Reviews from

in the past

Action Squad is a fun side-scrolling shooter, with a fun, light-hearted presentation and makes for a great co-op experience.

"Acquitted on all charges" simulator

Its insane how funny this game can be. It shouldn't be legal that a game this short and "repetitive" is this crazy.

Now this was a nice lil' surprise! Such a fun lil' concept, cute, retro styled graphics, side scroll shooter and a zombie mode? Come on...Addictive! This is a game you can pick up anytime any place, by yourself or with a buddy. Tons of fun and easily one my all time favorites!

It's a fun co-op game. It has amazing gory pixelated graphics.
But it's repetitive after a few levels. Also, the controls are annoying sometimes.

Super fun 2D coop tactical shooter, simple in premise but complex in action when you are trying to get 3 stars on all the levels. Memorizing each level to save each hostage without dying requires lot of careful planning which is always fun in the coop setting.

A silly little action game that I probably enjoy more than it’s worth purely due to the lack of good games on Android. But for what it’s worth, it’s entertaining enough and I kept wanting to come back to finish the level or try out another one.

Many of the weapons the different characters have do feel samey (usually it’s just best to take one of the most expensive ones) and I was hard-pressed finding a use for any other armour but the one that stops rifle fire, but there’s enough overall variety between the classes to keep it interesting. Plus there’s just something enjoyable about getting good with a class. The missions are usually challenging enough that even a maximum even character is no guarantee of victory.

The setting takes copaganda to the extreme of absurdity and the description of the hand grenade is just great (something along the lines of "Aren't we supposed to be the police?"). The game understands very well it's not supposed to be realistic, and is more fun for it. Some of the best moments are when you just let chaos reign, blowing in doors and blindly spraying with no care in the world for collateral damage. The game doesn’t really punish you for it, even if your conscience might later look back in horror. A solid little action game on the phone that I would never play on a PC or console (unless on co-op, I guess; which I didn't try).

So far so good. Quite simple roguelite, as far as I can tell. Would like to try it coop though.

Action side scrolling spin off of the more strategic Door Kickers. Fight against the true enemy of gamers, doors, and their minions that have taken hostages or planted bombs around the environment. Six characters to choose from with their own weapons and equipment options, and skills to upgrade. A rifle using assault class, shotgun using breacher, woman with a shield with different functions and a pistol, off duty cop in the wrong/right place who brought his dad's old rifle but forgot his pants, recon class with silent guns, unique gadgets, and lockpicking skills, and an FBI agent with a forward roll and a stronger and faster melee attack. Each character can level up and spend points to learn new passive abilities, improve their aim or defense, or increase two skill trees that effect everyone. Killing enemies and saving hostages fills a strategic meter that can be used for special abilities to heal or to activate more powerful weapons.

Character and level art is good, music is good, player made levels are able to be downloaded, and a zombie mode can be turned on that bring portals full of new undead enemies into existing stages. It's a fun enough time but can start to get repetitive fast, especially after you max out the character you want to use and can easily get through most situations just using quickly refilling points to get more armor and health. The main challenge will come from getting the three star rankings on the levels where hostages will require more thought to safely rescue (which is much easier with certain characters).


not as good as elevator action returns but twice as good as elevator action. delivers on fast paced thrillZ in a way most of these throwback titles haven't a clue how to

honestly pretty funny, just play with a friend

Easily my favorite game to play on a phone, insanely fun game in general.

its fun and challenging solo, but with some layouts being way better than others and a lack of new things - it can feel repetitive.

I didn't expect much from this game but it's actually really fun.

Score: 7.9/10 -- Pretty Good

A very simple game that manages to impress me with a very well executed gameplay premise, tons of levels and an editor that, while not the most intuitive to use due to the lack of a tutorial, does still provide the player with a ton of assets to use and options to create incredible levels.

This is a great little platform shooter, maybe not the hardest game out there. But I certainly enjoyed it quite a lot, and like the retro look as well.

You are the member of the Action Squad. It is you who are called when the ordinary SWAT can't handle the pressure of the situation. It is you who are coming to clean their shit and wash their pants. Your weapons are always ready. Doors will not hold you. Hostages will not stop you. Bombs do not scare you. You are the Justice and you are the Law.

Overall, great fun with tons of possible loadouts and fuckups. Did your buddy playing Breacher disintegrated a room with a hostage in it while you were trying to get those three stars? Did you absolutely accidentally fed a granny your boot and she died of testosterone poisoning? Oh well, here we go killing again.

The music is great, visuals are pleasing, considering this whole game is around 63MB its amazing there are even details on the background at all. Yeah, gameplay gets pretty repetitive near the end but then you get to the DLC and it introduces ways of playing you never thought before, new enemies and even bosses.

Great. Just great. Don't forget to only play in co-op. And Assaulter sucks.

Breacher Ready Motherfuckers xD