Reviews from

in the past

Had it's moments and was a neat concept, but it was lowkey an infuriating game.

May have contributed to my severly strained arm.

Love this game so much. Creative take on new gameplay possibilities in the Pokémon world, and the story was very engaging.

It's not even nostalgia kicking in here, they had a really good idea for a game and ran with it. It's a game purposefully designed for a touchscreen, and it's a lot of fun. While the gameplay is just drawing circles at most, they actually give you a wide range of fun mechanics to help you out during that game. It's definitely not fleshed out as much as it could be, but they were def in their experimental bag w this one. The fact that pokemon can just help you draw circles better is cool and makes you want to collect more mons.

They need to make this a mobile game. If someone from nintendo reads this, you need to make a mobile gacha game based around the pokemon ranger core mechanic. You will make millions. I'll send a check when I see the game announcement.

This was a great start to such an underrated Pokemon spin-off series! But man, this game was quite challenging. But I have such fond memories of it. In fact, it's been such a long time since I beat this that I want to replay it!

was gonna play the sequel when apple finally let emulators onto the app store, but i decided to try the first one instead.

- the core concept is solid, but the fun just isn’t there
- partner assists that would spawn under the line (grass for example) felt useless
- tedious boss fights. charizard in particular made me put the game down
- story and characters are paper thin

there is something to this though. hoping my nostalgia for the sequel isn’t misplaced!

I really enjoy this game and would play more if I wasn't concerned about destroying my phone screen and stylus.

It's repetitive but I find the core mechanic so engaging that it really doesn't matter and it does a good job of scattering secrets across the map which makes it thrilling to stumble on a random Venusaur in a cave.

Good game, keen to play the sequels sometime

Jugablemente fue innovador, un soplo de aire fresco para la saga.

Ahora dar 40 vueltas seguidas sin parar o empezar de 0 es una odisea, por ese motivo es un juego que nunca rejugaré.

I like the way this game looks but holy fuck it feels like they want me to stab my stylus through the screen

I'm mixed on this game.
It presents a good concept that can utilize the DS touchscreen very well. It also presents a unique setting that can be used for telling some unique story.
It is often fun and engaging.
However it suffers from some incredibly poor pacing at times. The overworld and level structure offers a ton of promise that is never delivered on properly. Mechanics for traversal and planning your team properly to balance traversal and capture abilities are rarely utilized.
There are some moments of incredibly poor ideas, like an escort mission where your little npc getting dived by an insect in a narrow corridor forces you to start over.
And the difficulty spikes in this game are intense, rarely have I seen such drastic and mandatory spikes.
Also awesome how the game has a quicksave function for saving anywhere, but it's that silly power down the system immediately quicksave. Why not just let us save anywhere then?

Idk, this game was really fun at times and has potential it fails to really utilize well.

NOTA: 7,5

CONSOLA: Nintendo DSi

SPANISH / No me esperaba que fuera a ser tan divertido. Había momentos en que me cagaba en todo, sobre todo con el Steelix.
Aún así, me lo pasé bien y para los siguientes que voy :)

ENGLISH / I wasn't expecting it to be so fun. There were moments where I was getting furious, especially with Steelix.
Other than that, I still had a great time and I´ll eventually get to the other two games :)

Pretty fun for what it is! It's also pretty short but that's okay :3

Uno de los mejores spin off de pokemon junto con mundo misterioso una pena que no siguieran mucho

Possui um nível desafio que fica na linha tenue do prazeroso e estressante, em especial devido a tela do DS e seu tamanho. Possui os piores vilões que me recordo na franquia pokémon.

Another good concept for a spin-off, in the DS era Pokémon was branching out. I like the artstyle and sprites, but catching legendaries was annoying in practice.

I'm sure the story is as good and fun as the sequels, but MY GOD I hate how I have to loop a certain amount of times without getting the loop broken or the pokemon jumps out of the loop. If Nintendo decide to remake a Pokemon Ranger game I fucking hope it's this one

fun little game!!! original gameplay and fun new concept for more pokemon lore

Nearly broke my DS screen. I wish that we could get more Ranger games now, I really did like seeing them around in the Pokemon universe.

Pokémon spinoffs were at their peak at this time. Pokémon Ranger was a fantastic twist on the worldbuilding in the game, and it was a great use of the DS touch pad. When I think of games that only Nintendo can make, this series comes to mind.

quite a fun spin-off of the main Pokémon series. The sprites look amazing, even better than the mainline games, but it suffers from "first in the series" syndrome, there are some incredibly hard catches (Salamance drove me insane) due to not yet having implemented the "fill up bar" mechanic that is found in later installments. The story is passable (though it made me giggle a little with some of the writing, which is rare from pokemon games) and even though the game boils down to just spinning circles in your DS screen, it still finds cool ways to innovate on that single mechanic with the various assists.
Overall, I had quite a lot of with the game, my main issues are the repetitiveness that surges after a while due to the game being still very simple , the plot not being as explored as it could've been and the mechanics not aging the best.
Still , if anyone is interested, I really recommned trying these spin offs! Maybe don't start with this one, but if you do, have patience and go with the mindset that some parts will feel pretty outdated.

I have 2 DS just cuz this bastard made me scratch the shit out of the first one screen and it was horrible to play on that.

i absolutely love the sequel to this game, but ive never played the original. my initial reaction is its good, but i like the capture mechanics of the other 2 games better (bar vs so many loops in a row) but oh its so cute

i didnt realize hal labs helped create the series until now! i wish modern pokemon had more spinoffs with other companies. i swear it adds more dimension somehoww

When my wrist hurt because of Pokemon Ranger and not fapping

Je me fiche de ce que les gens pensent, je préfère les Pokémon Ranger au reste de la licence. Les sprites sont beaux, le gameplay bon c'est au goût de chacun mais j'préfère tellement ça à choisir des attaques stratégiquement, j'vous avoue mdr.

Le jeu est court par contre, j'recommande plus Nuits sur Almia pour cette raison.

Es imposible jugar a esto en el ordenador :(

This was a lot of fun, playing it when it first game out. I remember some parts being a bit annoying, but the gameplay was fresh and exciting.

While the gameplay can be monotonous and irritating at times, the story, characters, and unique premise of this game left a mark on me as a child. Seeing a different side to the Pokemon world, and adapting that to be a puzzle adventure game was a creative and unique idea. It is just a shame that getting the creatures to help you requires endlessly circling the monster on the DS touchscreen. If there was some more variation to how you can obtain Pokemon, or if the Pokemon could stay as permanent friends you can call upon, this could easily be one of the best spinoffs in the whole franchise. I would recommend this game to any puzzle adventure enthusiasts.

It tried something different, and I'll give it credit for that. Beyond that... I got a Manaphy for my copy of Platinum out of it?

Another "my poor ds screen" game xD but this was one of my favorite eras of pokemon!! (pre gen 4/end of gen 3) I will always be nostalgic for it :'3