Reviews from

in the past

Nasu is a mixed bag of a writer. He can make excellent characters, a varied and interesting world, and a pretty good story. However the constant 30 minute exposition dumps and cheesy ass Servants explaining their powers mid battle hurts it a lot. The first half of Fate route is some of the worst pacing I've ever seen, and yet I somehow ended up liking it more than UBW. If you can get past its flaws, it's an excellent story with compelling characters. Sakura and Shirou were my faves.

this is such a complete package of a story, the characters genuinely great all around some of my favorite in recent memory

[Oque é Destino/Fique a noite?]
Para o cego, é a luz.
Para o faminto, é o pão.
Para o sedento, é a fonte de água.
Para o morto, é a vida.
Para o enfermo, é a cura.
Para o prisioneiro, é a liberdade.
Para o solitário, é o companheiro.
Para o viajante, é o caminho.
Para mim, é tudo.

Melhor experiência que eu já tive em toda minha vida.

Oque falar da melhor obra já escrita na ficção?

Peak História
Peak Escrita
Peak Personagens
Peak Trilha Sonora
Peak Mensagem
Peak Profundidade
Peak em TUDO!

Fate/Stay Night é o ápice da ficção, o ápice da literatura.

Kinoku nasu maldito, você é um GÊNIO! Como você me fez amar tanto assim uma obra? Como.

Fate stay night vai ser algo que jamais irei esquecer, é uma recordação e experiência pra lembrar até o fim da minha vida, é uma das coisas que me da prazer em viver e experienciar, leiam Fate/Stay Night🙌

Petição pra rota da saber receber uma readaptação em anime🙌

Simplismente Perfeito em todos os sentidos possíveis, existem poucas coisas que se enquadram no "Perfeito", mas nesse caso... O perfeito se torna Fate/Stay Night e Fate/Stay Night se torna o perfeito.

Rota Fate: 11/10 foi a melhor experiência que eu já tive, uma história sobre aprender a seguir em frente e deixar seus arrependimentos para trás, aceitar o agora e ir em rumo a utopia distante, saber é de longe a melhor personagem feminina já escrita, um rei altruísta com arrependimentos e que não suporta viver sobre a marca de um passado cruel e imutável.

Rota Unlimited Blade Works: 10/10, talvez a rota mais profunda.. Desconstrói o conceito de verdadeiro herói, acreditar em um eterno salvador e em um eterno sacrificado, ideais falsos, ideais que não passam de fantasia, sonhos distantes que jamais serão alcançados por emiya shirou, porém com resiliência ele se recusa a aceitar a realidade imutável que são seus ideais, pois ver o sorriso daquele homem que o salvou(Kiritsugu) foi oque o despertou o desejo de que todos sejam felizes, mas é impossível salvar todos, ser um herói significa aceitar que uns terão de ser sacrificados para outros viverem, emiya shirou busca alcançar os sonhos de seu pai, seus ideais não passam de fantasia e gradativamente ele se conflita consigo mesmo durante a rota, "provar o valor de quem você é" viver por um ideal falso que jamais será alcançado, Emiya Shirou é o meu protagonista favorito e ver o seu crescimento durante as 3 rotas diferentes foi muito incrível, um personagem trágico mas também um exemplo de resiliência e humanidade.

Rota Heaven's feel: 10/10, a terceira rota desconstrói tudo oque vimos até agora, é uma rota sobre um herói egoísta sacrificando tudo e todos para salvar somente aquele que ele ama, Emiya shirou destrói quem ele é e quem ele sempre foi, Emiya Shirou traí a si mesmo, trai seus ideais, trai seus sonhos pelo bem de proteger uja única pessoa e essas ações ao longo da rota vão tendo consequências que aos poucos vão quebrando o personagem, é a rota mais sombria das 3 e tem um dos confrontos finais mais simbólicos e épicos que eu já vi, Shirou Vs Kirei é LINDO! dois opostos mais ao mesno tempo iguais, o desenvolvimento de kirei vem a tona nessa rota.

Conclusão: Fate é uma obra cativante, muito BEM ESCRITA, que aborda abruptamente diversos temas profundos, personagens cativantes e profundos, a novel da ênfase para o pensamento de cada personagem te permitindo se conectar com eles, compreender seus sentimentos e absorver cada mínimo detalhe, é uma experiência incrível! Eu amo demais essa obra e para todo sempre amarei♥️

Eu vejo essa review como uma carta de amor que eu fiz para a série, dedicando o tanto que eu a amo e como ela me moldou como pessoa.

Antes de terminar a review só gostaria de destacar que

a saber é a melhor, e a rota fate é a melhor rota👍

A pesar de venir de donde viene, es una obra de literatura singular.
Magos cabrones, adolescentes salidos, protagonista tontísimo y una variedad de personajes creíbles y bien desarrollados entrelazados en una trama que va más allá de lo que ve el protagonista.
Nasu cocina un plato raro, pero cocina un plato que a mí me gusta.

I received psychic damage while reading this at many points, it does cool things, but the narration couldn't be worse even if tried, the best things are the characters by far, and it even fails on that sometimes. I did enjoyed it as whole at the end, but I can't recommend it.

Timeless. I'm very new to Fate so this is my first experience with the franchise but I'd compare this to something like Evangelion in that it feels very deliberate and meaningful, and also impactful. Did not realize how many stories I enjoy have been influenced by it.

Regardless, it would be a bit dishonest of me to rate it 5/5 because I found HF and Fate routes had some pretty frustrating and slowly paced middle sections, that, even if they were meant to build to a later payoff, felt a bit too long. Also I wish that HF route felt more relevant to the other two. A lot of stuff from the routes gradually builds to each other for the intended order, but I feel the other routes didn't foreshadow it nearly enough.

Aside from that the only other issue to me comes down to the censored versus uncensored versions, as I feel that some things that were changed were better in the original, but some stuff in the original is pretty cringe at the same time, so there's no real ideal version.

Top 3 characters for me: 1. Kirei 2. Issei 3. Shirou

Greatest of all time (longer review pending)

One of the best visual novels ever created and it still holds up beautifully to this day. Loved the Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven's Feel routes and they do a great job developing it's main character Shioru in various ways per route. I love Stay Night and it's easy to see why its praised by people.

it was beautiful seeing shirou's growth over the routes

----I have no regrets. This is the only path.

I have made a couple of reviews for this game in the past already, 1 for each route and another one for all 3. However, it has always bothered me that I never truly managed to convey my feelings towards this game, so while finding motivation to write reviews nowadays is a bit hard for me, I just want to tie this one loose end for me.

Over 72 hours played, countless hours of sleep lost, all because of one single visual novel. It's name, Fate/Stay Night a game that means a lot to me, a game that helped me understand what means a good story to me, a game that helped me understand what I wanted to be as a person.

I went into this game completely aware of what was going to unfold having already seen almost every anime adaptation beforehand and yet, it felt like I was experiencing something completely different for the first time.
The story of this game is just something special to me, while it has it's flaws I still felt immersed in it's world and it's characters. The first route was great, but honestly the weakest part of the game suffering from having to explain everything and just being walls of text early on, however I think that just serves to let the other 2 routes go all out without anything holding them back. Besides once I reached day 15 of the Fate route i felt like i was rewarded with an amazing climax that I just went back the next day to rewatch it. Saber had been the best part of this route this part did her justice making me love her as a character even more while also being the start of my falling in love with Shirou as a character.

Shirou Emiya has got to be one of my all time favourite characters. Although, I'll be honest in the first route, while I still liked him as a character, it was nothing to write home about outside of like 1 or 2 scenes.
But then, I got to UBW. His characterization in that route was phenomenal. His conflict concerning his dream and the future it holds for him hit a little too close to home for me, making me fall in love with the character of Shirou Emiya and thus making him what is probably one of my all time favourite characters. Along with the rest of the cast that got the spotlight in this route like Rin and Archer, it made for some enganging storytelling that when put together made for the best experience I had in the game keeping me glued to my screen and actually losing sleep sitting up at 4 am just reading without realizing how much time had passed.

And the game just does not let up, introducing the 3rd route which lives up to the expectations set up by UBW and carries the torch to the finish line with nonstop action while giving the spotlight to some characters that really deserved it (shirou still plays a major role).
This route might also be what could be considered the darkest of all 3 routes. They just keep you on the edge of your seat seeing how everything unfolds becoming more dire and dire and making you guess if there's even any saving in this situation it is some great stuff and while not my personal favourite its a really close 2nd.

With all 3 routes done, the game ends (Well theres is some extra content if you play the realts nua version) and man what a feeling it was finishing it for the first time. It was actually kind of hard to believe, having spent so long in this world and getting immersed it just couldn't get out of my mind, I probably went a whole week just thinking about everything that had happened the game stuck with me and never left my mind since. Fate/Stay Night is a visual novel that meant a lot of me and I honestly played it at the right moment in my life where I needed some sort of motivation, to just, keep going and not give up the most. I will honestly never forget this experience and I'm really glad I decided to read everything this game had to offer.

Final Rating
I love this game.

Vou deixar esse aqui pra representar tudo.

King Arthur has lived rent free in my head for six years

Genuinely one of the greatest works of fiction I've ever read, despite some of is flaws it has.
Definitely Nasu's Magnum Opus
Played it on PC with fan patches, saying this since there is no PC option to choose here.

PEAK but would be better with less cooking scenes also I love kirei kotomine so much

Its quite good as a character-driven story, but often struggles between balancing its various parts.

There are three main story beats that Fate is juggling. First you have the more lighthearted daily life stuff with going to school, running errands, and other activities not really related to the Grail War. This is mostly packed in the beginning of each route but often continues for too long or crops up later in the story where it cuts into the better content.

Second there's the character-driven core of the story. Shirou's inner tensions about heroism, the motivations and struggles of the Grail War's various participants, and the many conflicts where these interests collide. This is easily where Fate is at its strongest.

And finally, there's the more magic and lore-focused elements of the story where the writers are trying to explain how everything functions and why the Grail War operates the way that it does. This ends up being a mixed bag as, while some explanation is necessary, it often ends up getting bogged down in unnecessary and time-consuming details that end up being the magical equivalent of technobabble. It gets even worse in Heaven's Feel where Fate begins exploring the Grail War's origins and history, pulling a whole bunch of stuff from thin air that was never hinted at before and bombarding the reader with endless explanations that only marginally help make sense of it all.

Fate has a very strong core and I think its character-driven conflict alone makes it worth reading. But it often strays away from its strengths in ways that undermine the experience. Sometimes its just a distraction that interrupts the flow of everything else happening, but at other times it grinds the story to an awkward pause and muddles the core focus rather than giving it additional clarity.

Still, give it a shot. I can absolutely see why the series became so popular in the first place and its reputation is well deserved. Just know that you may have to put up with a handful of rough patches along the way.

Playing this game as a kid in 2009 actually did permanent GOOD damage to my brain and changed the rest of my life in ways I think no other piece of media will ever be able to achieve.

definitely way better as a read than by watching but i'm glad the anime got me interested enough to go read it

What "hero" means? Is it the most "Selfless" one? Or is it the most "Selfish" one?

That's a great question that doesn't have a single answer, that's why you decide how the story want to go and see the results of it.

So, to show how interpreting the idea of hero goes differently with a new journey, creators of this story choosed to create 3 Routes. Or 3 Arcs. And these are:

[Some Spoilers]

First is about a single lone King's selfless story that ended in regret and acceptance.

Second is a clash about the concept of "true hero".
One believes to eternal savior and one believes to eternal sacrificer.

Third is about a Selfish hero that sacrifices anything else to be a hero to his closest ones.

Edit: after playing hollow ataraxia I can say there is actually 4 routes. Even tho hollow ataraxia is not shirou's story, it's about the holy grail's true nature and what's really in it. And it's worth it.

So it's perfect right? In this journey about a Holy grail war, we see how each route get develop each other more and more while fleshing out it's "hero" philosophy. So, this means it also manages to keep story engaging and suprising. But unfortunately I didn't say the truth, it's not perfect. Because it also comes with it's negatives. In my opinion it's more and more insistency on plot focus takes away from the character developments.

I am gonna flesh out what I meant with comparing routes.

Fate Route is the most character oriented one. Plot is basic and bare bones, because there is one thing it focuses on and that is "Saber". The Cursed King. This makes this route not that suprising and cliche at some points but characters wise and romance wise it's the best. I can go as far as to say this route feels like it got cut from Tsukihime. It's that similar.

Ubw is the most balanced one. Plot's hidden points started to get explored here, also while story goes on, we see the clash between ideologies throughout in the story that is hecking Engaging!
Unfortunately romance wise, Rin isn't as connected to ideology war as much as I wanted. But still it's wholesome moments and great chemistry with Shirou makes it a success.

Hf is the one that focused on plot's "Unknowns" and it's the best when it comes to "suprise". You can't predict what is gonna happen next because it is the "unknown" after all. It made my thoughts rush with lots of theories and ideas and that's why plot wise for me was the most engaging one.

But Character wise... it's feels rushed to me. Especially for the second half after that traumatic event. Main character Shirou's WHOLE motivation goes opposite on a whim because of Sakura. Unfortunately it doesn't makes sense for me because even Rin herself or Archer himself only manage to teach him his self worth in the end of ubw and here it goes completely opposite in quarter of it's time.
Not just that there is also Sakura.

Oh Sakura... You can't know how much expectations I had for Sakura's romance route. The moment I saw her first Cg in the Fate route, I believed it was gonna be the best one. Her sister like caring behaviour and her support for us made me believe it was gonna be the best.

I was wrong.

Sakura was the jealous and obsessed one. Even if we consider her "traumatic" event or her "strange" situation, her actions are the worst than any villain throughout in the story. To the point she is ready to destroy her own sister for her own hapiness. And no, it's her choice. Even the game itself says this. Unfortunately I don't like this character and because of this, her true ending didn't had much impact for me. In my opinion she deserves the hf's normal ending where she punished to wait eternally for her happiness.

If I think this game have these negatives then why perfect score? Because of "Realta Nua". The additional ending to Fate Route. That is about a man and a woman:

One who searches for an eternity
One who waits for an eternity.

And this additional ending made everything worth it for me. To the point I can say this ending is genuinely my Favourite single piece of work in the entire visual novel media.

After all there is nothing more heartwarming then seeing a person's sacrifice with it's Reward. A true Deserving one.

I am Shirou Emiya fr on god. Fucking bitches left and right. The real message of the game is fuck the church, and I couldn't agree more, it was the church that ratted me out to the cops. I'm on my way to one now, it's Dad's time for revenge... After I finish this brewsky real quick.

Emiya Shirou one of the best protagonist in all VN and Anime
Sakura Matou The Best Girl in all Fate/Stay Night
Saber Route > Sakura > Rin
Nasu GOAT 🐐

Ótima visual novel, história competente, personagens cativantes, e um bom desenvolvimento de personagem.
A evolução do Shirou é impecável, ver a construção dele durante cada rota é gratificante.

I didn't expect to love this this much (rating this to rate the whole VN)

I Absolutely love this visual novel. Honestly its insane how much i love it. I don't think i can really describe my love for this very well but i will try my best. This is not really a review but just a small summary of my feelings.

Plot/Concept I absolutely adore the plot and overall concept of Fate stay night. 7 legendary heroes from different time periods/mythologies are getting summoned by 7 magi to fight in a battle royal to get their wish granted? This is so RAW. But while i do love this a lot, i would lie if i said that this VN doesn't waste a lot of potential this plot has to offer

Slice of life: This might be the worst part about this vn for a lot of people: But for me its up there with the best things about it. I enjoyed almost every second of the SoL part. My emotional connection to the characters and my overall investment wouldn't be this high without it. The SoL gives the writer a good chance for info dumping, developing relationships, build up and it helps the pacing a lot.

Pacing: I like the concept of days a lot. Each day has a reasonably length. It never feels too long and never too short. The balance between SoL and everything else is almost perfect.

Music: This is insanely underrated. All the soundtracks are amazing with some of the most memorable tracks i've ever heard. It is honestly perfect

Characters: This is one of the biggest strengths and weaknesses of this VN. It has some absolutely amazing characters like shirou, kotomine, sakura and archer but it has also quite a few bad characters like hassan, medea, medusa and kuzuki. There are also some character that aren't bad but just very badly utilised like shinji and kojiro.

Overall: This is an amazing story about characters fighting for their ideal and what they believe in. A clash of different truths if you want to call it that. It is beautiful. It took me along time to finish it but i enjoyed every second of it. I will miss this stoy a lot but hey i still have hollow ataraxia so its not completely over :)

I really tried giving the visual novel a chance, but ended up getting annoyed with the choices & routes gimmick. Had a much better experience just watching the anime.

There is no concrete way I can write this review. There is the part of me that wants to incessantly go into detail about all of the high points about the narrative, what I think about the romantic writing for each of the three routes, the improvement of the artstyle by Takeuchi since Tsukihime and the absolutely spectacular soundtrack.

There is also another part of me that desperately wants to hold back to keep from spoiling the experience for others.

That is how important this game is to me.

Throughout my many years in playing video games, there has never been a story that made me break down into tears. I've played emotional games like Celeste, I've experienced heartbreaking moments like in Stranger of Paradise's final hours, hell I've gone through the Mojave Wasteland more times than I can count experiencing all of the emotions that journey brings... and yet I did not cry.

It's not that I think I'm a tough guy, I'm very much not, but no game had ever connected with me completely in such a way to get that emotional response out of me. To some extent it was upsetting because I felt like there was something wrong with my emotions, whether because I'm depressed or what I can't truly say.

So, in truth I had always been looking for the game that would eventually cause the tears to well up, and for the strings of my heart to be pulled. To know that the game had fully and completely resonated with me.

Then I got to the end of the Unlimited Blade Works route of Fate/Stay Night.

And I cried.

I don't know how to speak to the sheer volume of importance this game has to popular culture, Japanese Popular Culture in particular, but I can say that this is one of the most important games I've experienced in my life personally.

It has a lot to say about guilt, the self, the building of love between others, and so much more that I don't want to ruin for you all by spilling it here.

Maybe someday I'll be able to write something truly concrete about this game, but maybe I don't need to.

Maybe all you need to know is that this game got me to feel in a way no other game has before, and maybe it can do that for you too.

as i’ve begun my clearly overdue dive into the world of type-moon, i’ve stated a few times that i enjoyed games like tsukihime and kagetsu toya often in spite of themselves. i’m happy to be able to say that fate/stay night not only exceeded my expectations, but managed to be - thanks in no small part to the changes implemented in the réalta nua release of the game - the first type-moon project i wholehearted loved thoroughly to the point where i can seriously overlook what issues i do have with it more often than i can’t. despite the fact that i do find myself still a /little/ more attached to the characters of tsukihime, at least conceptually, i wholeheartedly believe fate/stay night is easily the more interesting, better written, and more fulfilling release - and it now sits comfortably among my favorite visual novels. hell, i think if i’d gotten into this in my early teenage years, around the time i was still really into shounen manga, this could’ve been a seriously formative experience for me. really bummed i missed the boat on that one. regardless, fate/stay night was an addictive experience that took me a total of eight days to read (a huge shout out to the fanmade browser port; made it way easier to read when i totally wasn’t on the clock or anything like that, because in that hypothetical situation, i couldn’t access the game itself.)

the structure of f/sn’s three major routes - fate, unlimited blade works, and heaven’s feel - is pretty interesting, because despite being just that, routes, there is a deliberate and forced order in which they are presented. there is a clear purpose for why f/sn is a decidedly more linear project than its predecessors; because despite the three routes not actually happening back-to-back, the circumstances of its protagonist shirou change and a natural evolution of his character arc and our perception of him as a person and idealist matures alongside him.

the fate route offers the game’s most traditional story - that of shirou, saber, their romance and the drama of the holy grail war. elements of this arc are decidedly by-the-numbers while maintaining integrity through really well executed action and climactic moments of emotional catharsis. it presents shirou as a naive idealist faced with a predictable hero’s story that, while not necessarily “going his way”, doesn’t do much to challenge these ideals of heroism and martyrdom he holds dear. one could even make the argument that this route deliberately justifies and enables these cornerstones of shirou’s projected disposition. to a fault, shirou maintains his white-knight virtues even when they obstruct his vision of a greater and more complex world during the fate route.

it’s with unlimited blade works where type-moon lands their first masterpiece release, in my opinion. now, in an alternative set of events, shirou aligns himself more with those who question and outright reject his line of thinking - including the critical rin tohsaka and the callous lone wolf, archer. as the gold-studded hero’s path begins to rust and shirou learns greater truths about the world, the reality of his disposition and his reliance on ideals over being actively present in the honest world, his moral whites become cloudy greys. he is forced to face himself in a battlefield of morals and question the integrity of the path he walks. the climax is nothing short of moving.

heaven’s feel deviates from the tone and presentation of the previous two routes and, to an extent, almost feels like a reworking of many of the cornerstones of tsukihime’s world, themes, and character types. an interesting concoction of near side’s horror mythos and despicable antagonists and the far side’s more intimate conversations about abuse and trauma, as well as the conflict between intent vs. actions - despite being the slowest route from a pacing perspective and (likely thanks to being such a retread of tsukihime) still managing to bump a few times on the road in the same way nasu’s earlier work did, heaven’s feel sticks the landing and manages to round out its tertiary cast in a meaningful and memorable way.

gone are the dreamy, late-summer mindscapes of tsukihime and kagetsu toya, but that’s not to say presentation is lacking here. i do prefer the look and feel of those earlier games, but fate/stay night’s loud, bombastic approach is deserved of a story with action on the scope and of the caliber as this one. fights manage to feel like big moments, and huge set piece sequences remain pretty impressive even in the current landscape of visual novels. the soundtrack is also quite good but perhaps less memorable than tsukihime’s overall for me. still, attention to details like the moving sprites, clashing and shaking of swords and weapons, thicker outlines and goofier style for the infamous tiger dojo sequences, and of course the great voice acting work all create an immersive, engaging experience befitting of such a beastly title. fate/stay night leans hard into its inspirations at times, sometimes a little too goofy shounen or adamantly sophomoric for its own good… but isn’t that reflective of shirou, and thus the target audience themselves? as i said at the start - i think this game should’ve been something i experienced earlier on in my life, because i think it could’ve been seriously formative for me. even now though, i think it really holds up and cements type-moon overall as a studio with a series that i really do care about quite a bit.