Reviews from

in the past

why did i pay for this one,,,,,

Short and expensive. Tech demo for kh3. Good tone and setting.

I really love this series, KH is for the most part banger after banger.

Dream Drop Distance: 7.5/10
0.2 BBS AFP: 7/10 (it played fun and challenging but obviously shorter being a KH III tech demo and "prologue")

Don't get me wrong, I love Aqua, but this wasnt a game, this was a demo for the Kingdom Hearts 3 engine. Plus the things it wanted from you to complete it was asnine or annoying at best. The fact I need to play it again to get my trophies back hurts my soul

I actually enjoyed Dream Drop Distance quite a lot.

BBS 2.8 was great and really adds to the BBS storyline and leads up to KH3.

Dream drop distance controls like ass on the PS5 and I just can't get around to playing it. It irks the hell out of me that I'm forced to swap characters after a certain amount of time. For someone who likes taking my time in searching for things, this really deters me from doing anything with this game. I contemplate going back to it frequently but struggle to do so. I think if I was able to switch through the command deck with L2 and R2 like BBS my issues with the controls would feel much better.

Union X was interesting to watch. Grasped some things and got the gist of the story.

dream eaters will haunt me for the rest of my life

me when reviewing other things: ahh its important to uhh... take in the whole work and uhh... analyze uh...

me when talking about kingdom hearts: YEAH ITS FUCKING STUPID ITS AWESOME FUCK YOU

Aquas story is great and the other two things in there are just okay. Happy to watch a three hour movie than buy a japanese phone to play a game i wasnt interested in in the first place. Now i know the story :). Thanks Square

a nice collection. good to re-experience DDD even though it is far from my favorite in the series; great to have it brought forward and accessible to more players.

Loved 0.2, beautiful game; fully re-ignited my hype for KH3 again.

Back Cover -- actually came through positive for me. it looks great, adds some lore, and presents a very intriguing ending which also added steam to the KH3 hype train.

My long-drawn out series replay and KH3 preparation is finally complete. Kingdom Hearts III will be played in 2024!

January 2, 2024 - January 9, 2024
27/69 achievements
975/2000 gamerscore

1 game, 1 demo and 1 movie, good enough if buyed with the story so far bundle

Much like what I have said in my HD 1.5+2.5 Remix review, it's a great collection for both regular series veterans of Kingdom Hearts and newcomers of the series!

This is mostly worth getting for the Aqua episode, DDD getting ported is nice too

ddd was pretty good and fun
bbs 0.2 was insane (although it's kinda underrated)
X back cover is a cool movie i hope they make more movies like that in the future

A weird package including: Dream Drop Distance, 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage, and cutscenes from Back Cover. Felt like this was a little unnecessary but happy that DDD is on consoles now.

Great to play DDD on ps4 in HD instead of 3ds

theorhetically should be worse than 1.5 and 2.5 but this is the only one that has dream drop distance....... soooooo....

I want to smooch the master of masters

i wanted to give this game 1 star instead of the half a star because DDD is cool but it took me 10 minutes to find this stupid fucking game why are there 50 versions of kingdom hearts 1 and 2. Learn how to count

This is also a really good collection... BUT, the Union X recap doesn't cover the full story of Union X so you would still be confused going on into the story

Simplesmente um dos melhores, pena ser curtinho demaiss

The cutscene movie is forgettable, Dream Drop Distance is okay, and A Fragmentary Passage is a fun little prologue and Tech Demo for Kingdom Hearts 3.

For Christmas of 2022, I was gifted the Kingdom Hearts: The Story so far pack.. I finished all of them within the span of three weeks.. they're great games.

I bought this collection to complete KH Dream Drop Distance and 0.2 Birth by Sleep in preparation for the long-awaited Kingdom Hearts III.

The utterly ridiculous game title aside, I'd consider this package to only be for diehard Kingdom Hearts fans... what's included isn't that great in comparison to previously released collections.

I've separated the games out into their own sections below:

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD
Kingdom Hearts meets Pokemon... but in the worst way possible. This is one of the worst battle systems introduced in the KH series since Chain of Memories... in fact, I think I'd give the slight nod to CoM over this one.

The Dream Eaters, overly cutesy "pocket monsters" that follow Riku and Sora around, tie to their abilities, and it introduces some very odd design decisions (Link Board, Affinity, Drop Meter, etc.) that did not "click" with me.

It's not a horrible game, however. I give it credit that it actually introduces new Disney worlds (a rarity in these KH spin-offs), which are much larger and open than previous titles, Yoko's music, as always, is phenomenal, I loved the inclusion of The World Ends With You characters, and the ending portion with Riku is excellent.

This game was the one that I think cemented the fact that Riku is a far superior character than Sora... probably because he actually has an arc where he grows as a character. I've just gotten so tired of Sora, and have despised seeing the degradation of his character as the series progressed - he just kept getting sillier and sillier... he might as well be Goofy 2.0 now.

Maybe I've just outgrown the KH series... I don't know.

Final Score: 3/5

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage
It's pretty much a short demo of what KH3 was going to be...and it features one of my favorite KH characters as the lead: Master Aqua! Short and sweet to build hype for the KH3 release.

I enjoy the return of the mainline series battle system (that still shows respect and merges the best ideas from its spin-offs). What I don't like (and didn't like in KH3 either) is the weird, plastic-looking character models though... not sure what they were thinking from an art style decision there. I much preferred the KH2 and Birth by Sleep art style... but it is a minor nitpick.

Final Score: 4/5

Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover

To put it bluntly... this shit is bonafide trash. This isn't a game, but a 1-hour collection of cutscenes from the mobile/browser title... it's about as bad as you'd expect...

I had trouble staying awake throughout, had no idea what the hell was going on, thought the whole concept was stupid, and it is single-handily the reason I pretty much have written off the series after KH3. If this is the direction they are going in, I'm done... unless KH4 looks like one of the greatest games of all time when they release more information on it, I'm fine with that decision.

Final Score: 0.5/5

review dividida em cada jogo