Reviews from

in the past

An older gem of a game, Magical Starsign does its utmost to achieve style on the DS. It’s beautiful to look at most of the time and at least amusing when it isn’t, and it uses the dual screens to display the environment at times in such a way that I have a hard time imagining it remade for a single-screen (or at least horizontal) device. It took me about 25 hours to complete this time, so it’s on the shorter end of turn-based RPGs.

It’s a spacefaring fantasy, and heavy on the fantasy aspect — the planet designs and general “science” make for some bizarre sci-fi. It’s a lot of fun if you can get past that and just enjoy how much the world commits to weaving together its world under its own cute, clever, and sometimes frightening logic. It’s cohesive, as long as you don’t try to force it to make sense under real-world logic.

(It is absolutely wild how much each planet's dwellers let the main kids get away with just to "rescue their teacher", though.)

In general the battles (mostly random encounters) aren’t that difficult, and I didn’t need to spend much time grinding. You can generally just move from one place to the next, taking down bosses with a little thought put into your strategy. The final boss is a little over the top in difficulty though, considering how long the unskippable cutscene is beforehand. As a warning: do not let the final boss line up the planets. The game does not give you this warning, and finding out what happens if you do allow it is a slow trudge back through that cutscene again. If that sounds fine to you, then hey, go for it.

I’d recommend this game to anyone in the market for a pretty pixel RPG that has a substantial story, but doesn’t take a substantial amount of your time. It’s quirky and a little heartbreaking, and looks excellent on the original DS hardware.

It's one hidden gem of an RPG on the NDS.
I always remember how cool the robot design was and confuse it with Chronno Trigger.

One of the best niche games I have ever had the joy to play on the DS. Sometimes, its nice to look at the glass case at Gamestop (back then) and ask for the game that just sounded cool. Im glad I did that because I still remember playing this game to this day.

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I LOVE THIS GAME SO DAMN MUCH!!! It's for sure one of my all-time faves growing up, and I replayed it multiple times.

It's so charming and extra funny! From the dialogues, to the names of the characters, to my fave: THE CITY OF THE TALKING PYRITE CUBES.

The graphic is of an amazing GBA-style and very colourful. The design of the planets and characters is very good too.

I love the magic system and the attacks. The fact that they get stronger when their planet is in a certain position is pretty original.

Insanely crisp RPG made by the same studio that would go on to develop Super Mario 3D World. One of the first JRPG's I played growing up and I remember not being able to put it down, the standout parts are its really good soundtrack and fun as hell combat. Hoping this game and its prequel gets some revival in the future

Vera perla, neanche troppo semplice ma chiaramente mai una sfida gli permette di lasciarsi giocare senza problemi. Il vero pro rimangono ovviamente i design che per tutto il gioco sono ad un livello veramente alto

Sadly I was never able to finish this but I remember being really into this as a kid and it might be the only turn based game I've ever enjoyed.

I hope nintendo brings this series back some day

I’m gonna try to replay this one soon but I liked it when I was younger but never got too far. This is obscure Nintendo game core

I wanted to say "I miss Brownie Brown" but apparently they're still around? Huh!

Marking my most recent playthrough here.

Magical Starsign is an absolute hidden gem on the DS and I wish it was talked about more. It's not a perfect RPG - the gameplay flow has aged, and the ending is a little abrupt - but the journey is worth everything. The cast of characters is weird, lovable, and colorful. The environments are incredibly unique, and the artwork is absolutely gorgeous. Even the soundtrack is an absolute banger!
I recommend this if you're a fan of Chrono Trigger, Mother, or Golden Sun. In a way it's all of those games melded together, and if you like Mother 3, you'll see traces of that writing style here since they were being worked on by the same team.

Wish I had completed this back in the day. The elemental magic system felt fun and fresh amongst the many RPGs of the era, and (what I recall of) the story wasn't too heavy or deep, but kept me playing.

i played this wayyyyyyy long ago, when i was a kid. the art struck me and is something that i still think is stunning in the present day, too.

id like to revisit this one at some point !

favorite game ever growing up. i replay it like every other year or so. i desperately wish there was more games like this

if you played this game growing up you are actually certified cool

A delightful little RPG, that really makes me wish we still got weird little titles from weird little companies like we used to.

Visually, the game is very pretty, and has an extremely comfy feeling to it, peak DS RPG visual design. The 2D art can look weird at points, but that becomes part of the charm eventually, what with the game's weird sense of humour. Battle sprites are detailed, unique, and full of personality. Some of the best sprite animations ever are contained here. The animations do drag however, I wish the game went just a little faster.

The story is simple but very endearing. You'll grow attached to the whole class, and always root for them. The biggest shock is how genuinely funny this game can be at times. It seems to revel in characters failing and ending in goofy situations, like a Looney Tunes short.

Gameplay is where the game gets a few points taken off. Mechanically, it's pretty simple and standard, but there's enough depth to strategise. The problem comes in that a lot of bosses and bigger enemies truly feel like damage sponges. You won't need to grind much, but when you do, you'll be wishing the game's animations went faster.

I can't recommend this game to everyone, but if you're looking for a low-commitment, comfy game to have fun with, you'' find nothing better.

file under games that made me sob as a child

theres just. something about this game I can't put into words. I love it so, so much.

Magical Starsign is not exactly the most mechanically solid game out there, and the art style is a little odd for the character portraits. The sprites are adorable and the world is colorful and fun... and then you reach the halfway point of the game. I have never had a game's mood whiplash hit me so hard. This game absolutely shaped my sense of humor and love of puns, and I will never forget it. I can still hear the battle theme in my head. I wouldn't call it a must play or anything, but Magical Starsign was a very fun time and I can never recommend it highly enough.