Reviews from

in the past

The game itself is great, good mechanics and weapons plus perks, the awful thing about it it's the playerbase, the game is dead and the only players who are still on the game are level 200 and above wich makes it impossible for new players to enjoy this game (besides horde wich in my opinion is a bit boring).
The only thing chiv has over this game is players

had alot of fun but its novelty wore off

horrific community, dead playerbase, crack-addled brainless developers, unrealistically competitive, and shoddily made; and yet, I have poured hundreds of hours into it because of its depth, the satisfaction of winning a duel, the absurdity of the maniacs you encounter in duelyards. so much potential ruined and I regret none of the time I spent playing it

Rough community but still good

"Oh look a guy not fighting anyone, I shall challenge him to a duel! Wow this is fun! Oh that's a second guy coming into help him, oh and a third, and a fourth, and they are all swinging and stabbing... Oh I'm dead."

Has essentially been most of my experience, I do enjoy the game but god the gank culture in this game can be really infuriating sometimes.

Se eu tivesse paciência eu me esforçava pra virar Pro player

First and only match I played I was in a lobby with a guy named ''Nigga Coochie Biter'', who taunted me before the round start, then proceeded to kill me in one hit, disconnected and uninstalled faster than any other game I have ever played.

Was probably the best multiplayer game I had ever played at the time of it's release but it has stagnated now and a lot of the remaining playerbase is not great.

another game i had for some time and i really think is one of the best multiplayer games ever created but the skill curve is so step that most casual players will just quit after the first hour. There is no real way to fix this issue, and i really wished this game had a lot larger fanbase, and got frequent updates. It has amazing graphic, difficult and at times infuriating but it is rewarding and so satisfying to watch replays of, amazing character and weapon customisation, beautiful maps and fun chaotic gameplay. If you want you can make a serious 100% historically accurate soldier of the roman empire or you can go completely naked as a dwarf yelling at people and throwing rocks, axes or anything at them and killing your own teammates, this game let's you play however you want, and that's the most important thing and the thing i value the most about this game.

Used to be fun but is filled with sweats now

Well, the state of this game is quite complicated.
Theres lots of very experienced players that scare the new players away... While the combat is quite straightforward said experienced players will develop new techniques (such as the essex drag flinch mcdouble) that are either unreadable or unblockable.
I mean, it is fun sometimes, i did have my fair share of laughs out of some battles, but when it comes to 1-on-1 combat its just a gamble where, you either fight a player on your level or a level 200 naked rat man with a maul that will drag-flinch-crouch-emote-riposte you and erase your existence

The game's fun and all. But the community is so fucking toxic.

Apparently even the developer's a piece of shit too. Oof.

3 Men wearing only diapers walk into a bar, they all begin screaming, gyrating, spinning, shitting and beating the hell out of each other. One of them begins to spank the air and jostling his upper body like a bobble head, the others join him and rejoice. Strangest Red Lion Pub I've seen in a long while.

That had nothing to do with the game, it's pretty cool though.

Good for fun in online,

Yes, it's better than Chivalry 2, but we still don't have good mediaval fps game. All of them almost same, and offers you to fight aganist 500-1000 level players. I can't say that they're wrong for this, bc they don't have enough players to make good matchmaking :)

Absolutely fantastic game. A spiritual successor to Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. It's very fun to play, even when you're a complete beginner. This game deserves all the praise it gets!

This was my game after Chivalry. It was like hmm I want to play chivalry but without the beyblades. Oh shit Mordhau wtf.

it was fun, but nowadays the only people playing it are veterans that kill you without even taking a single damage. A cool community turned into a really toxic group. There's also the fact that some of the servers are pretty empty depending on what mode you're playing.

C'était super drôle gore technique etc maintenant c'est mort et les serveurs moddés ont été fermé c'est dommage

Fun, like slappin dudes with my sword

Vou repetir oq muitos já disseram: Este jogo tem uma comunidade incrível.

Não por causa da criação de mapas, os mods ou outras ideias de jogos multiplayer famosos. Este jogo brilha em como todos os jogadores reagem entre si durante a gameplay, criando regras, formas de insultar o oponente e formas novas de se aproveitar das mecânicas do jogo. Claro q pode ser complicado vc entender e se adaptar a gameplay, vc vai tomar muita porrada no início, mas com o tempo vc entende como ela funciona e vai melhorando a cada partida, além de ter momentos únicos em toda partida, desde jogadores usando a catapulta como pula-pula, até jogadores esquecendo totalmente da batalha e se juntando para ouvir a bela canção do bardo.

Já vi de tudo nesse jogo q não tinha nada de especial ao meu ver, mas q foi criado por todos os jogadores q quiseram fazer algo a mais doq só um jogo de guerra medieval, e oq o tornou tão memorável e único.

After playing 1 match with randoms i gotta say this physics are insane
But if you want to play with your friends you're finished
cuz' servers said fuk you

This game could've been so much fun if it wasn't a buggy mess and clunky controls. There are no updates or patches as far as I know.

Voice lines are funny as fuck, be the posh twat and keep spamming, "No!" you'll thank me later

After over 200 hours of gameplay I can honestly say that ramming my head into a brick wall would've been a better use of my time.