Reviews from

in the past

I love this game and it is an incredibly unique experience that no other game has.

My favorite game ever made. Downright perfection.

honestamente, essa expansão é tão boa que poderia facilmente ter sido vendida como standalone, minha principal crítica ao world base, que era a falta de quantidade de monstros desafiadores em seu late game e a narrativa relativamente simples foram consertadas nessa expansão, gostei muito do desenrolar da história (ela por si só é simples também mas tem mais nuâncias entre os personagens e um encerramento bem legal pra saga do novo mundo), essa expansão é essencial pra quem jogou o world e se divertiu, chegando até superar o jogo base em diversos momentos.

a caça de bichos já é legal mas a dlc eleva isso a outro patamar pprt se pah a melhor dlc q ja joguei na vida.

trying to get loot was a REAL pain in this game.

Played over 350 hours on PS4 of MHW and now another 100+ on PC.

This game is right up my asshole, love everything about it, and i want MORE, MORE, MORE!.

Erect at the fact MH Wilds is basically looking like MHWorld 2

The dlc is even better than the og game

This game is amazing but its kind of unfortunately some of the monsters in this insist on being the biggest bitch in the new world instead of behaving and getting hit by my bug stick.

need more games with expansive combat like this, heavily looking forward to mh wild

Monster Hunter World is a good game, and the Iceborne expansion just gives you more of it. Some may not like the grindy-ness of Monster Hunter games, and it may be "easier" than previous iterations, but it is satisfying to gain mastery in fighting certain monsters.

FUCK THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!! (lovingly)

Holy shit now the game is hard lol.

Amazing expansion, fun new mechanics for the weapons and the new fights are very hard. Loved my personal hotsprings in my room.

Now let's grind until my LeftShift finger break!

Uma soberba DLC que realmente parece ser outro jogo. O unico defeito é o mesmo que faz a franquia espantar certos jogadores: Grind absurdo. E não venha dizer que não é, seu jogador de monster hunter!

mhw feels incomplete w/o iceborne

Essa dlc é o melhor investimento que eu fiz na vida... Simplesmente o meu jogo favorito, caçar o Fatalis é surreal.

This DLC made the base game WAY better.

Iceborne is an awesome expansion for World until you get deeper into the endgame where you're more encouraged to use the Clutch Claw to tenderize parts of the monsters. This feature alone spoils the game for me nowadays as returning to it after playing Rise or earlier games in the series makes you realize just how obnoxious it is without adding anything of substance.

Me encanta que no tengan derechos animales

No es el primer Monster Hunter que juego, pero si el primero que me paso y sigo jugando a día de hoy. Hizo mucho más accesible la saga y presenta lo que todos los Monster Hunter pero aprovechando al máximo la potencia actual. No hay mucho que decir, si te gusta el bucle de juego, te gustará el juego, en mi caso es muy satisfactorio

More monsters to bonk, more weapons to make.

this game is so good i'm going to kill myself

I’m of the firm belief there has yet to be a bad Monster Hunter game, and though this applies to Worldborne, it’s definitely the most flawed so far (and might be a bit too westernized).

It lacks a lot of (at least what I feel) made old school special despite the jank, there’s a lack in variety when it comes to wyvern species and too many that look like lizards/dinos/dragons as opposed to anything super unique, some newer monsters lack the same design flare older ones have, most returning mons feel like a downgrade despite better hitboxes, base game has the weakest OST in the series (not bad but not nearly as good), the story of both major campaigns have good ideas but the writing and cutscenes are uh not good, and god the layout of most locales and Astera are garbage. There was a clear push to make it appeal more to western audiences by upping certain parts of the “realism” while sacrificing again the original charm. Feels too MMO-y and has a lot more match making aspects most big mainstream western games at the time had which does impact the player base.

That being said, there’s a certain charm to Worldborne too, and a lot of its faults come more from inexperience—this was a major leap forward for the series in a ton of ways so of course it would feel off. And hey, they made normal Fatalis an actual threat plus it easily has the best crossover event quests. There’s a ton of little details I love, endemic life collecting is amazing, and dammit you can’t help but be hooked.

Special shoutout to the fan contributions though. Aside from how a lot of newcomer attitude unintentionally spawned a lot of toxicity in the fandom that even bigger creators in the fan space fall victim to occasionally, there is a very neat community behind it. I love seeing all the mods and art made for it and I don’t think it necessarily has to do with popularity. Those who are willing to help newbies are awesome too :)

This expansion took the already great Monster Hunter World, and improved it even more. New environments, many new monsters, and MANY more hours of fun. I really enjoyed the new moves they added to the weapons and felt they complimented the original moveset quite well. The main gripe I have with the new moveset was the addition of the clutch claw, in many cases I felt like it trivialised combat, making it very easy to keep the monster in one spot, as well as making it so you can mostly hit the monster wherever you want and still do good damage, essentially removing a good chunk of the positioning. Thankfully you can ignore it for most fights, bar a few towards the end where it's almost essential in order to do enough damage and win (though that could just be a skill issue on my part)

Çok didaktik Fatalis ve Alatreon şiiri:

Boynuzunuz kırılsın,
Ucu dönüp size batsın,
Kafanızda saplı kalsın,
Ki aklınızı alayım, muşmulalar.

Kuyruğunuz kopadursun,
Acısıyla kaladursun,
Kan kıçınızdan akadursun,
Ki fitili sokayım, muşmulalar.

Pençeleriniz körele,
Pullarınız döküle,
Tırnağınız söküle,
Ki set yapayım, muşmulalar.

Ateşinize buz olayım,
Şokunuza su tutayım,
Silahıma taş vurayım,
Ki kellenizi alayım, muşmulalar.

Yedi düvel ceddinizin,
İffetsiz sevdiğinizin,
Kundakdaki bebenizin,
[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.]

Amazing MH, really happy for this game to helped capcom popularize its IP and I will always be grateful for that

This review contains spoilers

Many people say the clutch claw ruins a lot of what makes Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter. But this game has some of the best fights in the entire series. Especially Fatalis