Reviews from

in the past

Resident Evil 4 is a classic and icon for 3rd person shooters and it does not disappoint, the amount of content featured in the game still shocks me months after beating.

The Greatest even greater with the HD texture mod.

just a great fuckin' game, even if the controls may be a tad dated...

Replayed on Pro to get all the achievements and fuck me this is the most playable and enjoyable game ever made almost 20 years later. While I appreciate the smart restructuring the remake did, I would honestly rate it and this as equal. Remake might have a MUCH better story and much smoother gameplay but there's something downright magical about this somehow. Perfect pacing, 10/10 campy writing and characters, and a core gameplay loop so fun that not even 2005 jank and awful sections like U3 can ruin it. Unlike anything else in the series, for better and for worse. But mostly for better.
Also, shoutout to the RE4 HD Project, it's literally free and it makes the official remaster look like an AI upscale. Hopefully Capcom's shiny new DRM bullshit won't invalidate all the hard work they did for a non profit project!! only time will tell I guess.

bom demais esse aqui slc papai :P

After playing the remake I wanted to experience the OG since it's obviously different, here are my main pointers.

1. I appreciate the remake even more for fixing the combat, characters, and lining the story better

2. A lot of missing/different content it was like playing an entire different game

3. Good atmosphere reminds me of older games I played for PS2

4. Enemies pissed me off, like DMC level of annoying enemies sometimes, clunky shooting mechanics.

5. Ada is somehow even hotter and flirts more, she's just a badass Queen 👑

One of the best RE around

i'm so glad i decided to go back to the original before playing the remake this is so much fucking fun. I want to frame every line of dialogue and hang it on my wall

Literally perfect. I want to kiss Leon on the lips.

Finished a Pro difficulty run. Not worth the struggle just for a cheevo. Still one of the GOATs regardless. HD Project mod rules. Edit: Have now also beaten Seperate Ways, 100%ing my Steam cheevos.

What an absolute experience I just had with this game. This being my first Resident Evil game, and also my first ever horror game in general, I had no idea what expectations to be had for getting into this. I am simply astonished. Who knew that video games can give such a brilliant cinematic yet interactive experience? Who knew that there could be such perfect harmony between narrative, presentation, and gameplay? Resident Evil 4 has completely changed the way I look at video games from now on. I will admit, I am not much of a gamer at all besides my investment in franchises I’m already deeply connected to so what and how I gush about this game might not seem that all that new or impressive to most people.

Firstly, I have to talk about its presentation. It perfectly captures this livable setting in the countryside of Spain and the locations like the village, castle and island are all so distinct from one another yet they blend so well as a cohesive visual identity to Resident Evil 4. Despite how dark the game gets due to its setting being at night at times, there is just clarity in everything I can do, see, and interact with. It is easily distinguishable from what's just background and what I can interact with yet somehow it never looks out of place in keeping my immersion with the game. Though the immersion doesn’t just end at the visuals because what strikes me even more is the chilling sound design. The creeping atmosphere with the haunting sound effects makes every walk through a corridor or road so daunting. What’s even scarier is when I know there’s enemies ahead with the whispers and weapon sounds making the inevitability of combat all the more tense. Everytime I boot up this game I am just drenched in cold sweat with how engaged I am in playing as Leon with how real it makes me feel being in the world.

But I wish I knew more about this world. Being the 4th entry in the franchise, it definitely seems connected with the previous games with characters like Ada Wong and Krausser seeming to mention events from past games. It is okay though, the bottom line of Leon investigating and trying to recover Ashley is an intriguing enough hook with what seems to be some political struggle going on in the background which interests me enough to definitely check out the other games. These characters are fun to follow though, Leon has this cool no-nonsense behavior that of an actual military personnel but can also goof off if the situation allows it. My kinda guy. I was incredibly worried that since the game is essentially one giant escort mission that Ashley was going to be super insufferable but turns out she is alright. Yea she cries out for Leon a lot when she’s captured, but she’s helpful in her own right and can banter well with Leon in the more light-hearted scenes. The villains in this game are so menacing, and the way in taking down each one of them is just so satisfying both narratively and in the gameplay with how much they’re built up only for eventually to be taken down.

And that leads to the gameplay. The glue that sticks all these stellar aspects together. The haunting atmosphere of the presentation really adds to the gameplay since it affects the player with how tense they can get from the sounds and what's on screen, not to mention the superb model layout and background of the presentation helps the gameplay a lot in distinguishing your actions and interactables as previously mentioned. Then there is also the story giving enough context clues of what to do next especially helped with the notes left by various people providing hints on what's up ahead. What really blows my mind though is how well Resident Evil 4 has so many gameplay mechanics I usually despise, yet it works so well here. Tank controls, limited inventory, scarce resources, damage sponge enemies are also stuff I hate in most games but it just works really well for this game as it serves the narrative so well. Tank controls make the game more tense since you can’t just run away quickly. Limited inventory and scarce resources further cranks up the tension of being stranded. It is just amazing to me how so many of Resident Evil 4’s design choices are just meticulously chosen to work well with each other.

Overall, this game is going to the all time favorites list. It completely hooked me and I just couldn’t stop playing it even until the late nights. So glad I’m committing to this halloween theme of binging horror games that I have found a gem so many have praised but only now I am seeing. I will definitely be playing the extra content now especially since I want to see more of the one character I really liked being Ada Wong. 9.5/10, video games are great.

the autism life chose me (pc version)

Such a brilliant game, even after all this time, but this edition is one you absolutely need to mod to have a good experience with, since the QOL upgrades with the HD project are a necessity for anyone wanting to play this.
The "HD" textures of the base game are shocking but the HD project beats Capcom by miles, which is why you absolutely need the mod, as well as built-in enhancements so you can tailor make your own comfortable experience.

( ) Minecraft
( ) 144p
( ) Pixel Art
( ) Aceitável
(X) Bom
( ) Ótimo
( ) Cada frame foi pintado por Da Vinci

( ) Que história??
( ) Até tem história, mas não entendi nada
( ) Tem história só pra não dizer que não tem
(X) Uma história digna de prestar atenção
( ) Uma história bem elaborada
( ) Mais complexa que Machado de Assis

( ) Tudo travado igual a coluna de uma senhora de 90 anos
( ) Precisa de dois dedos pra jogar
( ) Ruim, mas com muita determinação até que vai
(X) Esquisito no começo, mas você acostuma
(X) Gostoso de jogar
( ) Orgasmo para os dedos/mãos

Trilha sonora
( ) Meu peido faz um barulho mais bonito
( ) Deixa mutado
( ) Nada de especial
( ) Boa
(X) Memorável
( ) Toque isso no meu funeral

Nível de diversão
( ) Tão legal quanto assistir uma poça d'água evaporar
( ) Da pra passar um tempo
(X) Vai te prender por horas!
( ) Vai te dar raiva
(X) Meu mundo melhorou depois de jogar isso aqui
(X) Já amanheceu ???

( ) Praticamente feito pela Bethesda
( ) Dá pra jogar
(X) Os bugs deixam o jogo mais divertido
(X) Alguns bugs
( ) A palavra bug é desconhecida
( ) Esse jogo saiu perfeito do forno

Tempo de jogo
( ) 1-5 horas
(X) 8-15 horas
( ) 24-48 horas
( ) + 100 horas
( ) Multiplayer infinito
( ) One Piece acaba e você ainda não fez tudo

( ) Você adapta a dificuldade
( ) Dá pra zerar vendado e bêbado
(X) Médio
( ) Com um pouco de prática vai
( ) Bem desafiador, as vezes difícil
( ) Soulslike
( ) Você precisa despertar o instinto superior para jogar

Para melhor experiência
( ) Desinstalar
(X) O jogo é Offline
( ) SinglePlayer
( ) Coop
( ) Multiplayer

Vale a pena ?
( ) Arrependimento
( ) Reembolsa isso ai
( ) É bom, mas pra zerar uma vez só
( ) Recomendo!
(X) Bom pra caralho, JOGUEM!
(X) Queria apagar a memória só pra me encantar de novo

My favorite Resident Evil Game

Joguei ele antes e depois de jogar o remake e tenho uma unica coisa a dizer, este jogo envelheceu como um Domaine de la Romanée de tão bom que ele ainda é e sempre sera, super recomendo para quem nunca jogou e já jogou, game maravilhoso.

Played this so close to the release of remake that I couldn't be bothered playing it yet, loved this wacky game

There's like a billion versions of this game and i don't know which one's the exact one i played. All i know is that the PC port displayed the console controls during QTEs, which obviously sucked and it made me die a bunch of times. Outside of that it was damn good and it had all the extra content.

Game is obviously good, the port is just trash.

Bom, eu tenho ZERO apreço pela franquia Resident Evil, pra falar a verdade, o estilo dos primeiros jogos me incomodam muito, mas por algum motivo, sempre tive curiosidade sobre o RE 4, e em 2023 decidi jogar pela primeira vez.
Quase 20 anos depois do seu lançamento, ele continua super atual, e eu AMEI o jogo, sério, achei uma Masterpiece absurda, foi uma das experiências mais divertidas que tive recentemente com video games, é extremamente divertido e cativante, a gameplay em geral é ótima e super responsiva.
Por falar em gameplay, a jogabilidade de RE 4 é sem dúvidas inovadora, e por mais que o estilo over the shoulder tenha sido muito utilizado e evoluído nos jogos atuais, aqui continua funcionando perfeitamente; O combate é ótimo, podendo chutar inimigos, atacar com a faca, atirar no joelho pro inimigo cair, tudo é muito divertido.
O jogo tem uma grande variedade de armas que podem ser melhoradas ao longo do game, assim evitando a repetição.
A histótia é muito cativante, e os personagens a completam muito bem, a Ada, Luis, Krauser, Mercador, Salazar e até a Ashley são ótimos secundários pra narrativa funcionar.
O Leon é um ponto a parte, que cara F0DA, ele fala de forma f0da, age de um jeito f0da, luta de forma f0da, e até da cantadas durante o decorrer do jogo; Ele é literalmente o estereótipo dos anos 2000, em que toda história tinha um protagonista descolado e f0dão, e eu adorei isso, combinou super bem com ele, talvez hoje em dia seria meio rídiculo algumas coisas, mas ele sempre foi um personagem extremamente amado pelo público, e com certeza não é atoa.
Gostei muito da ambientação e dos inimigos do jogo, sem falar das músicas e de frases icônicas como : "UN FORASTERO" ou "DEATRAS DE TI IMBECIL".
Enfim, é um jogo espetacular, tenho pouquíssimas ressalvas em relação a ele, só me incomodou o mapeamento dos controles para teclado e mouse, e senti que o jogo pra reta final perde um pouco a força e criatividade; Mas isso não me impediu de amar o jogo e virar um fãzasso dele, inclusive até tive vontade de jogar alguns outros, quem sabe um dia.

Solid classic survival-horror with immersive gameplay but it has B-movie plot full of cringe-worthy dialogues

Absolutely late to this bandwagon but couldn't care less. Playing this for the first time in 23' with the HD project is still an imposing experience.

I loved how memorable dialogue is, I swear even modern games which intentionally try to be funny couldn't land as many bangers as dear Mr Kennedy here does without an afterthought. Not to mean that it's all Leon's credit, the entire cast is hard to forget even for - metaphorically - small characters with limited screen time like Big Cheese Mendez and Krauser. I like the script so much that I'm already pissed that signature lines were scrapped from the - unplayed yet - REm4ke.

Visuals-wise it still looks and sounds good. It would be disrespectful to ignore mentioning the incredible effort made by Albert and Cris plus other members of the HD project team. The textures looked amazingly crisp without a single time looking out of place or wonky, their work is taking years, and they barely break even in terms of finances between their spending and donations, if you can definitely use their work, and if you liked it definitely think about donating if you could.

I could pull a 25 min essay just to brush on how or why RE4 gameplay is so fun, how innovative it is in variation and viability, how tactile and rich it feels. I'll just say that seeing Leon suplex a ganado for the first time irreversibly changed something inside me, how many hours people dumped playing mercs is a stronger testament than my words.

Undisputed milestone for gaming, nuff said.

Gameplay is good and delivers but could feel dated for some.
Characters are good and instantly recognizable.
Game falls off hard in later half (Island and Laboratory).
Great end game content and Separate Ways adds depth.