Reviews from

in the past

Had to close and open the game multiple times when objectives wouldn't load. The combat is fine. Platforming has potential. Just nothing special here

El core mola, pero es demasiado repetitivo

- Prisma -
Que desperdicio de juego, tematica y tiempo.
Lo jugue hasta practicamente el final me quede 18/30 prismas, pero no creo poder seguir, el gameplay despues de unas horas se vuelve horrible pq no hay muchas cosas que hacer y tampoco hay armas para usar.
Solo puedes usar 2 robots y se turnan en salir osea solo puedes usar 1 en combate y para cambiar de esquema tienes que ir a una base a cambiarlos.
Le tenía mucha fé por como lucia y por como inicio, pero que cosa tan vacía me tope despues de jugar y esa forma de forzarte a tener todos los prismas me parece muy horrible, en especial por lo lento que se hace el moverse por el mapa :/
Esto es un extra, y es que el juego tiene pantallas de carga muy largas y muchos bugs + lo horrible que se vuelven los enemigos al momento de meterte los efectos.

sistema de progressão, não deixa eu zerar o jogo. vai tomar no cu

It certainly feels like a launch title, story is fairly basic and under developed overall, joule lives on a desert planet with robots to get the planet ready for a larger crew of colony ships, but the robots have turned even and you need to learn why, you do then you climb a tower and get nothing else resolved.

Gameplay is fine, but repetitive just shoot strafe and command you companion to attack, enemies are basic and lack variation.

I like the desert environment but it got repetitive and stale quick.

It's not bad but also really not a memorable experience.

I actually really liked the game. It is a really cool 3D metroid-style game.

But it goes FULL metroid-style. Never go full metroid-style!

Instead of being able to change all your different robot companions on the go easily, just like your gun shots, the game wants you to go (or fast travel) to certain spots in the map so you can change your companions because for some reason you can only have 2 at the same time. That's so tedious!

But sure, ok, you put up with all the repeated gameplay, all the tedious build-making, going to spots just so you can change your companions, grinded all the challenging dungeons... and what happens??
- - - A little bit of spoiler ahead (I guess) - - -

You beat the final boss, sure sure sure cool cool cool. Oh there's a door after him that you have to go through. Oh it does not open tho. It wants you to put certain number of cores on it to open, which you still are not even close to that number after all that grinding and doing side stuff. It wants you to complete the 100% of the fucking map (Oh and oh boy oh boy, it does not take a quick second or something. To do this you have to put AT LEAST the same amount of time to get to this point so the "final" boss is actually the "halfway" point of the game? Make it make sense)!! And I mind you, the door is not for getting to the final boss fight, it is after the final boss fight, it is just to get the credits... WOW yeah no thanks!

I restarted this so many times but it was awesome when I finally got around to finish it

i remember literally nothing about this videogame, fuckin wild

mega man x and metroid prime combined into a typically dogshit Unity game. really fun!

No intro, just dropped straight in.

Double jump and air dash available from the start, might as well have a big flashing popup "THERE WILL BE NO INTERESTING MANEUVERABILITY UPGRADES, AND NO NEED TO REVISIT ANY AREAS". Why not just give us a huge fun jump, or make the platforms lower or closer, instead of demanding two or three button presses every time. Daft.

Combat is powerfully mediocre, no real excitement, no need for any real tactics. First two bosses basically the same thing, just big versions of normal enemies.

Loads of bits and pieces and blueprints and crafting, but feels like that thing where stuff increments in single percentage points, just screens full of numbers.

And the thing is, I've put up with much of this stuff in other games, even praised it in some cases, but here there's just nothing else on top. There's a competent game here, with systems and enemies and a plot and a robotic dog pal, but it's just got no energy.

it's maybe the most exact middle of the road game i've ever played. it's fine. didn't hate playing it but i'll never launch it again after one session with it. enjoyed having air dashes and double jumps from the start though, bless keiji inafune

It's been a while since a game has annoyed me this much. To keep it quick:

Horrendously buggy - constantly had to restart from checkpoints, stuff falling through floors, dodgy collisions, status effects not hitting me properly leaving me a sitting duck until death.

At one point it decided not to save for an hour or so, not telling me until I came back.

Equipment system is more obtuse than you think - parts have level requirements that it doesn't surface anywhere until it tells you that you can't use them.

AWFUL combat, I mean really terrible. There's a reason there's no death penalty.

Pathetic story with a really stupid ending.

Early on I thought there were some interesting idea there but the game just completely failed to execute and worse of all it actively seemed to aggravate the player. The inventory system and robot switching/movement systems are designed to just increase how long it takes to play the game rather than adding any kind of challenge.

I'd buy an artbook for this game, but the game itself was just too boring for me to finish.

This review contains spoilers

Two frustrating experiences mashed together is what ReCore feels like.

You've got your first half, a puzzle platformer that has moments that feel pretty good and then a second half that, out of nowhere, becomes a battle arena/stage survival style game. Unfortunately, these both feel very half baked because of this shift and ultimately buries this game.

The more puzzle platformer type area that you start off in is decent. The jumping is responsive, the exploring areas is solid. Combat is not great but not frustrating. The story feels like something that got scrapped too late into development to entirely remove. It exists to some minor degree, but the game is not actively attempting to draw you into what is actually going on.

Combat revolves around an ally who you can command attacks around and your gun. You gun features a charge ability and ammo that needs to reload if used for too long. Early on in this game you will start to collect color variants to your gun which evolves combat a bit. Basically you'll run into enemies that are yellow, blue or red and the ability to change your gun to shoot color specific bullets. Red enemies are weak to red attacks, blue to blue, etc etc.

Enemy groups will slowly evolve where you'll have multi-colored groups attacking you which makes the combat a little more on-the-fly and fluid.

The biggest issue with the combat is the eventual repetitiveness to this formula and the fact that the game doesn't make it easy to get away from the enemies once they get close up.

You do have a dash button that makes dodging general attacks but the dash itself is limited and many enemies are faster than you, so I often found myself stuck dashing until my sidekick was able to draw aggro away from me.

Some attacks can stun you though and this game doesn't feature any damage invulnerability after getting hit. I found myself constantly getting stuck in waves of attacks that take out a full bar of health because I got stuck in an attack loop that I couldn't move out of because I just would keep getting hit without any pause.

Its in part what makes the arena survival shift so frustrating.

Eventually you start climbing a tower with each floor featuring tougher platforming sections cut in between arena/enemy rush sections. The look of these stages is bland, boring, and never changes. You just climb and fight, climb and fight, for way too long.

There are bugs and other various nitpicks that combine to make this game not worth your time. The music is pretty solid, it's relatively short and there are little bits and pieces that you see throughout that could've been cool and fun in a better developed game but there are so many games that do the puzzle platforming thing better than this that those little flashes are nowhere near worth it.

I couldn't stick the loading times

O jogo começa bem legalzinho, mas a cada hora de progressão que passa ele vai caindo o nível de uma maneira incrível. Tem coisas boas no jogo mas é soterrado de estresse, absolutamente TODOS os bugs quebram sua progressão e você precisa reiniciar o jogo, a história é contada de maneira desleixada e as últimas 3 horas de jogo são realmente muito RUINS. Esse jogo lançou e ficou no limbo, e infelizmente merece ficar por lá mesmo

I liked this game. It got boring in a couple spots, but the traversal was fun and the combat was fine. Nothing world changing but I would play another one.

This is deadass the most boring game I have ever played

I think they removed the stupid "get 100 cores to get the end" when I played it, so it was good

é literal meu bad day cure, pego só quando to com muita vontade de explorar um monte de nada com a Joule e mandar a aranha escalar parede de forma frenética

esse jogo me apareceu na pagina inicial do xbox dai me lembrei de ter jogado ele a anos no passado la em 2016, eu acho sinceramente que esse jogo recebe muitos olhares tortos. porem ele é um game muito legal e ok... quem diz que ele é ruim certamente não deve ter jogado muito coisa ruim não kkk admiro bastante o trabalho de Keiji Inafune e esse certamente gostei bastante.

This was so jank and bad quality, there could’ve been a good game if it spent more time in the oven. As is the gameplay feels like it has no impact and everything down to the movement feels just bad. I also had a really bad glitch where I was endlessly falling through the game, which I would’ve forgiven if the game was good in any way. Which it is not.

A fama, ao meu ver, é injusta. Joguinho divertido e carismático, tá bem longe de ser essa bomba que os mamadores de críticos do meta dizem ser. Acho até que se o mesmo fosse lançado pela Nintendo, a recepção seria bem melhor.

It was mid. Honestly surprised I remembered this one.

Achei medíocre, horroroso e desinteressante.

It's a damn boring game. Good idea, bad execution.

Alguns puzzles legais, mas a física é bem ruim, os gráficos são feios e se torna cansativo muito rápido.