Reviews from

in the past

I had a guy tell me this was nothing at all like dark souls. Gacha rots the brain and taints the soul

meu ps4 nao tem espaço pra jogar essa bomba e outros jogos ao mesmo tempo, entao eu nunca mais joguei depois das primeiras 2 horas, mas era legal

On paper, this game should suck omega gnards. A free-to-play souls-like where you can spend money to prevent a game over.

The game just oozes charm and style. I actually made it pretty far up the tower just to see all the cool blueprints/levels ahead!
The difficulty is borderline unfair though. It includes grinding for hours on end to get enough magic mushrooms to cheese the boss. If you do die, you go back to base and have to fight back up. You could just buy a VIP elevator pass to take the golden elevator instead...!!! oooooo

great style, wish it wasn't rifling through my wallet as I played

Nah, I say Let It Die! Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and... come on who's with me huh?

este juego me dio ganas de vomitar el pancreas

Kinda weird to mark this shelved as I have about 2000 hours in it across the PS4 and PC versions. This game has pretty terrific controls, but is severely lacking in any interesting combat scenarios (or platforming which they'd work decently for believe it or not, but that wasn't a focus of the game). The main loop then is the slow grind of upgrading equipment to meet ever higher stat-gates. You don't have to upgrade everything all the way, but that's also the only thing with any drama behind it. It becomes mandatory anyway if you want to continue past floor 40. Going through it again on PC, I got to the point where I had 2 more pieces of equipment that needed a green metal and I would've moved up to the 20s for black metal equipment. I lost interest. The game hooks you with a pretty trashy gambling cycle. You can remove the unpredictability of it somewhat by finding the vendor on a cycle throughout the week and buying the upgrade material you need one at a time. Very games as a service-y.

The worst part is, I've still marked it shelved and I might go back to it. Marked between something I'd be willing to finish and something I wouldn't at a 1.5/5. One of the most confusing games I've played.

This game is super weird, but that made it unique. SO strange. I played it quite a bit though.

Good idea, terrible execution. The characters are charismatic (Death specially), the grafics are ok, the lore are....well a quite simple but ok, the soundtrack it is fine as the gameplay is.....but it's a pay to win game.

It's such a weird little fighting game of trying to go higher and higher in the tower of barbs until you win but it can start to feel like you're not making Any progress. It does have a lot of external currency which sucks. But do it for Uncle Death, he's getting a new game soon!

I have failed you, Uncle Death... :-(

Love this game. It's pretty fun to play and work your way around levels, trying to survive. I don't feel it's cashgrabby as you can just do the subway online mode to get more cash. My biggest gripe with this game has to be the insane amount of grind you'll have to do to upgrade weapons- definitely a spreadsheets game in this regard. In my playthrough in PC, took me no time to get the Iron blueprint, but in my PS4 playthrough, it took me a whopping 49 HOURS OF GRIND JUST TO UNLOCK IT. If you can be patient it's fun- but definitely not for everyone.

a really quirky game with an even weirder story, Let It Die is an entertaining game for the most part if you enjoy Dark Souls-esque combat and gameplay loop, it is a F2P though so you will see a microtransaction here and there, and they may throw said microtransaction in your face, but besides that it's fairly decent

A bad ripoff of souls like game also I’m glad Suda left gung-ho.

Fun while it lasted, wish it stilled worked

The f2p shit bogs this game down imo but like i love the style and uncle death is awesome

Just a colossal waste of fucking time. Can't believe Lily Bergamo died for this.

This game felt like a fever dream

Look, I can't rag on this game too hard. It had the legendary 8f line.

Only played for about 10-12 hours with no intention of seeing it through given the time it demands. By no means a bad game but by no means a good one either. Easily my least favourite Grasshopper Manufacture/Suda51 titles but definitely one of the better free to play games I've played. However I do wish we got to originally see whatever the hell Lily Bergamo was supposed to be before it got turned into Let it Die but at the same time, I wish Let it Die got explored into a fully realized game and not this because theres some good ideas, genuine charm and personality that keeps this from being a complete waste, and Uncle Death is hilarious. The art style is unique, the soundtrack is pretty killer and it had it's moments of fun but the repetitive and drawn out nature of this game prevents me from caring to see it all the way through for any kind of rewarding end. I'm glad Suda & Grasshopper came swinging back after this with Travis Strikes Again and seem intent on never doing something like this again which good, but in the end this is definitely one of the more unique and interesting f2p games I've tried.

If they removed the bullshit micro transactions and forced online multiplayer to create a complete singleplayer game this would actually be one of the best ghm games from a gameplay standpoint. Aesthetics are probably my favorite of their catalogue tho. Too bad its p2w and as soon as i put down the controller i lose everything because of some stupid raid mechanic

The dark souls of warframe-likes

I played thousands of hours worth of this game
I had spent entirely too much on this game as well
I think what kept me coming back was mixing and matching weapons for the sake of the climb.
What does not work for this game's favor is the dedication to the "Four motif" only 4 enemy variants, 4 areas, and 4 boss types. It's very limited and gets thin when you get into the uber high levels where the meta is exhausted.
I still appreciate this game and encourage people to not give in and to not spend as much money as I did on this game.

The combat is visceral and fun but don't burn yourself out on it, but be sure to enjoy the soundtrack!

The best part of the game bar none! A collection of various Japanese artists covering many ranges of genres and all of them are absolute ear worms!

this world, its atmosphere, its characters. its a damn shame they all went to waste on a cashgrab f2p piece of shit.

It’s fun for a few gaming sessions, but it becomes stale after awhile by the formulaic gameplay and levels.