being a kid and trying to memorize songs on the piano, working through harder sections one at a time to try and pull the whole thing off ("Playing for Survival") and then going back and actually working in personal flair/expression ("Playing for Score"). Sort of like with shmups, I never really got too much into that hobby as a 'soloist' beyond playing in orchestra/band. And I don't think shmups and playing music are really that alike, but there does seem to be something similar in how you have to train/learn at both, and the way in which stuff that feels impossible slowly becomes possible.

Actually, it's hard not to try and compare shmups to many things in life! They (like other arcade games) really distill the whole difficulty/learning thing down to some pure essence. But in particular, these bullet hell shmups feel like they're compressing that essence even further - it's an interesting design space to learn from and experience.

This game has burned blinking letters into my retinas irreparably

Cool everything but i want to sasve 1cc torture until after i can experience the full game so plase let my controller use continues wow because it doesnt so i will toil against this for Ever

cave games have been my ultimate come to since the beginning of this year lol
dodonpachis ost is amazing and shines through (black label ost even better), the numerous modes you can play with give it some variety while, no matter what ship you selected, stage 5 will be the death of you. the shooting patterns are nice, the story is pretty decent for a shmup giving this game some depth as to why the game is restarting over and over from the start. overall i think this is really one of the peak cave games :)

Compared to the other DonPachi games, the (mobile) OST and mega laser mechanic make me enjoy and remember this title. I have heard the arcade OST and I didn’t like hearing it much, but the mobile OST is a banger. It truly feels like a bullet hell in this game, yet so satisfying to shoot the giant mega laser back at enemies & bosses. Best Apple Arcade game that isn’t exclusive!

I wonder how many other people picked this up because of black label. The children yearn for Ketsui.

A gameplay loop is a concept that permeates thorought every game that has ever been made. WIth the constant sense of progression that exists as more hours of one's lives are spent in the endless march to read the end of a work, you inherently get used to this loop. It may be something erroneously simple or something vehemently more complex to sift through, but the process of finishing a game requires this loop to become second nature. In this sense, these shoot-em-up games are the idea of a gameplay loop solidified into a pure game. You don't "finish" a shoot-em-up. Of course, you could; you can create an arbitrary goal for you or consider it a done deal when you reach the final stage. You can make that goal a 1cc, so on and so forth, but that doesn't solidify "finishing" them. As you reach the ending you create for yourself, there is always a higher ceiling to reach. Thus the only thing that really creates an ending is yourself and your own mentality.

DoDonPachi Resurrection is this very idea of an infinite gameplay loop, seamlessly sewn together with an actual loop with its story. In the fires of its creation, what molds its sense of self is that very relationship between a gameplay loop and an actual loop. As a very, very, very quick summary of its plot, DoDonPachi Resurrection has you, as the pilot, go back in time to stop a war in the future, caused by a rogue AI. However, the real plot kicks in by the end: in the process of attempting to stop this, you yourself have caused the events that lead up to your leap through time. At the end of the game?

"Perhaps the future cannot be changed."

Of course, that's not all that DoDonPachi Resurrection offers. There are multiple modes, multiple ships, an entire second loop if you are good enough to get through a run with the strict requirements it needs to access it. There's Arrange modes, Black Label (best soundtrack), so on and so forth. But despite the amount of modes, the options, how good you are, how far you get, you can never really change the past.

Thus, DoDonPachi Resurrection never ends. You simply constantly go through this same loop, no matter what, constantly. It is a loop of bullets, of organized chaos, and the continuos dance between it all. DoDonPachi Resurrection is a rondo on loop, even if the steps are different, the dance forever starts as it ends.

Military man shmup series lasted long enough to be converted into flying anime girl shmup. The music here is much different than DoDonPachi's but it freakin' owns.

played this on my ipad during a meltdown #girlyshit

The arcade near me had a dodonpachi machine and people would gather around me and stare at me while i played it. I never got past stage 4.

Bullet cancelling is the main mechanic for survival and scoring, and I don't reallt care much for scoring being heavily on bullet cancelling. Also the pc steam version has notable input lag