Reviews from

in the past

This game is way better in practice than it sounds on paper. Some of the themes are very off putting though. It's basically Resident Evil but with Nazis scientists, and some of the weirder stuff that comes along with that...

It is of unfortunate displeasure that I must announce that the floor can indeed NOT be killed in killing floor 2, blatantly false advertising, thankfully to rectify this you are able to kill everything else in the immediate vicinity of the floor.

I enjoyed what I played of killing floor 2 its honestly a really fun monster killing romp through a si fi world I enjoyed this game a ton and definitely if I play more my rating will be higher

I dropped the game back when they reneged on having no paid weapons. In retrospect, this wasn't a very good sequel. Gunplay and gore were on point, but the game has a very sanitized image for being a horror game. Pristine sci-fi aesthetic, character bants are down, stalkers are less fanservice-y, soundtrack is worse... Tripwire definitely lost the right vision somewhere down the line.

As for the game itself, I liked that each perk had options to pick from, but those were often poorly balanced and there was only one correct decision. The leveling was less impactful besides every 5 levels, so why expand it to 25 over 6? Every class is capable of kiting zeds now, spawns are so pervasive that welding and holding out is completely pointless, and every perk now has an answer to a problem in their loadout: there's no reason to ever go out of perk on a weapon anymore. Also development time wasted on modes and features nobody wants, and the cancelation of the martial artist was a tragedy. And a ridiculous file size now means I'll probably never install this again. The third game looks to be doubling down on all the things I dislike from this game, so no thanks.


Made me discover Demon Hunter. Also the Chainsaw weapon in this game is the most satisfying thing in the god damn universe. Kinda unoptimized though.

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I actually like the first one more.

L4D2 but with skins instead of mods

A fun game to play with friends, it includes some maps, a few game modes, and a lot of classes. Just be ready to blast Zeds!

best zombie shooter, really fun mods

very fun with friends, not so much solo

I enjoyed it, but it did get a bit repetitive.

Siempre quise jugar tanto este como el primer juego con amigos, dudo muchísimo que pase algún día.

Intense game. Love the characters and gameplay. Didn't like how they took the massive stockpile of microtransactions from the first game and doubled it here. Even adding lootboxes like CS:GO and TF2???

forgotten gem, it was pretty decent but i only ever had fun with friends

Its really fun when you're in the mood for it. A good challenge and simple enough to pick up whenever you're in the mood for mindless slaughter with some absurd weapons. Leveling up can be slow and the amount of dlc weapons lowers my opinion some.

I lost 500 hours to this one. It abandons Killing Floor 1's horrific atmosphere and slower pace for pure adrenaline, fueled by metalcore and a massive arsenal. One of the best horde modes around, even now.

Repetitive as all hell but fun in small doses

Es un muy buen juego de hordas, y me gusta su sistema de clases.

Mediocre cosmetics and microtransactions up the wahoo bloat the file size to 100GB

I recommend to play this online. I think it is the same as playing it offline but I am not 100% sure - but it's definitely more fun.