Reviews from

in the past

I replayed this but instead of going to roleplay in a server went full solo.
It's one of the best things out there, definetly, in terms of playing roleplay.
The ambience, music and general tone is really cool too.

Started several times and finished it once. I quite liked it as a kid, but even then I noticed that it didn't focus so much on story and group interaction. Back then I was expecting a kind of Baldur's Gate 3 and it wasn't that at all. It still had its strengths, especially the modding scene around this game was great, there was so much good stuff.

The main campaign is incredibly boring. Play modules or boot up Icewind Dale instead.

actually completed all expansions, except for hotud, i had help.

говно, как и почти все классик рпг в этом мире, и всё из-за уебанской dnd системы

fun dungeon hack and slash with more going on thanks to the dnd system. only got around halfway through the main story line but it was enjoyable enough, definitely something that would be better with friends or a more narrative driven campaign. its honestly probably five stars but i dont have the interest in spending more time with it

among the best dialogue editors ever programmed lol

This game is nearly impossible for me to rate. It's kind of a mess, the base campaign is pretty bad, but the expansions and wealth of premium and player made content is staggering, and more importantly extremely varied despite all stemming from the same core system.

I've been reading D&D books since well before I was old enough to even be playing them, rulebooks, modules, and The Legend of Drizzt Books in particular all come to mind. In highschool there were others who I played with, ofc none of them knew the actual rules and not wanting to be a nerd I never corrected them and let it play it out as a silly sort of theater of the mind type thing with friends. Which, to be fair, is sort of the idea, the rules exist to facilitate storytelling.

That's also why I find D&D games fascinating, seeing how much of it is merely adapting the rules of the various editions, and how much emphasis is put on capturing the idea, mood, or setting of what TTRPGS are all about. Neverwinter Nights, I think, shines the most in both of these regards compared to other D&D games; for better and for worse. The game can be jank, some modules have super detailed extra rulesets pertaining to specific things like jousting or base building. And that's what I like about this game, it might be a jank mess, the main scenario is basically not worth playing, but a lot of it makes a more genuine attempt at realizing what D&D is and the purpose of rules and rulings in TTRPGS being to facilitate storytelling. And I think that's neat.

me, using the built in toolset to make the dumbest shit for decades at this point: you know, I'm something of a modder myself

I hope it gets back on steam so my friends can play it
Edit: it’s back on steam

The main campaign's story is ehhh, but the insurmountable amount of content that the game provided thanks to its modding tools, as well as IGN's defunct NWVault, made this one of the most played games of my late childhood and early adolescence. This is the game that made me want to start developing games.

ATTACK! I SAaaaiiiiiaiaiaiD ATTACK!

Really wanted to love this game....the concept and art was so beautiful when it first came out...the gameplay is just NOT there.

I pretty much exclusively played single player community modules.
Standout Modules:
Honor Among Thieves
The Prophet Series

A Dance with Rogues was ok.

i dont have any particular memories of it, except for daelan for some reason LMAO. it was just very. classic rpg. i enjoyed it while it lasted, but i don't remember anything that particularly wowed me

After playing through the masterpiece Baldur's Gate 2, which dropped a couple years earlier, and even awesome RPG's like Icewind Dale 2 which dropped the same year, this overhyped 'next big RPG' just fell kinda flat for me. Just felt really mid in every department. I remember pushing through most of the game, just waiting for some magic to happen, and it just never did.

pretty great engine, decent rpg writing when it wants to be but ultimately a kinda subpar campaign (I only played the original and no I will not play more)

not sure if what i'm tasting is buggy mess (bethesda-flavor) or buggy mess (flashgame-flavor)

i can imagine dnd players [giant nerds] doing great things with this framework, despite some mechanics still not really translating very well to videogames imo

I can't rate this yet since I played this years ago and I haven't actually finished it, hence the shelved mark, but this was REAL boring from what I can remember. I don't even mind the old and occasionally weird "real-time action combat" sorta style but this one just wasn't working for me, and the story was so barebones I'm actually kinda shocked it came AFTER the Baldur's Gate duology, which were and still are praised for their narratives to this day, and even Icewind Dale, a game from Black Isles that while definitely more combat-oriented, still had some cool sequences from the little I dabbled with. Maybe one day when I get a hankering for a Bioware deep dive, finally going beyond the Dragon Age, KOTOR1, and Mass Effect shackles I grew to fall back on, I'll give it another go, but even then Jade Empire and the previously mentioned BG Duo seem to be more my speed.

I see people in the review section shitting on the Bioware campaigns, but they honestly seem like the type of legit D&D campaigns I used to go through when I was a kid, so they're alright.

Rating solely for player made modules/online. The Bioware campaigns are awful at worst, bland at best.

I didn't play much of the actual game, but I went to an ID Tech camp one summer and we learned to make RPGs in the Neverwinter Engine. Very exciting to a young kid.

I have easily several hundred hours in this game and its expansions but at least a third of it is just me fucking around with the game's code to make it more interesting. Other than that, not many good things to say about it. Yeah, it's an early 2000s Bioware title and it shows, but at least they made an effort with Baldur's Gate and KotOR. However, credit where credit is due, NWN got me seriously interested in studying how video games work because of its create-your-own-module function. If you're looking for a good story, then don't bother.