Reviews from

in the past

Even today, this remake is beautiful and scary. It's full of surprise and the atmosphere is over the top. My favorite game of the franchise.

Creo que le falta mucha qol para jugarlo a día de hoy. El inventario es enano y los puzzles imposibles. Aún así me lo pasé bien.

i had to have my grandma help me with this one

I enjoyed this a lot, you feel perpetually uncomfortable playing this in the best way

This is not only how I imagined RE1 when I first played it, back when I was a kid, but also better. Everything about it. The mansion, the new surprises, the graphics, the silly/scary story, the atmosphere, combat, unlockables, sound... Absolutely amazing. The only bad things, in my opinion, are the cameras, tank controls and the whole inventory system. It makes for a tense experience, but a dated one, a little.

But don't let that break you. This game is a masterpiece!

uma Obra prima dos jogos Survival Horror, incrivelmente influente e um remake ótimo q n tira a essência, os possiveis pontos negativos ao meu ver só favorecem a imersão e sensação de perigo iminente, saves contados a camera fixa, inventário limitadissimo, tudo isso cria um sentimento de perigo e preocupação a todo momento
um sentimento incrivel para quem gosta de terror e principalmente zumbis

Um dos melhores remakes já feitos.

Tbh the first true survival horror game I’ve ever played and holy hell what an amazing introduction to the genre. Feels legitimately perfect from a gameplay perspective. Cohesive in its design to a degree I don’t think I’ve ever encountered previously. Absolutely everything - the backgrounds, the camera angles, resource scarcity, health pool, carry capacity, the save system, the crimson heads - works in concert to create an experience of constant tension and uncertainty for the player. An experience where you have to really think about every item collected, every item left behind, and every route taken because making the wrong decision means losing significant progress. RE requires the player to respect its gameplay systems and in return it respects the players intelligence and their time; deaths absolutely never feel cheap or unavoidable. Honestly worth playing just to see how well designed it is even if you - like me - don’t have a ton of interest in the survival horror genre.

This and Resident Evil 3 (1999) turn survival horror into a deeply emotional and almost spiritual journey. Simply beautiful. Tone and atmosphere masterclass.

Me gustó cuando abrí la puerta por 5362 vez

What can be said about REmake that hasn't already been said? This is the pinnacle of classic survival horror. Lush visuals, unmatched atmosphere, and challenging but fair gameplay. Every room, pre-rendered background, and camera angle is expertly crafted to suit the mood and needs of the scene, whether that is building suspense, drawing your eye to a specific location, or offering a reprieve from the horror.

I played the Steam remaster using Jill on the Normal difficulty, with tank controls. I appreciate the option for newer players to go with modern controls, but as far as I am concerned there is no option, tank controls are the way to go.

This is the fifth classic RE game I have played, having previously enjoyed 1, 2, 3, and Code Veronica. At first I was surprised at some of the changes compared to Code Veronica. Jill is a lot heavier and slower than I was used to my main character being. An individual zombie is a legitimate threat, able to take you down in 3-4 bites. If you are grabbed, you will receive a bite, unless you use one of the new defense items. The pistol no longer has any knockback on zombies, meaning you have less room to operate in while taking them down. Once I adjusted to the changes, I came to appreciate them for making this experience feel truly unique among the series. The first RE doesn't actually have that many zombies in it, mostly due to technical limitations at the time. REmake is faithful to the enemy count but has incorporated it into the gameplay design by making each encounter more important and memorable.

The Spencer Mansion is still the greatest setting the series has seen. The story is fun, with the new twists involving Lisa Trevor doing a great job at shaking things up and subverting expectations. The voice acting isn't as cheesy as the original, but it has plenty of charm.

The game has plenty of replayability. The protagonist selection, along with numerous small choices along the way, the multiple endings, the unlockable difficulty settings, costumes, and weapons. It is a complete package. I just finished the game but I am already looking forward to eventually replaying as Chris one day. I am sure this is a game I will come back to many times in my life.

In short, REmake is a masterpiece, and a must play for everyone.

Amazing remake, good update even in the last remaster. Anyway, a classic of a classic \\..//

A great start to a great franchise. Filled with multiple puzzles and extensive resource management. The gameplay is very intuitive and well designed. There are numerous strategies for defeating enemies, and the game will punish you for not tying up loose ends and completely killing each infected you come across.

enjoyed how the routes/locations were mixed up a bit to keep things fresh and exciting but i didnt like loss of the campy tone of the original game. conflicted on the gloomy aesthetics, they suit the setting and horror genre but i have to admit one of the biggest things i liked about the original resident evil was the bright colors and silly cutscenes to go with them. not a bad game overall, though. i consider both equals and i am only putting this down half a star to denote personal preference

Só nn é 5 estrelas pq tem o remake mas isso aqui é simplesmente SENSACIONAL, o toque de horror, puzzles legais, que te botam para pensar de vdd, aquele sentimento de você estar perdido e louco me da saudade.

It's a game alright

Not for me though, couldn't get it to it

REmake is a masterpiece in every sense. Capcom took everything they learned up to that point and crammed it all here. New enemy types, improved camera, improved controls, beautifully rendered backgrounds, and an eerie soundtrack. REmake earns the incredibly rare honor of being a perfect game in my eyes. It's earned it's place on top as the king of Survival Horror.

The mansion's atmosphere and level design make this one of the best horror games. Although I understand criticism for the movement I didn't mind it when I played through it.

on par with gaming experiences like Elden ring and bloodborne, superb

Imported from my Backloggery:

What an incredible piece of gaming history. Although this game feels a little clunky with its tank controls, the entire experience feels deliberately crafted, with scares being meticulously planned in advance. Although the graphics are serviceable, the prerendered backgrounds and general art direction create an oppressive atmosphere. The scares especially were terrifying in all the right ways. To top it off, it had a great range of emotion, from campy characters to emotional side stories.

The OG survival horror game, remade in 2002. It's a great time, but do note that despite being a remake it is still quite aged, it's mostly a visual remake, and even with the parts they changed it was 22 years ago this was made, so don't expect the same type of game as the new REmakes. Also I honestly just recommend using a guide to get through the game, it makes the process a lot smoother, especially if you are new to the genre.

I thought that getting into this series with 4 would make the fixed camera angle games seem obtuse and difficult to get into, but I'm pleasantly surprised to say that this game is probably even better than 4! The oppressive mood and atmosphere is overwhelming, it's genuinely scary and I feel so tense when playing, and peeling away at the INCREDIBLY designed mansion through Metroidvania-esque progression is so satisfying. Immaculately designed game, I absolutely adored it and can't wait to play the original version of 2 next.

I have been on such a survival horror kick lately and after Signalis I think its obvious why I wanted to play this one right after. I kinda played it like a dumbass I think but I still had a way better time with this one than I was expecting to. Hunters are the worst.

I'm glad I chose this remake to be my first step into the RE series. The way it makes the player feel absolutely helpless in the Spencer Mansion, there's not even that many enemies once you take the entire game as a whole. But the way it hammers in the point that conserving ammo is sometimes better than taking everything out immediately is absolutely great. To the point that I felt I was wasting precious ammo sometimes due to panic moment or realizing I killed an enemy I could've totally maneuvered around, or the game sometimes punishing you for not disposing of some enemies correctly.
The soundtrack of this game is pretty unique in that there aren't many genuine songs in this game, instead opting to do great ambient sound design that actively made me nervous to be in a room or turn a corner not knowing what was there until the static camera show would show me. The track "Macabre Hallway" is a great example of the soundtrack's use of ambient horror.
The story is incredibly fun and offers a lot of replayability whether you want to do Jill or Chris' route, each route is unique in story and gameplay.
The added content to this remake such as the Trevor family does a good job of showing how evil Umbrella Corp. is from the start along with the enemies in this game doing a pretty good job showing off body horror such as the Chimeras or Hunters.

Where is my JILL SANDWICH???

esse jogo eh a definição do que é um jogo survivor horror. O melhor remake que a capcom fez de algum jogo da franquia.

really like it so far but have other games i wanna finish.
will definitely pick up and finish later when i wanna sit back and fully immerse myself

If I wanna point someone towards resident evil, I bring them here.

REmake is one of those great survival horror games, everyone who is a fan of the genre should at least try, its pre-rendered backgrounds make it beautiful to this day, and it's just as thrilling as it was 23 years ago.