Reviews from

in the past

The idea of the game is so simple but then is so much fun to play. Even though it is the same thing every single time, it still has challenge and is a classic arcade game I prefer to play when I go to arcades.

I mean, it's Frogger, y'know. You hop across the street, ya avoid cars, go over a river, and you gotta make it to the other side multiple times. It's a simple premise, and it has simple gameplay, but overall, it works really well, and it still holds up pretty well to this day.

Game #59

do not think for a second that u can beat me in frogger i will spin your ass in a circle

While the final landing spots are a bit more confusing than I'd like (You're supposed to land in the water? After avoiding it all this time?) It's still undeniably addicting to do the simple act of crossing the road.

This review is for the Starpath Atari 2600 version...

A solid port of a good arcade game!

The Starpath port of Frogger is pretty darn close to the arcade game, even though it is on the 2600. They do include the race car row speeding up pretty early, which makes this game slightly tougher. Also, you have to play it with the Atari joysticks, which are not as good as the arcade sticks. However, the music and graphics are pretty comparable and you don't have to blast quarters at it when you die, so... good job, programmers!

All the fun of a heart attack at home!

Review from

Disney Crossy Roads is better

There’s no Played On option for the LG Chocolate which is what I played it on until I broke that phone by throwing it at a tree

This frog really needs to learn to look both ways

0.5 extra for the Seinfeld episode dedicated to Frogger. Alas, I'm not as good as George :(

Frogger, as if I need to explain, is a game about dodging cars and hopping over logs with a frog to catch flies and jump in the ponds on the other side of a river -- sometimes carrying a girl frog with you for extra points. Complicated setup.

I've never been that big of a fan of Frogger and the million types of Frogger-esque imitative games that it spawned (like Freeway on the 2600) but it also has its place in game history. The design is simple and somewhat satisfying but very repetitive even with variations in the levels as you progress forwards. The challenge is simple and easy to understand.

It's fun, but I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it to someone other than to take note of its importance as a big hit in the golden age of the arcade.

3.5 - Good: Good but still lacking something that propels it to greatness

how did this frog get into this predicament

Fun arcade game. Nothing amazing but a solid time.

my grandma had this on a game collection CD and i used to play it a lot when i was little. 🤍

Frogger has been a widely debated game in most communities. It has a variety of theories and interpretations and I truly don’t think any of them are wrong. However, in my opinion, you shouldn’t be looking for a surface story with Frogger. If you ask me, Frogger is not a game with any true story, but instead, a game of ideas and themes. Reach and you’ll find a large handful of interesting and thought provoking metaphors and symbolism. My favorite symbolism is easily that of the bagua kind and frogger delivers in spades. The normal player may not truly grasp the bagua symbolism but I’ll give an easy, almost surface level explanation of its appearance in frogger. Bagua, in the simplest terms, is 8 symbols (earth, water, fire, wind, heaven, thunder, water, lake) represented by the Ying Yang symbol which is used to represent opposite forces. These opposite forces are represented by black and white, complete opposite colors. In Frogger, there are 2 main colors playing against each other, green for the frog and leaves and blue for the water. These 2 colors fight against each other in the screen and if the frog jumps in the opposite color or force, it dies out, just as if the balance of Ying Yang would be broken, the world as we know it would collapse. The frog’s true goal is not just to cross a river, but it’s instead a truly bleak and almost nihilistic uphill struggle to maintain the good in the world. As for the 8 symbols, Frogger is a very nature-filled game which covers a lot of the symbols, but it’s not that simple. Heaven is used to represent a strong and undivided force. Obviously, this would be the river, a strong unbeatable force that can kill on touch. The only thing you can really do is avoid it. Earth is used to represent something open to nature. In a meta sense, this can very well represent the player. You open yourself to frogger and let it’s nature and gameplay flow through you. A very clever breaking of the fourth wall. Thunder represents fast movement. This can represent the strong, powerful currents of the river that can so easily kill the frog, who I will further discuss later. Water represents challenges and deep meaning. In another meta theme, this represents not only the game, but the frog’s (Ying) arc and battle against the river. (Yang) In a meta sense, the game itself is a challenge, as most games are, with further deep meaning, the things we’re discussing at this very moment. In a frog sense, the frog’s battle against the river or evil is a monumental challenge. It’s almost pointless in the sense that this is a high score sense, the frog can never truly beat the river. However, through this challenge, the frog can find deep meaning within himself. This isn’t clearly stated in the game, you’ll have to look close for it, but eventually, the frog accepts the fact that he will never defeat the river. He will never defeat evil. However, he finds meaning within the struggle. It is a brilliant parallel to the story of Sisyphus. The mountain represents knowledge and the wise. You may not see this at first, but to me it is very clear that this represents the leaves. The leaves are not wise in a normal sense, but wise in the way that it protects the frog through the struggle. They’re his only protection against Yang. Wise lies in the ones who’ll uphold good. Wind represents the wealth and prosperity. What wind represents in frogger is not clear inside of the game but you’ll have to look at the real world implications of frogger. The frog must traverse through this river, who through context clues you can infer is not a river, but a flood. I mean, it’s endless! It’s an endless pool of Yang, evil, and while the frog, Ying, has to fight through it, the wealthy prosper and live high up. The frog will never reach them, the frog will never defeat the flood, the frog just lives. This leads me to the conclusion that frogger is a communist game through and through. Fire represents reputation, which in my opinion is the creators almost predicting the future. Frogger, itself, had a strong reputation. Most people know it and it’s one of the most popular arcade games of all time. Lake represents joy, which is found by the frog through the absurdity of the challenge presented to him! This game is positively brilliant and an easy ten on ten in my eyes!

I'm just trying to get my frog friend home, calm down, world!

My local community pool had this classic as a cocktail cabinet and I would always enjoy throwing some quarters at it after my swim lesson or whatever. The music is instantly recognizable, probably because one of the songs is Yankee Doodle, which is weird, but whatever. Jumping between and around things while just trying to get home is pretty hectic as the speed increases on higher levels and the variation in obstacles makes things even more action-packed. Maybe I just get too greedy for points and always go for the flies and the lady frogs, but I'm not that stellar at this game, but it's still a good time.

Until I die of a heart attack from Frogger-related stress, that is!

Review from

One of the more overrated classic arcade games, but worth playing a few times at least.

Frogger single handedly made the gaming community hate amphibians for almost 2 decades until low poly 3d frogs became a thing.

possibly the oldest game I've ever played. makes me glad to be where we are today

~ Juegos que Hay que Jugar Antes de Morir ~
Parte 2 — Los 80: Caída y Resurgir

Juego 26: Frogger (1981)

Este juego tiene tres problemas principales y gordos. El primero es que la curva de dificultad no tiene ningún sentido, es facilísimo llegar al final pero dificilísimo coger la mosca (el último salto) debido al tiempo. Segundo, el objetivo de ese último salto es contra-intuitivo como pocas cosas he visto, aumentando aún más la dificultad del tramo en los primeros intentos (si no tienes experiencia con el juego). Tercero, no puedo parar de jugar, me da igual todos los fallos.

Classic phrog moment (gets stuck on freeway like a LOSER)

It reminds me of Freeway.

É tipo o jogo da galinha atravessando a rua.